Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Commander Siqa

NAME: Siqa Verd
FACTION: The Confederacy, Storm Fleet
SPECIES: Human (Korun)
SEX: Female
HEIGHT: 1.7 meters
EYES: Brown
HAIR: Black
SKIN: Brown
APPEARANCE: Sonequa Martin-Green


Learned: Siqa has a strong, educational background.

Verd: Although infamous, the name Verd carries some weight in the Galaxy.

Inexperienced: Although qualified on paper, Siqa significantly lacks true battlefield experience.

Frail: Siqa is fit, but far from athletic.

  • Developing

Siqa was the exception.

She was born into a dynasty that had certain expectations. It was expected that anyone bearing her name would be gifted with the Force. It was expected that anyone bearing her name would naturally become a warrior. Yet, neither of these held true for Siqa. Despite being a direct descendent of the infamous [member="Darth Metus"], she was frail in every sense. Her power was minimal, at best. And her affinity for combat left much to be desired. It was for this reason that her kin were, justifiably, disappointed in her.

At first, they tried to change her. But, in time, they simply gave up.

Instead, her parents saw fit to keep her locked away from the world as productively as possible. Siqa, therefore, "grew up" several thousand light years away from her home. She was enrolled in a number of military academies throughout the years, with each serving to cultivate a new breed of Verd. For, what she lacked in the Force, she made up for with academics. In time, Siqa graduated and, having proven herself qualified, assumed command of a patrol unit within the budding Confederate Navy.

However, her name alone quickly saw her elevated to the rank Commander.

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