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Commen Contracts

In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]


Vanessa was here in the CSA once more. Why? To peddle her wares, of course. She had been directed to a woman by the name of Amelia Sorenn-Syrush regarding potential future developments in sales with the Commenori, and currently was sitting in the woman's office, perusing through a magazine as she waited patiently, the holoprojector at her waist containing any and all products currently being sold by the company - well, holoprojections of them, not the actual blueprints. She wasn't going to let her stuff be stolen after all.

Crossing her legs, she continued to enjoy the waiting room music.
Double doors sat across the room from where the woman sat, a receptionist sitting behind a large desk in front of them was ensuring that all traffic in and out of the office was watched carefully. A few moments later the doors would open with a soft and gently creaking as three heavily armored individuals stepped out, their armor covered in a visage of skeletal figures. The three would glance over at the waiting woman before slipping away down the hall - only then did a voice ring out - the droid perking up slightly.

"Yes Ma'am."

The droid slowly stood up, its six arms coming together and clasping her hands before her. The Nartaki droid stood before the woman that was waiting and offered a silent bow of her head.

"My Lady will see you now."

The droid stood up again before turning away, its movements fluid as if it were a moving river with a gentle current. Stepping in front of the large open doors, it stopped for a moment before checking over its shoulder. Taking a step to the side, three of its arms stretched out as the other three made a soft motion.

"This way please."

[member="Vanessa Vantai"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
Vanessa nodded in response, eager to follow the droid and make the contract with the Commenori representative in order to acquire the necessary funds to further the progression of business everywhere. "Sounds good." She stepped into the room, checking to make sure that she still had the holoprojector at her waist. As she was taken into the room in question where such negotiations were going to take place, Vanessa felt a sense of surprising calm - it was something she was rarely able to actually feel nowadays.

Once she got the opportunity, she sat down, waiting for the arrival of Miss Sorenn-Syrush.

[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]

The voice called from the other room, the droid quickly standing at full attention before stepping away from the waiting guest. It would disappear just as quickly into the side room, vanishing from sight for some time. Though once its task was apparently completed, the droid stepped back into the large meeting room, offering a bow of its head.

"She'll be with you momentarily."

Quietly afterwards it would shuffle from the room, its six hands gracefully pulling the large double doors closed with a loud thunk filling the room. Then silence, only the sound of the individual's natural rhythmic noises of their body. A few moments would pass before a woman clad in an expensive and brilliant gown stepped into the room - a datapad in one hand as she moved towards her desk. Without a single word, or even looking towards her guest, she set the datapad down before moving towards the opposite wall.

Slender fingers pressed against the molding, the wall shifting for a moment as a low hiss followed - a cabinet slipping out from behind the wall. Drinks sat quietly in various shelves and decanters, waiting for their moment to be chosen. Carefully lifting the crystal decanter from where it rest, a glass was plucked along with it before coming to rest upon the desk. Still she remained silent, going about her fluid motion as she poured the sanguine liquid into the waiting glass.

Taking her seat, she lift up the glass, bringing it to her lips and taking a sip before setting the glass down before her once more. Her hands coming to clasp together as she leaned back in her seat, her golden hues finally falling upon the woman before her. Nodding her head silently, she motioned with her hand, waiting for her guest to speak.

[member="Vanessa Vantai"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
The Sith lady smiled, eying the woman before her - she was a carefully crafted specimen - and a true, pure-blooded Sanguinis Vampirika. Her past interaction with Vallory had caused her to do some reading up on the species, to find whatever information she could about the race. Apparently, strangely enough, they out of all species resembled the galactic tales of vampires more than any other - more than the soup-sucking Anzati and the life-leeching Energy Vampires.

“Miss Syrush. How fantastic that we were able to make this arrangement after so long.” She opened. “I have come for the opportunity of hopefully being able to provide the Commenor Systems Alliance with fine armaments, which I of course would be more than glad to show you should you request such.” Vanessa concluded.

Her eyes intriguingly gazed at the liquid - the sanguine coloration left no doubt what it was that she was imbibing. “I see the stories I was told were hardly lies at all. A pleasure to see you truly are as beguiling as I have heard.”

[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]
"One would hope that the stories you've heard were not fallacies and falsities in regards to myself or my own kind - though such conversation is best held until after business as pleasure has its own time and place."

Amelia would nod quietly again, though leaned forward, her fingers slowly wrapping around the glass. Lifting it up once more, she took another sip of the sanguine liquid, her tongue slipping out slightly to pick up the small drop that managed to escape and bead upon her chin. Setting the glass down once more, her attention remained forward upon the guest. Had she remained within the stifling confines of the Free World Coalition she wouldn't even be having this meeting with this individual at the moment. In her mind it was best that she upped and moved Sorenn-Syrush Industries into the Commenor Systems Alliance.

Taking a moment to think, she carefully selected her words as she always had done. Her eyes closing for a moment before the golden hues fell upon her guest once more. She had listened to what was being proposed and she had a simple question in response.

"Sorenn-Syrush Industries produces armaments, many of which are directed into the armory of the CSA. What would your corporation have to offer?"

[member="Vanessa Vantai"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Exotic weaponry and exotic ships." She said. "We have in development a wide variety of weapons that have not been used in the galaxy for hundreds of years due to their technology having been lost. We have ships that are specialized for a variety of roles - fighters armed with eight laser cannons, super-heavy bombers, and mass-produced beam cannons. We are working on a beam cannon-equipped sentry gun for use in anti-capital ship duty that we intend to offer the Commenor Systems Alliance." She said. "I would be happy to give you the opportunity to look over our product list."

She placed the holoprojector on the table before the woman, the button for her to activate it clearly visible.

[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]
"Those are fine weapons if one is set to wage a war of aggression. I am sure you understand though that the Commenor Systems Alliance is one of defensive means. There is no need for a Starfighter with eight laser cannons, when one with two or four can do the same job. What reason then would Commenor have for these offensive weapons?"

Taking up the glass in hand, she brought it to her lips once more, taking another sip. Her eyes closed for the moment as she listened and focused her words within her mind. She had just as much to lose with these contracts as Commenor had to gain from anything substantial - though she would ensure to keep that in mind that she not permit a conflict of interest to arise - still it remained a pertinent question. Commenor was a world of defensive means and not one that would take to aggressive posturing, thus in her mind she didn't see a need for such offensive means.

A soft sigh escaped her lips as she set the glass down, before resettling in her seat, slowly crossing one leg over the other. With her hands folding in her lap, her eyes slowly opened - those golden hues settling upon her guest.

"What I am attempting to ascertain here is to the degree of which these products of yours would be useful for Commenor and its allied worlds. What use would mass produced beam-cannons have when such weapons drain power rapidly. Why should the CSA military spend credits on weapons that'll drain their power more rapidly than a standard blaster cannon?"

[member="Vanessa Vantai"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
"Such a starfighter is, to put it lightly, capable of engaging even the most powerful of bombers." She said. "The trend of attacking forces nowadays is to utilize super-heavy bombers, with extreme shielding and firepower - our Coryphin-class super-heavy bomber is a superb example of such a ship. A standard interceptor neither has the firepower to strike back at a super-heavy bomber nor the durability to withstand its turrets. That is where a ship like our Eightgun comes in. It has the firepower to take out any heavily armored craft with ease, thus proving most effective against heavy and super-heavy bombers. It is also exceedingly durable against enemy fire while maintaining a relatively effective amount of performance." She replied.

"Offensive weaponry is effective in a defensive role. The beam weaponry is capable of dealing with enemy ships at range - which I would consider to be quite important, all things considered." She said. "The beam cannons do not drain power any more than turbolaser batteries do. They are also capable of immense destruction, ensuring that the only thing that gets within combat range of a Commenori ship or station is a hulk of twisted slag."

She thought for a moment. "The best defense is a lot of firepower. I am here to offer that firepower."

[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]
Amelia let out a soft sigh as she brought her hand up, rubbing the bridge of her nose for a moment before pulling herself from her seat. She moved to the window, crossing her arms over her chest as she let out another soft sigh, golden hues looking over the city before her. Taking a moment to find her words, she carefully moved to her desk before fetching another datapad. Her fingers quickly rushed over the screen and in a few moments she produced a handful of flimplast from a nearby printer.

"These are requisition orders - nothing flashy in terms of what you're offering - calling them trial records. Take these to Deputy Minister Cato Marek and he'll ensure that the orders are put through the proper channels. If what your offering is worth what you're claiming, then Commenor will purchase more as they are needed."

Amelia stepped forward, setting the small stack of forms down on the table in front of the woman before her. Slowly she grasped her glass and took a sip of the sanguine liquid before setting it back down.

"Consider this a trial contract that can and will be terminated as Commenor sees fit. Understood?"

[member="Vanessa Vantai"]
In Umbris Potestas Est
[member="Amelia Sorenn-Syrush"]

"Fair enough." Vanessa replied, giving a modest nod of the head as she pondered over the future interactions she would have with the woman before her. "I suppose with such contractual negotiations having been made, our time together is at an end." She frowned for but a brief moment. "Guess I'll take my leave. Unless, perhaps, there is anything else I can do to assist you, Lady Sorenn-Syrush." There was hardly any reason to actively attempt to end the situation.

There were options after all, interesting options through which she could approach this sort of delightful creature and forge worthwhile relationships.

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