Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Commission for the Preservation of the Sith Order (COMPSOR)

Commission for the Preservation of the Sith Order

The Commission for the Preservation of the Sith Order (COMPSOR) was created shortly after the establishment of the New Sith Empire in the Core Worlds by the One Sith and their Dark Lord. Like it’s ancient predecessor COMPNOR, it was made with the idea of upholding and enforcing the Sith-Imperial ideals on the citizens already living under their rule, and those they intended to conquer.

An all pervasive organization, COMPSOR was divided into several sub-organization whose sole purpose was to integrate itself into civilian life, and hammer in the ideals of the Sith and the Imperials through propaganda, re-education, and the suppression and absolute control of information both written and recorded.

The organization was ruled by a committee of executives whose members were constantly in flux, but they ultimately answered to a single individual, most likely a Sith Lord, who directed the actions of the organization through his various proxies in the committee.

From the committee on down the organization was then divided into six sub-groups:

Imperial Youth
Coalition for Imperialization
Committee of Development
Security Militia
Imperial Mission
Ministry of Truth / Propaganda

Imperial Youth
The Imperial Youth was designed to recruit youthful Imperial citizens and indoctrinate them in the Empire’s Sith-Imperialist ideologies. The Youth was overseen by various Imperial officers who drilled Imperial propaganda and doctrine into the minds of the younger members, and in turn kept them ignorant of the darker aspects of the Empire. When the members of the Youth came of age they would be properly indoctrinated and assigned to one of the other organizations with COMPSOR.

The Imperial Youth was then further divided into four different sub-groups, they included:


Recruitment was a section of the Commission for the Preservation of the Sith Order's Imperial Youth that was responsible for recruiting new members into the organization's ranks. The organization scoured Imperial space for young individuals between the ages of five and fifteen to induct into the Youth. Incentives were given to parents to better ensure that they’d relinquish their children over to the organization, although it wasn't uncommon to have agents of Recruitment to take the children through force.

Motivation was a section of the Commission for the Preservation of the Sith Order's Imperial Youth that dealt with members who failed to live up to tenets of the Empire. Their goal was to modify the behavior of said individuals and turn them into citizens useful to the New Sith Empire through various methods that many would consider to be unethical, such as torture and mental conditioning. Their reputation for stamping out trouble makers since the start of the war were well deserved.

Education was a division of the Commission for the Preservation of the Sith Order's Imperial Youth that was tasked with bringing education --Imperial history, Sith-Imperial ideology, and more-- to the worlds of the Empire, specifically to the younger and easily manipulated minds of the Empire’s children. The members of Imperial Youth - Education were highly organized and fervently dedicated to the ideals they imposed on the younger citizens, and they firmly believed that the Empire was the superior regime for the galaxy fractured by war and supernatural entities.

Recreation was a section of the Commission for the Preservation of the Sith Order's Imperial Youth designed to create, organize, and host various activities for those in the Imperial Youth. While they incorporated many already existing popular competitive sports into their repertoire, they continuously came up with various ‘war games’ for the youths to partake in, obviously gearing them towards eventually service in either the Imperial military or COMPSOR’s own military branch, the Security Militia.

Coalition for Imperialization
The Coalition for Imperialization, or CoImp for short, is the primary data-collection and observation agency within the overbranching COMPSOR organization. Designed to monitor and investigate mass amounts of data both written and recorded, CoImp was made up of System Monitors that would be assigned to individual star systems and would regulate, promote, or suppress art, science, commerce, education, and the justice of their systems.

For each Monitor group there were five sub-committees dedicated to a specific cultural aspect:


Art was a series of groups that were part of the Commission for the Preservation of the Sith Order's Coalition for Imperialization. Each system within the Sith Empire had their own Art group, which assessed the suitability of art forms within its jurisdiction. The Art groups would censor anything that was particularly anti-Imperial, anti-Sith, or generally anything that they felt was displeasing. Thus garnering them a nasty reputation among those who felt the need to express themselves through art.

Science was a series of groups that were part of the Commission for the Preservation of the Sith Order's Coalition for Imperialization. Science groups reported on the scientific activity within their assigned sectors, and also actively encouraged and coordinated research and development with an eye towards enhancing scientific endeavors in support of the Empire. Generally these endeavors were militaristic in nature, but a small percentage of these projects were non-military, but received little interest or recognition by the majority of the Empire.

Commerce was a series of groups that were part of the Commission for the Preservation of the Sith Order's Coalition for Imperialization. COMPSOR's Commerce agencies worked with the commercial houses within their jurisdiction to design and promote economic programs to improve planetary economies in the Sith Empire. Amongst the successes credited to Commerce was the Imperial System Development Programs, known as "ImpDevs", which rendered aid to frontier worlds that suffered during the recession of the Republic to make them self-sufficient.

Education was a series of agencies that were part of the Commission for the Preservation of the Sith Order's Coalition for Imperialization. Education's mandate was to promote the values of the New Order throughout education. Unlike Education members of the Imperial Youth, Education personnel did not teach, but produced reports of how sectors could restructure their education systems to reflect the ideology of the Sith Empire.

Justice was a series of agencies that were part of the Commission for the Preservation of the Sith Order's Coalition for Imperialization. They were responsible for creating uniform legal code to be enforced in the planetary systems across the Sith Empire. The implementation of the new legal system increased efficiency due to the efforts of Justice personnel. While not a police agency by definition, members of Justice often consorted with the Security Militia to enforce their judicial doctrines.

Committee of Development
Working in conjunction with the Coalition for Imperialization, the Committee of Development was created to receive copied reports from the Coalition and were tasked with “improving” systems in the Empire that had deviated from the Sith-Imperial ideals.

System Development was a series of agencies under the auspices of the Commission for the Preservation of the Sith Order's Committee of Development. Responsible for overseeing the development of the Sith Empire's territories, the resources made available to each system agency varied as priorities for short term projects were given priority funding. To combat this, sector agencies initiated many low cost, long term development strategies, which they would then pour available funds into those promising the greatest return.

System Development contained two separate departments with specific mandates:

Imperial Agency of Modification
Imperial Agency of Redesign

The Imperial Agency of Modification was under the control of the Coalition for Improvements' Sector Development agencies. Its public face was as an association of technologists and specialists who strove to help star systems modify their technology to fall in line with the Imperial standard. However, they were also responsible for modifying social conditions and institutions on the planet to better conform to the Sith-Imperial ideology, thereby increasing the loyalty of the citizens. Members of the Department of Modification would promote the achievements and careers of those individuals who were politically in line with the Empire, then create subtle problems that only their chosen individuals—with the Agency's assistance—could solve.

The Imperial Agency of Redesign was under the control of the Committee of Development's System Development agencies. The Agency was deployed to planets that Improvements had deemed to be unsalvageable—worlds that would not, through any small modifications, be a loyal member of the Empire. If the planet had value, the Imperial Military was called in, often with Redesign's assistance. Redesign's bland neutral description of its work—"state changes," "shock vectors," and "bifurcation manifolds"—hide some of the most heinous and evil acts ever undertaken by the Empire. Redesign rarely had the resources to focus their efforts on more than one planet in a given sector at any time.

Security Militia
The Security Militia was the military wing of COMPSOR, created to provide the Sith Order with an army of utterly loyal soldiers separate from the Stormtrooper Corps. Stormtroopers were trained to obey orders without thinking, but at the same time, they were proudly independent of the line military; Security Militia units, in contrast, were embedded within the hierarchy of the Imperial Military, and their members were motivated primarily by conscious adherence to the tenets of the Sith-Imperial ideology. In theory, they were shock troops and officer candidates; in effect, they were security troops and political officers, answerable to the Sith Order's ideologues rather than the High Command—an army within the Army, designed to tighten and enforce the grip of the Imperial hierarchy on the military.

Imperial Mission
The Imperial Mission was originally a product of the ancient Emperor Jagged Fel's 'Victory Without War' program, and was tasked with peacefully spreading Imperial influence by providing aid to people and planets ruined by the Yuuzhan Vong war. However; this revival of the organization more closely follows it's incarnation under Darth Wyyrlok's command, and while the Mission still spread Imperialistic ideals to the common people, it was also woven intricately with Sith teachings as well. Thus the Imperial Mission is perhaps the most public organization to adhere to the Sith-Imperial ideals the current Empire advocates, and members of the organization, termed 'Missionaries', were easily identifiable by their white silken garb.

Ministry of Truth / Propaganda
The Imperial Ministry of Truth / Propaganda was an organization responsible for the creation and dissemination of various Imperial propaganda intended to glorify the Empire or cover up its atrocities. The head of the ministry notably oversaw the HoloNet News agency, ensuring that its stories were in line with government messaging, and censored anything that the ministry deemed 'dangerous' or 'thought-provoking'. By working to both censor and glorify the Empire through various forms of propaganda, the ministry paints a utopian society in which life under the Sith Lords was a paradise, and that the terrorists of the Republic and Protectorate sought to undermine authority, order, and justice. It was also known to demonize the Jedi Order, and paint them in a similar light that the citizens of the Republic viewed the Sith.

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[member="Darth Vornskr"]


As a lover of the canon COMPNOR idea, I wholeheartedly support this.

[member="Ein Necavich"]

This is also an excellent opportunity to create a plethora of job openings for NFU PCs!

Which, besides creating a layer of totalitarianism to the faction, was my intention. :D
[member="Darth Vornskr"]

Great write up, man! I'm looking forward to seeing how this develops.

Unfortunately none of my Sith characters would last a day under a totalitarian regime.

They'd be like don't burn my nude paintings! :p

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