The Absolution of Loste
Syd Celsius
Skajin var Imret
From: Laertia Io
Mr. Imret,
You find yourself in most welcome company. My heart grieves at what you suffered. I lost my whole family as well to my enemies.
I would be delighted to collaborate. Please join me aboard my ship for tea. It will be in your vicinity in 007 hours.
Signed Laertia Io, Warrior of House Li-Ves
Laertia Io busied herself in the Armory after sending that message, carefully setting up the new holding station for
The Sword of Surt'r, which was sealed in Nullification Resin before being brought aboard The Modified Gozanti Cruiser that served as her Base of Operations. She set it up next to her other most dangerous weapon,
The Sword of Cinndurr which had similar devices...non lethal sonic det charges rigged with Anti-Handling devices, with a Force Field surrounding it. It took an hour, but soon the strange blade, which she had deemed too powerful to leave in the open after she saw what it did to her Force Doppelgangers, was encased in the containment system.
Seriously freaked out by whatever that 'Flow Walk' had been on Abraxas, Laertia had not yet decided how to confront Syd with the revelation she had experienced supposedly with a past version of her lover.
The idea that she was bonded to a Force Spawn wasn't what scared her. It was the idea they were destined to bond that scared her. To what end.
Maybe they were meant to fight a great evil. Maybe that fight was against The Bryn'adul.
Or maybe whoever that cat eyed creature was that wore Syd's face was simply misreading things.
Laertia wanted to trust. She could feel Syd had nothing but good intentions towards her...but yet...that past version...
"So there you are..."
Laertia whirled around. Her mouth fell open as she beheld Syd.
Syd was in green, stocking and garter style lingerie, black heels clicking across the floor, a seductive smile playing across her face.
Belly dancer gear was one thing. Lingerie was...quite another.
Laertia's damaged brain gurgled with pleasure at the sight, in spite of the ominous past few days since recovering that strange blade. She felt that loving warmth in Syd's spirit, which she could lose herself in, and had a few times in the past as they meditated together.
The recovery of T'sid Surt'r's blade (And spiked jacket) made Laertia remember there was so much they didn't know about each other. So much they knew the other was scared to reveal.
But Laertia knew Syd had clearly never recognized her when they met in Golbah City. It didn't make sense.
Syd gestured to the new addition in Laertia's arsenal.
"Another 'Last Resort'?" Syd asked, slinking up to the Black Knight, who was wearing her pitch black hooded Kimono.
"What's it do?" Syd asked, clearly not recognizing it in any way, from what Laertia could observe. She felt curiosity, not familiarity.
"It...cuts ghosts...and it summons them..." Laertia answered, a strange part of her brain she was unfamiliar with indulging following every movement Syd made, wanting to tear the green giftwrap she wore off the red head.
She must have let her desires slip out a bit, because Syd floated to her instantly, arms wrapped around her shoulder.
"There's no need to hide 'that' desire, my love. Not today..." Syd whispered lustfully, her warm spirit enflamed with passion.
"I...I..." Laertia trailed, trying to think, only for Syd to plant her lips on her mid-speaking attempt.
The parts of her brain she didn't know how to really address when it came to romance made her sieze Syd by the waist, returning the kiss for a few precious seconds before her logic forced her away.
"Wait..." Laertia said, slowly pulling out of her grasp, and taking a seat near a workbench. "There are things we need to discuss..."
Syd sat on a seat next to Laertia, crossing long legs, Sharon Stone style.
"I'm all ears..."
Laertia's next question made Syd stand up.
"What is the Kolda-Bratha Calculus?"
Syd paused, then sighed, rubbing her eyes.
"Remember when I said I wasn't always organic? For a long time, I was a being of living flame itself. Potent magic was required to enable my existence in such a state. The Kolda-Bratha Calculus allowed me to exist in that state of being..." She began, pacing about. What had her love found out?
"Its a magical mathematical formula that truly exists only outside our reality, except for what small fragments creep in via Divine Revelation. It controls aspects of Time, and Time related magic. The whole Formula is too vast to hold in one mind..."
"Could it be used to actually Time Travel?"
Syd shook her head. "To Time Travel, actually, physically Time Travel is a fragment of Calculus knowledge that has never actually been revealed...you could never 'fully' go back. Just like Flow Walking. Its a hard coded rule. It would make the universe itself crush you trying to truly Time Travel...it would put too much at stake. At best, you could manage a 'halfway state' You wouldn't be truly in the past. But you wouldn't truly be in the present either. It could only be done at fixed locations also. You would never be able to change history at all. Ever. You would always fail. Period. Are you...are you saying you have experienced something like this?"
Laertia hesitated.
Syd cupped her lovers face.
"Please don't shut me out. I can help. I want to. Whatever it is, you can trust me."
Laertia breathed slowly in and out. She pointed to the sealed up sword she had acquired.
"I found that in a chamber full of weird math formulas I never saw before. They whisked me to a place in ancient Coruscant...where I ran into the one who made it. She had your face, Syd. She claimed we were destined to meet. Destined to be together."
A stunned Syd could only step back.
"She didn't seem mean. Learned a few things from her. She called herself T'sid Surt'r ..."
Laertia stood up.
"I don't want to jump to conclusions. But I want answers..."