Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Common Contributions #1: CLA Coastal Fort [PM Invite]


Arcrystal System
Mystic Strand
The day was young, the weather mild. A slight overcast caused the atmosphere to feel dulled and drab against the cliffside which was being drilled out en masse. Entire buklheads and freighting crates of metal and components were flown in from XQ1 group by group, with the largest pieces hauled in through capital bulk freighters and lifting shuttles. There were hundreds of workers from the colonies and the union present for one job or another. Three squadrons of Shrike-Class Main Walkers guarded the site while orbital fleet installations formed a barrier against inbound entities. The construction of the first CLA base was about to begin.
The Cerberus had long since been grounded in regards to this construction event. Because of the armed freighter doing so, many of its internal complement vessels had already been deployed and were busily transporting materials to and fro the building site. Small teams of cargo loading droids purchased by Hegemonic Automaton were dutifully working while their smaller counterparts, the Z3s were off near the shore and were aiding in the construction itself.

Most of the droids had jobs to do, even the battle droids who had been activated and were now watching each and every entrance to the Cerberus. When one had been a bounty hunter and mercenary for almost a thousand years, you tended to make lots of enemies and staying constantly vigilant always, always paid off.

[member="Aless Mnaya"]

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