Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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[member="Dorin Arkx"]


Einon headed to one of his usual haunts in Chasin City. It was night, but still a bit before curfew, so he didn't have to worry about being roughed up by one of the Sith Imperial troopers that patrolled the area. He had work to do. Very little people knew of it, and those that did knew only bits and pieces. It was all a part of the cover story he needed to get things in motion.

He kept an eye out as he walked, looking as disinterested in everything as he possibly could. Einon was quite good at not being noticed. That was part of his job as the Head of Security for the Royal Palace, his former occupation. Now he had a new job. His employer was....well certainly not the Royal family. And that was a secret that he didn't want to divulge to anyone. The less that knew, the better for everyone.

Einon stepped inside the local bar, the sound of music and chatter wafting out onto the street along with the smoke from deathsticks. He walked over to the bar and signalled the bartender. "The usual."

"One ale, coming up."

It didn't take long after that brief exchange for the drink to be in his hand. He took a swig and then studied those that gathered here quietly. That's what he usually did while he was here, so the troopers inside didn't pay him any mind. It was good to be habitual.

In retrospect, Dorin regretted taking that job here. Make no mistake, the planet was lovely. Dorin might have even considered retiring here. But anywhere there were Sith Troopers, there was trouble. And check points. So many checkpoints. Dorin sighed quietly as he shoved his papers back into his bag. They were just doing their job, he knew, but Sith always get bored easily, and most find antagonizing their subjects to be immense fun.

The one at the star port was especially good at that. Needed five forms, two of them redundant, just for his armor alone. In fact, if not for the contract he carried with him, he wouldn't have been permitted to keep his sword. But instead they were happy to require a visit to law enforcement and about a million forms to allow him safe passage.

But, that was all a thing of the past now. Job had been completed, Dorin had been paid, and his shuttle left tomorrow. Wasn't feeling tired enough for sleep, so he did the next best thing. The bar he chose was a noisy one, but at the very least the music wasn't awful. He stepped up to the bar and set a credit chit on the bar. When the barkeep got down to him, he slid the chit across and said, "Corellean Ale, the older the better."

He then reached up to remove his helmet, closing his eyes momentarily while he replaced it with a polarized visor. The helmet was clipped to the small of his back underneath the long trailing scarf he wore around his neck. Finally, Dorin leaned against the bar, rolling his neck as he settled in for a restful evening after another successful hunt. Sure, there were plenty of folks staring, but then a lot of people did. Especially with a sword like his, and especially on a planet like this...


Well [member="Dorin Arkx"] was new to the place. According to Einon anyways. He didn't appear Commenori. Moreover he seemed to be passing through. Was he Sith? The former Head of Security wasn't a Force User at all, so he'd actually have to witness the Force abilities himself, or ask outright. That wasn't about to be something that he'd do.

Dorin approached the bar right next to him. Einon just gave him a sideways glance as he took another swig of his ale, raising a brow as the man put on a visor while inside. Hmmm. Light sensitivity. That could be useful to know.

"Nice sword. I take it that you didn't come here as a vacation destination? Might of been better a few months ago if you had." Everything was better a few months ago. That was before the occupation started.

At least Commenor wasn't plagued by war. Yet...
Dorin glanced sidelong at the man beside him as he took his mug of ale and took a gulp. He didn't say anything for a moment, seeming to size the man up. When he did speak, his accent was....vaguely Mandalorian. It was faint, but it was there all the same. Dorin certainly didn't seem like a Mandalorian, his armor had far too much...flair to it. "My thanks. I wish I could tell you I forged her myself, but she was a gift. And my most treasured one, at that. You would be correct, watcher, I'm here on business. Or, rather I was."

He turned to face the man fully now. "Not a bad planet, though. Bit strict on paperwork, but then most Sith planets are. Somewhat refreshing, frankly. Provided your paperwork is in order. As a child I always imagined you lot to be agents of chaos, and yet you maintain some of the best ordered planets I've ever visited."

Dorin offered a hand to [member="Einon"] . He looked like he knew a few things, if not people. Never a bad person to side with. Especially when coin was involved. "Master Hunter Dorin, of the House of Arkx, the last of my blood. Hunter of the mystic and strange by trade, and friend of all reasonable folk by birth. At your service."


Einon wasn't surorised to hear that the sword that [member="Dorin Arkx"] wielded was forged by someone else. There weren't many that could make great weaponry. Some pretended, while others were real masters of the craft.

He had another swig of his drink as the man spoke of the paperwork and the order in which everything seemed to be in. Martial law and occupations tended to do that. What caught him by surprise however was that Dorin assumed that he was a Sith. That was...unusual.

Einon took the man's hand and gave it a hearty shake. "Einon of House...well, that doesn't matter. I'm Commenori through and through. Lived and worked here all my life. Sure I've travelled, but there's no place like home."

He took another swig of his drink. "What sorts of things have you hunted down?"
Dorin smiled lightly at the question [member="Einon"] posed. "All kinds, good sir, all kinds. I think to date my most impressive kill was a great alchemical beast that had unfortunately broken the control of its Sith Master."

He took another swig of his drink, and set the mug on the bar, before turning to lean back against it, surveying the rest of the crowd. "In fact, that's why I was summoned here. Not to kill one, fortunately, but to offer advice for training it. Or, rather how to better control it."

His visor eventually landed back on Einon, and studied the man quietly for a moment. "If you will permit me to ask, Commenorian, what think you of your new governors? I always find such questions to be quite...illuminating."


A Sith beast that needed training? That's why [member="Dorin Arkx"] was here? Well that was concerning. If there were Sith beasts being brought here, no doubt it was to control the populace. Einon's thoughts weren't betrayed by his expression, for he had learned a long time ago how to keep it neutral.

Another swig of his drink was taken as Dorin asked about the changes on Commenor. Most were very careful in their answers, not wanting to be suspected of being a part of the underground rebel movement. It was a habit that started to give one the feel of indocturnated propaganda. Einon's words flowed easily as though they were natural. "Govenors come and go, some for long terms and some for short. Yet the people, the Commenori, remain the same. As long as things remain civil, it'll be alright." He knew they wouldn't be.

"Have you ever hunted down artifacts? The hocus pocus kind, I mean. Figure I should have some means to ward off bad magic."
Dorin watched [member="Einon"] quietly as he explained his view on the Sith. As per usual, his answer told Dorin a lot. Namely, that Einon wasnt Sith, nor was he a Sith sympathizer. And yet, he was smart enough to not blatantly oppose them. Dorin's mouth twitched as Einon asked possibly the most outlandish question he'd ever heard, but he refrained from laughing outright.

"There is no....magic, per say. There is only the Force, and a great many ways to use it. Very rarely do you find artifacts that shield you from the force's will. And those that are out to be found are often times in possession of far more powerful people than you or I."

Dorin took another gulp of his drink, draining the rest of his mug. "You, however, don't strike me as the kind for academic inquiries. Have something particular in mind, do you?"


"The Force, magic, it's all the same thing. Some use magic words while others use their minds. It's much different than what average people can do." It was disappointing to Einon that there was no artifact that was accessible to either [member="Dorin Arkx"] or himself. What a pity.

He shrugged his shoulders a bit to Dorin's question. "Just curious. I know some people with a bad magic problem. Thought I could find a way to help them out with that. But if there's nothing out there that could help, then I suppose I'll have to find help in other ways." Like fighting. Either through ambushes, traps or otherwise, he'd find a way.

Einon finished his ale and signalled the bartender to give him another. This problem was not going to be an easy one to solve.
Dorin watched [member="Einon"] for a moment quietly, then, as he signaled for another drink, Dorin did as well. "Make it two. Put his on my tab."

Dorin turned back to Einon as he fished another credit chit out of his small pouch. "I didn't say there was nothing that could help. Just...very difficult to find. And or keep. But I must admit you've got me curious. VERY, curious."

Dorin gave Einon a knowing look. He leaned forward slightly, and spoke quietly, and yet, through some trick of the force, Einon was able to hear every word Dorin said. In fact he might get the feeling that he was the ONLY one that heard what Dorin said. "You play dangerous games, Einon of Commenor. You're smarter than to openly oppose the Sith, but make no mistake, I know you are no friend of the Empire. So I offer you a choice. You pay for your own drink, I leave, and we never see each other again. Or, we find a quiet place to talk, and we find a way to fix this little problem of yours."


Einon gave a slight nod in thanks to the free ale. It wasn't necessary, but he wasn't one to turn down a free drink. Especially these days.

Yet it was quite apparent that [member="Dorin Arkx"] was no longer interested in being cryptic. He didn't look the type to beat around the bush much anyways. Would Einon oblige? The former Head of Security was a good judge of character and from what he had gathered, the man was being honest. That was a good quality.

The offer of choice came next in hushed tones as the bartender returned with their drinks. Einon took his and had a sip. "Follow me." He stepped away from the bar and headed to the back room. There was always a private room in one of these establishments. He knew it well from his times of having to rough up a few people. All part of the job. Once they were inside, he shut the door and activated a jamming device hidden at the base of a light. "Your assumptions are right. I'm no friend of theirs.
A lot of us aren't. So how can you help?"
Dorin didn't even bother touching his drink. The time for drink had passed, the time for business had come. "I am bound by the laws of my Order. We cannot seek out conflict in the galaxy, it is against our way. The Council would prefer to remain neutral where we can, and not make enemies on any front."

Dorin glanced around the room quietly, before centering his gaze back on Einon. "That said, I've seen my share of wars. And, in spite of our...MY suspected origins, I have no love for the Sith. Particularly on planets such as these. How can I help? That depends on what help you need. I am a skilled swordsman, but you and I both know that a lone blade shall not change the tides of war. Force Hunters are particularly skilled in ways of beast and relic, some moreso than others. For starters, whatever resistance movement Commenor has, I can give them detailed plans for Sith Warbeasts, and the most effective methods of culling them."

He held up a datapad, and then offered it to [member="Einon"] with a smug smile playing about the corners of his lips. "Funny how advising on Sith Warbeasts will put one in a position to know the finer details of such things."

Dorin watched Einon quietly for a moment before finishing, "If I were to wager a guess, I'd think you already have something in mind, else you wouldn't have asked me about that hypothetical artifact..."


Given that [member="Dorin Arkx"] spoke of being a Hunter of things, Einon could only assume that he had meant a hunting Order like the Bounty Hunters Guild or some sort. His neutral stance made perfect sense. "Commenor was neutral as well, until the blockade and siege happened. It kept us out of war for so long. And now?..." He shrugged his shoulders. It was hard to tell who's side they were on. For most of the governing party, it was the Sith. But for others, it was everyone else but the Sith.

Einon listened to the man spill out a proposal like a salesman. He was good. It was hard not to like the guy for a comrade-at-arms, even if he'd probably be working through a contract. He took a swig of his drink and set it on a table before taking the datapad in hand with a smirk. "Yeah, funny that." He skimmed through some of the images about the Sith Warbeasts. "How vicious are these things? Could we use them?
Maybe trap them in an enclosed area and oops; some Sith just HAPPEN to become trapped themselves and aren't able to get out? That's one option that I now have in mind among the many."
"An idea I've seen fail far too often."

Dorin pulled a chair away from the table, and flipped it around to straddle it. "I'm afraid there wouldn't be much use for such creatures. They're being held here for open warfare, or quelling the inevitable rebellion. Don't eat, don't sleep. The Sith have spent millennia perfecting these creatures. But, dealing with them is...simple. In theory, anyways. These particular beasts are alchemically modified. Bound to and bred by a single master. If you were to eliminate him, the beasts would become enraged. Something like what you're suggesting. However, ask yourself if you are willing to unleash such a terror on the people of Commenor. For they will not stop with the Sith, nor will they discriminate."

Dorin let that sink in for a moment, watching [member="Einon"] quietly, before continuing. "The best way, to my mind, is to draw them to a secluded place, strike fast and hard, and pick off the beasts one by one. Assuming your resistance has the manpower to accomplish such a thing?"


Einon listened patiently to [member="Dorin Arkx"] as he explained the Sith Warbeasts. His expression remained neutral, but his mind was calculating different scenarios. There were of course many different options when it came to undertaking this form of strategy.

"Our shield generator system worked quite well during the siege. It kept millions save from orbital bombardment, as well as ground attacks. They were however compromised due to a traitor. But..." He took a swig of his ale. "...I've been working quietly with others in getting new shield generators put into place in various areas. Get some of the Sith into one of those spots, turn on the shields, and then they'd be trapped.
All that we need is to set of some charges inside and it'd be a death trap."

After the smoke and dust had settled, they could reset it all and do it again. All in different spots. They'd just have to lure their pray in.
Dorin rubbed his chin in quiet thought. "Might could work. Though the longer that process goes on, the more likely the Sith are to catch on."

Dorin reached up and rubbed the bridge of his nose, closing his eyes as his visor was displaced. "Though if the system was compromised by a traitor, I trust they've been dealt with? Once a traitor, always a traitor."

He slid his visor back down over his eyes, and looked back towards [member="Einon"] . "Though beyond that, I feel you're already suitably equipped to handle things, especially given the biological data on my datapad there. So, what other things might I help consult on? I'm afraid my time is limited, as I've a shuttle to catch to my next contract. Though I could be persuaded to stay longer to personally assist with some of these endeavors..."


"Once or twice would be the limit, I think. And in areas away from eachother." Commenor was a big planet, afterall. Their population might not be as high as others, but there were a few pockets where the density was higher. Minus the obliterated Munto City, of course.

Einon took another swig of his drink as [member="Dorin Arkx"] asked about the traitor. If only the man had been dealt with... "I wish that I could say that the traitor was dealt with, but I can't. He works for them and isn't on planet very often." He wasn't even a citizen. Just a former employee, an old friend to the Queen that turned out not to be a friend at all.

And then there it was. The hint of an offer to aid them, for a price, of course. Einon wasn't put off by that in the slightest. If a man did good work, he ought to be paid for it. And Dorin seemed to be interested. "Plans have been underway for a while now to push the Sith off Commenor. We are co-ordinating our efforts with others currently off world to handle the fleets. I could use another man on the ground.
And not as a grunt, mind you. We'll have a few targets that will need to be taken care of. Our compensation is good, complete with room and board. Even healthcare through one of our allies still loyal to us. Interested?"
Dorin chuckled quietly, reaching up to rub the back of his neck. "Well, about that..." Dorin falls silent for a moment, then stands, looking about the room again. "The Orders numbers are diminished. Gone are the days when we could so freely cast aside our time. And in these days of constant war and conflict, one oft has little time for personal business."

He turned to [member="Einon"] and said, "My people are worth vast sums for their services. A simple target for us is worth tens, no, hundreds of thousands. Our ways and practices are not easily won nor acquired. Yet for this, I am duty bound. I am the last of my blood. And so it falls to me to make it right. My order was born of a Sith, in one final act of penance before his world ended. It was our duty to safeguard the peoples of this galaxy. This path has been lost to us, working merely for coin and favor among the elite. I will offer you my services, bound by contract. In return, I ask only this."

Dorin held out a hand to Einon to shake on the deal as he named his price. "Drive the Sith off Commenor. Let this planet be an example to the galaxy that the Sith are not welcome, here or anywhere."


Einon wondered just what type of Order [member="Dorin Arkx"] had belonged to. What type of hunting order would a Sith make? One that just goes after warbeasts? Or something else entirely? Given that Einon wasn't Force sensitive, he couldn't delve deep into the man's being. But the years experience as Head of Security taught him a thing or two about reading people.

Dorin was a good man to have around. At least for this current time.

Einon took Dorin's hand and listened to his price. It was fair and went along with his plans anyways. "That's the goal. We're taking back Commenor and it's not going to be easy. But nothing worthwhile ever is." Of course he worried about the Queen. Yet he knew that she'd have some way to protect herself while this rebellion was under way.

If the Ewoks could rid Endor of Imperials as history had told them, then they could surely rid themselves of a Sith Empire too.
Dorin nodded once, shaking Einon's hand. "Then we are agreed."

Dorin unclipped his helmet from the back of his belt, and replaced his visor, a soft his sounding as the helmet connected and sealed. He tucked the visor away in a smaller pouch before turning back to Einon. When he spoke, his voice carried a slight modulation to it. "My blade is yours, our Millennia of knowledge is at your disposal. What would you have me do?"

Dorin realized [member="Einon"] was likely confused by his motives, having come from an ancient line of Sith, and yet eager to fight them, and drive them to their doom. Yet, that was not his concern. Dorin was duty-bound to help these people. If they wished to question him, it was a price he would gladly pay. In the mean time, there was work to be done...

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