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Approved Lore Commonwealth Armed Forces

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  • Intent: To create the armed forces of the Commonwealth and elaborate on them for my own rp purposes. This is really just defining the different branches and hierarchies.
  • Image Credit: Vectors from Adobe Stock, Google. Assembled and completed in Photoshop, final touches in Photoshop, by me.
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: Ministry of Defence, Joint Chiefs of Staff, UCMJ, Military Courts UK
  • Organization Name: Commonwealth Armed Forces

  • Classification: Organization

  • Affiliation: The Commonwealth

  • Organization Symbol: A crown and laurel resting inside of the first order’s old hexagon, along with a defense tower in the center. While small ‘sun rays’ are on the outside of the hexagon.

  • Description: The Commonwealth Armed Forces is the standing military of the Commonwealth. This includes an army, navy, starfighter corps, as well as commando corps, and territorial defense forces. Member worlds of the Commonwealth offer a contribution to the overall funding of the Commonwealth Armed Forces. The CAF has the Secretary-General of Military Affairs to answer to, and ultimately to the High Queen/King.
  • Hierarchy: The Secretary-General of Military Affairs leads the Commonwealth’s Armed Forces on behalf of their majesty the High Queen/King. From there, like most offices, is splintered down into various ministries. Defense procurement, Veterans and service families, state for the armed forces, etc. These ministries all sit under the umbrella of the “Ministry of Defense” and work with the Chiefs of Defence Staff. The Chiefs of Defence Staff are the highest-ranking military officials of their respective branches. They are the senior advisors to the Minister, the Secretariat, and of course the High Queen/King.

  • Chiefs of Defence Staff is comprised of:
    • Chief of the General Staff: This is typically the head of the Commonwealth Army. The army is known for its many terrifying mechanical monstrosities, from tanks to walkers, artillery units, and atmospheric rotary aviation units. They’re seen more as the bulk of the land military, left to occupy when necessary.
      • Chief of the Territorial Defense Force: Being seen as a type of army reserve or national guard, this branch is part of the Army. However, they are recognized as a unique entity within the Army. As many of them remain at home. Their tenacity and ability to rapidly deploy wherever they might be, often make them the darling of the Army.
    • Chief of the Naval Staff: This is typically the head of the Commonwealth Navy. The navy is best known for its prowess in the void, however, they do boast its own aviation units that launch from various carriers. Their mission doesn’t stop there as they’ve continuously evolved into a more scientific entity, conducting more deep space exploration and scientific reconnaissance missions.
      • First Lord of the Territorial Maritime Guard: They are in charge of what can be related to as a “coast guard” however they operate solely on water. They are the maritime security force, search, and rescue as well as law enforcement entities. They maintain a subsurface as well as a surface fleet, and a wide array of atmospheric aircraft.
      • Commandant of the Marine Commando Corps: Essentially the Marines, the Commando Corps is the tip of the spear and often heads into a target-rich environment. They protect naval bases and Commonwealth embassies and are designed to be an ever-ready force that can be sent anywhere in the galaxy. While part of the Navy, they are often recognized as their own unique branch of the Commonwealth Armed Forces.
    • Chief of the Starfighter Corps: This is typically the head of the Commonwealth Starfighter Corps. This can be seen more or less as the ‘air force’ of the Commonwealth. While they do maintain their own set of both ‘void’ and ‘atmospheric’ aircraft, only a minority of members of the Starfighter Corps actually fly. The Starfighter Corps often provides flight-based support missions, protects their bases, builds new airstrips, guards various missile sites, and conducts search and rescue, providing close air support and maintaining the Commonwealth’s air superiority when necessary.
  • The Ministry of Defense and the Chiefs of Defense Staff don’t always meet, as the latter are responsible for the day-to-day operations of their respective branches within the armed forces. The former is responsible for the overall funding, planning, resource allocation, ceremonies, programs, military recruitment, retention, etc. When the two do meet it is sometimes called the “Council of Defense,” or COD for short.

  • Membership:
    [IC] Typically those wishing to join CAF can do so by either, going to the nearest recruitment office for the branch of their choice and enlisting. Or, they can work to earn a commission by either enrolling in a four-year military academy. Or, joining a university that has a reserve officer training program. The bulk of the armed forces is made of enlisted personnel.

  • [OOC] Be familiar with CAF’ history, its legacy as part of the old First Order, and bada bing, bada boom. This is more or less for my own sake as keeping track of different groups within the Commonwealth. Slide me a DM, I am happy to write with those who choose to write with/as a member of the Commonwealth Armed Forces.

  • Climate: The Commonwealth Armed Forces are at times, still associated with their predecessors. However; they do fret about the comparisons rather they leave such comparisons to the wayside. Still, this can carry its own problems when they’re wishing to work with neighbors and other governments. While from the outside they’re seen with mixed opinions. Working within the CAF is its own ‘unique’ experience as any member of the military might tell you. It has its positive moments and negative moments, while some in the CAF joke at their own expense.

  • Reputation: While they do their best to be seen as transformed from their First Imperial days. There are many callbacks to such an era from the way their commandos look, to the similar designs in their navy, and starfighter corps. It can be hard to break from such a reputation, but it seems rather than fight detractors. The CAF has chosen to ignore them, and will continue to work however it pleases the CAF and ultimately the High Queen/King.

  • Curios: There are many curios that veterans and members of the CAF may have. From rings, signets, and hats to medals, and uniforms that are kept after service. Each branch has its own unique sword or dagger, and some may even have an antiquated gun that is used for ceremonial purposes.

  • Rules: Those in the CAF must follow the Commonwealth Armed Forces Code of Law. Contained within the Code of Law are all the uniformed codes of military justice that all members of the armed forces are expected to follow. These are a complete set of criminal laws, including crimes that are punishable by civilian law but it does also punish other conduct that affects the order and discipline within the armed forces.

  • Goals: The Goals of the CAF are to provide peace, security and order to the Commonwealth and its territories. To keep up with the latest in technology, innovations and strategies. To maintain good relations with the Commonwealth’s nations. Expansion is not its primary goal, however, if ordered by the Secretariat and/or the High Queen/King to do so. Then the CAF will march on their orders to expand the Commonwealth’s borders.
Technically, Aerys Fortan likely transferred from the NIO to FO, later the Commonwealth. Iaacen Fortan certainly holds his own commission, as do his niece and nephew Zola and Drianos Yvarro [they’ll likely be PCs later]. Also, maybe Gideon Pavanos sort of depends on how things go with the Kainites.

The successor to the First Imperial Military, or the First Order Military. The Commonwealth Armed Forces are the standing military of the Commonwealth. Each member world contributes financially to the CAF’s upkeep. This upkeep is ‘optional’ for member worlds, but most are heavily encouraged to contribute. Member worlds are allowed to maintain their own planetary defense and may receive equipment from the CAF. This is typically second-hand equipment that would otherwise be scrapped, or sold to others.

The Commonwealth Armed Forces are broken down into its Army, Navy, Starfighter Corps, Commando Corps, and Territorial Defense Force. The Territorial Defense Force can be thought of as both an army reserve as well as a militia. The TDF developed a reputation for arriving almost ‘within the minute’ being summoned. Because of such tenacity and rapid deployment, they’ve been nicknamed, “the Minutemen.” Leaving them to suffer as the butt of jokes, and playful elbow ribbing from the other branches of the Commonwealth Armed Forces.

Nicknames aside, the Commonwealth Armed Forces grew from the old First Order military. When Ariel Yvarro’s Pax Imperialis regime had fallen. Many wondered what would become of them, however; encouraged by the Supreme Leader and transitional staff to remain with them during the hard times. As time moved on and Dosuun transformed itself, so too did the military transform. This also meant a break away from all Primo Victorian-designed ships for the Navy, and any equipment from the past in favor of new state-approved designs.

During the more transitional phase, in the late 870s, the Eternal Empire crept closer and closer toward Dosuun. Having taken several of the old First Order’s worlds. It meant that the military had to be ready, there and then. Emboldened by Dosuun’s lead, many of the other worlds that would later make up both the founding generation and new additions to the Commonwealth began to speak to one another again. They were ready to return to their First Imperial roots to defend what they felt was another nation trespassing on their borders.

Thankfully, the Eternal Empire would not come any closer to Dosuun and its allies. Nevertheless, its presence gave room for their member worlds to not only create for themselves a new identity in the Commonwealth. It gave them a reason to unite and remain united, it was then agreed that all member worlds should (although it is optional), contribute to a standing military while maintaining their own planetary forces. Scars from not just the collapse of Yvarro’s regime, but from the Ssi-Ruuk, along with Seiger Ren’s own abandonment of the systems.

By the mid-880s, both Dosuun and the Commonwealth had emerged better. Primo Victorian’s influence waned as the company reduced its holdings, and the military with new uniforms, new equipment, and new staff. Restored their allegiances to the High Queen/King of Dosuun. The Commonwealth Armed Forces hope to never be needed, however; they continuously train for when such a day might arrive.

Edit Log: Updated naming conventions, formerly read Commonwealth Commando Corps, now read as Commonwealth Marine Commando Corps. Formerly read Commonwealth Territorial Sea Guard, now reads for the Territorial Maritime Guard. 07/24/24
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