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Approved Lore Commonwealth Army

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Commonwealth Army


  • Intent: To provide greater background for the Army, and establish its hierarchy.
  • Image Credit: Vectors from Adobe Stock, Google, Vecteezy. Assembled and completed in Photoshop, final touches in Photoshop, by me. Sample ranks found on Kuro-RPG. Other elements produced in Midjourney.
  • Canon: N/A
  • Permissions: N/A
  • Links: N/A
  • Organization Name: Commonwealth Army
  • Classification: Military Organization
  • Affiliation: Dosuunian Commonwealth of Nations | The Commonwealth
  • Organization Symbol: The emblem of the Commonwealth Army features a shield, representing defense and protection, adorned with a majestic castle motif. The castle symbolizes the strength, and resilience of the Commonwealth's defenses.The rook's presence on the emblem signifies the Army's commitment to fortifying and safeguarding the interests of the Commonwealth, as well as its readiness to stand firm against any threats or adversaries.
  • Description: The Commonwealth Army is the primary ground warfare force of the Dosuunian Commonwealth, tasked with defending the security and sovereignty of the Commonwealth and its member worlds. Originating as the First Order's Ground Forces in the mid-840s, the organization underwent several transformations before emerging as the Commonwealth Army in the late 870s.

    With a rich history rooted in military tradition, the Commonwealth Army serves as the bulwark against external threats and internal instability. Composed of highly trained and disciplined personnel, the army operates across a diverse array of environments, from temperate worlds to tundra landscapes and desert regions.

    The army's primary purpose is to ensure the safety and well-being of Commonwealth citizens, uphold the rule of law, and maintain peace and stability across the Dosuunian Commonwealth and its neighboring regions. Through rigorous training, advanced weaponry, and strategic planning, the Commonwealth Army stands ready to defend against any adversary and preserve the ideals of the Commonwealth.
  • Headquarters: Avalonia, Dosuun
  • Domain:
  • Notable Assets: Some of the Commonwealth Army’s notable assets as specified on Dosuun and elsewhere, are listed below, however; this is not an exhaustive list and naval assets are not limited to;
    • Cador Garrison: The garrison serves as a prestigious training facility for knights and soldiers, blending traditional Galidraani chivalry with modern military tactics.
    • Excalibur Armory: A state-of-the-art weapons manufacturing facility specializing in crafting legendary swords inspired by Galidraani legends.
    • Bayou Outpost: Situated amidst the swamps of Mephout, this strategic outpost serves as a training ground for amphibious operations and guerrilla warfare.
    • Mundeok Barracks: Modeled after traditional Seoularian architecture, the Mundeok Barracks house elite troops trained in the art of Taekwondo and other martial arts, blending modern military discipline with ancient Seoularian combat techniques.
    • Northern Outpost: Nestled amidst the harsh icy tundra of Needan, the Northern Outpost specializes in cold weather survival training.
    • The Arsenal: Known for its precision craftsmanship, the Arsenal produces advanced weaponry and equipment, blending Crytal Nest’s craftsmanship with cutting-edge technology.
    • Vallejo Command Center: Located in the heart of Alpinn, the Vallejo Command Center serves as a hub for military operations.
    • Dnieper Depot: Delving deep underground, the Dnieper Depot is a sprawling complex of subterranean facilities.
    • Highland Haven: Perched atop the cliffs overlooking the sea, Highland Haven is a fortress inspired by Old World Galidraani III.
    • The Ziggurat: Rising from the desert sands, the Ziggurat Stronghold is a formidable fortress inspired by ancient Absitti architecture, serving as a beacon of strength and resilience amidst the harsh desert landscape.
    • The Summit: A base camp for mountaineering and survival training, the Summit provides essential skills and knowledge inspired by Sherpa mountain guides, ensuring soldiers are prepared for the challenges of Najarka's rugged terrain.
    • The Oasis: Rising amidst the dusty desert landscape, the Oasis is a fortified stronghold inspired by old Salteractian fortresses, providing refuge and defense in the harsh desert environment.
  • Hierarchy: The hierarchy is listed below and is broken down into basic rank structure and then a brief overview of the organizational structure.
    • Ranks are displayed in the chart below, the Commonwealth Army’s dress uniform color is ‘Olive Green.’ The Commonwealth Army’s ‘full dress’ or their ‘mess dress’ their highest formal uniform color is ‘Royal Red,’ Their ‘working uniforms’ are based on multi-terrain patterns, and consist of a jacket, trousers, with combat boots, and a t-shirt under the jacket.

      Note: The ranks for both the Commonwealth Army and the Commandos are virtually identical, with the exception of some of the enlisted titles. See Commonwealth Marine Commandos for their ranks.



Enlisted Ranks
Officer Ranks
E1 - Private

O1 - 2nd Lieutenant

E2 - Private 2nd Class

O2 - 1st Lieutenant

E3 - Lance Corporal

O3 - Captain
E4 - Corporal
E4 - Specialist
O4 - Major

E5 - Sergeant

O5 - Lieutenant Colonel

E6 - Staff Sergeant

O6 - Colonel
E7 - Colour Sergeant
E7 - Sergeant First Class

O7 - Brigadier
E8 - Master Sergeant
E8 - First Sergeant

O8 - Major General
E9 - Sergeant Major
E9 - Command Sergeant Major
O9 - Lieutenant General
O10 - General
E10 - Sergeant Major of the Army
O10 - Field Marshal of the Army
  • The following is a brief overview of the organizational structure of the Commonwealth’s Army.
High Command:
  • Commander-in-Chief: The overall commander of the Commonwealth Army, responsible for strategic planning, coordination, and decision-making. This is Her Majesty High Queen Kelora Priestly.
  • Chief of the General Staff: The principal military advisor to the Commander-in-Chief, overseeing the army's overall strategy and operations. This is currently occupied by General Ranulph Tarkin.
General Staff:
  • Field Marshal: A high-ranking officer responsible for commanding large-scale operations and coordinating with other branches of the Commonwealth military.
  • Lieutenant Generals: Senior officers responsible for commanding corps-sized units and overseeing large-scale operations.
  • Major Generals: Officers responsible for commanding divisions and supporting strategic planning.
  • Sergeant Major of the Army: The senior enlisted advisor to the Field Marshal, ensures discipline and morale.
Field Army:
  • Field Army Commander: Responsible for leading a field army, one of the largest formations. Led by a General.
    • Field Armies = 2+ Corps
  • Corps Commander: Responsible for commanding a corps, a major tactical formation. Led by Lieutenant General.
    • Corps = 2 to 5 Divisions
  • Division Commander: Responsible for commanding a division, a large formation composed of multiple brigades. Led by a Major General.
    • Divisions = 3 to 4 Brigades
  • Brigade Commander: Responsible for commanding a brigade, a formation typically consisting of several battalions. Led by a Colonel.
    • Brigades = 2 to 3 Battalions
  • Battalion Commander: Responsible for commanding battalions, the primary tactical unit in the army. Led by a Lt. Colonel.
    • Battalions = 4 to 6 Companies
  • Company Commander: Responsible for commanding a company, a sub-unit within a battalion. Led by a Captain.
    • Companies = 3 to 4 Platoons
  • Platoon Leader: Responsible for leading a platoon, a smaller unit within a company. Led by a 1st Lieutenant.
    • Platoons = 2 to 3 Squads
  • Squad Leader: Responsible for leading squads, a small maneuvering element. Led by a Staff Sergeant. Squads = 2 to 3 Teams
    • Team Leader: Responsible for leading the smallest manuerving element. Led by a Sergeant. Teams = 4 to 5 Soldiers.
  • Membership: Joining the Commonwealth Army requires a rigorous recruitment process, typically involving aptitude tests, physical fitness evaluations, and interviews. Prospective members must demonstrate a commitment to serving the Commonwealth and upholding its values of duty, honor, and service. Once accepted, new recruits undergo basic training to instill discipline, teamwork, and combat skills.
    • Initiation/Ritual: While there isn't a specific initiation ritual, completing basic training is a significant milestone for new recruits, marking their official entry into the ranks of the Commonwealth Army.
    • Missions/Tasks: Members of the Commonwealth Army may be deployed on a wide range of missions, including defense operations, peacekeeping missions, disaster relief efforts, and humanitarian aid missions. They are expected to carry out their assigned tasks with professionalism, dedication, and adherence to military protocols.
    • Marriage/Family: While there are no formal restrictions on marrying into military families, individuals who wish to marry a member of the Commonwealth Army may face additional scrutiny to ensure compatibility with the demands of military life.
    • Hiring Process for Companies: Companies interested in contracting with the Commonwealth Army undergo a competitive bidding process, where their capabilities, track record, and proposed terms are evaluated. Successful companies may be awarded contracts for providing goods or services to the army.
  • Climate: The Commonwealth Army fosters a disciplined and professional atmosphere, emphasizing duty, honor, and service to the Commonwealth.
    • Camaraderie among members is encouraged, with teamwork and individual excellence valued equally.
    • A strong sense of duty pervades the organization, instilling a commitment to the defense of the Commonwealth and its member worlds.
    • While there is a clear hierarchy within the army, every member is recognized for their importance in the collective success of the organization.
  • Reputation: The Commonwealth Army is generally well-regarded and respected for its disciplined and well-trained forces.
    • It is seen as a stabilizing force dedicated to the defense of the Commonwealth and the security of its member worlds.
    • The army's defense-in-depth doctrine is viewed as a prudent approach to ensuring the safety of the entire Commonwealth.
    • Its reputation is characterized by professionalism, loyalty, and a commitment to upholding the values of the Commonwealth.
  • Curios: Members of the Commonwealth Army may carry insignias, patches, or other markings denoting their affiliation with the organization.
    • Some may possess special identification cards or badges issued exclusively to military personnel.
    • Military tattoos or symbols may also be common among members, serving as a permanent mark of their allegiance to the Commonwealth Army.
  • Rules: [IC] Members of the Commonwealth Army are held to the “Army Doctrine of Justice.” This doctrine emphasizes discipline, loyalty, and a commitment to the defense of the Commonwealth and its memberworlds. The Army places a strong emphasis on unity and cooperation among its members, reflecting the diverse cultures and backgrounds within the Commonwealth. Honoring the legacy of the First Order, the Army's rules prioritize duty, honor, and the pursuit of peace through strength.
    • Code of Conduct: The Commonwealth Army adheres to a strict code of conduct that governs the behavior and actions of its members. This code emphasizes integrity, discipline, and respect for authority.
    • Military Regulations: Members are required to follow military regulations and protocols at all times, ensuring operational effectiveness and unit cohesion.
    • Professionalism: Professionalism is paramount within the army, with members expected to conduct themselves with dignity and uphold the honor of the Commonwealth.
    • Ethical Standards: The army upholds ethical standards in all aspects of its operations, including the treatment of civilians, prisoners of war, and enemy combatants.

      [OOC] Speak with me.
  • Goals: The Commonwealth’s goals include but are not limited to the following:
    • Defense of the Commonwealth: The primary goal of the Commonwealth Army is to safeguard the security and sovereignty of the Dosuunian Commonwealth and its member worlds. This includes defending against external threats, maintaining peace and stability, and ensuring the safety of civilian populations.
    • Military Readiness: The army aims to maintain a high level of military readiness, equipping its personnel with the training, skills, and resources necessary to respond effectively to any contingency.
    • Humanitarian Assistance: In addition to its defense responsibilities, the Commonwealth Army is committed to providing humanitarian assistance in times of crisis. This includes disaster relief efforts, medical aid missions, and support for refugees and displaced persons.
    • Regional Stability: By promoting security and stability within the Dosuunian Commonwealth and its neighboring regions, the army seeks to foster peace and prosperity for all inhabitants.
    • Expansion of Influence: While the primary focus is on defense and security, the army may also pursue opportunities for strategic expansion of Commonwealth influence, such as through diplomatic initiatives, joint military exercises, and alliances with like-minded entities.
General Ranulph Tarkin [NPC, Will Sub Later]
Lt. Col. Aerys Fortan-Raaf [NPC, Will Sub Later]

The Commonwealth Army traces its origins back to the mid-840s when it was first established as the First Order's Ground Forces. Under the banner of the First Order, it underwent several transformations, evolving into the First Order Army or the First Imperial Army by the early 850s. Throughout its tenure, it played a pivotal role in various conflicts and campaigns, marking its place in galactic history.

One of its early significant engagements was during the Omega Crisis of 849 ABY, where rogue One Sith elements threatened the galaxy. The Commonwealth Army, then known as the First Order Army, participated in aiding other nations in defeating these rogue elements, showcasing its dedication to maintaining peace and order in the galaxy.

In the subsequent years, the Army was involved in a series of conflicts and wars that shaped the political landscape of the galaxy. These included the First Siege of Dosuun in 851 ABY, also known as the Siege (First Ssi Ruuvi Incursion), and the Rebellion of Kaeshana in 852 ABY. The outbreak of the Great Galactic War in the same year further tested the Army's mettle, leading to battles such as the Battle of Mustafar and the Battle of Skor II.

The Army's commitment to expansion and defense continued as it ventured into the Unknown Regions toward the Inner Rim and engaged in conflicts across the galaxy, including battles in the Colonies and the Core Worlds. Notable engagements during this period included the Battle of Varonat and the Return to Dagobah and Skor II in 855 ABY.

However, the Army faced its greatest challenge during the Second Siege of Dosuun (Second Ssi-Ruuvi Inursion) in 856 ABY, leading to the Fall of Dosuun and the subsequent Dosuun Hegemony. Despite token forces remaining in the tunnel systems in the following years, the Army's focus shifted towards reclaiming lost territories during the Reclamation Campaign of 859 ABY and 860 ABY.

With the dissolution of the Dosuun Hegemony and the rechartering of the First Order in 862 ABY, the Army continued to uphold its duties, albeit with a reduced presence. It witnessed the early formation and rise of the Commonwealth in 878 ABY, culminating in the official institution of the Commonwealth Army in 879 ABY. By 882 ABY the Dosuunian Commonwealth was made official. Since then, the Army has remained a steadfast guardian of the Commonwealth's values and territories, ready to defend against any threats to peace and stability to their nation.
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