Vespasian the Elder
Lord Executor
First Council
Lord Executor: Vespasian Dorn 'the Elder'
The Lord Executor is the executive and political head of the Commonwealth. Deciding about the course of action for the entire Commonwealth together with the First Council which the Lord Executor presides, his domain is of political and diplomatic nature. With a mandate or in vacancy, he can overtake multiple seats of the First Council.
Lord Fabricator:
The Lord Fabricator is the industrial and economic lead figure of the Commonwealth. In charge of maintaining a positive output of profit as well as upkeeping trade lines, maintaining supply lines and producing what the Commonwealth needs.
Lord High Admiral:
The Lord High Admiral is simply phrased the supreme commander of the Commonwealth Navy, being the chief of operations, responsible for assigning the battlefleets to their duties, admirals into position and overseeing the growth and recruitment of the Navy.
Lord High Militant:
The Lord high Militant is the ground force equivalent of the Lord High Admiral. Responsible for the deployment and recruitment for the Commonwealth Armed Forces, as well as controlling the garrisons and maintaining the planetary defence structures.