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Approved NPC Companions of the Imperial Order of Exarchs

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"Whatever the weapons we wield, whatever the deeds we perform, they are justified. Without us, the Eternal Throne would fall, and without the Empress and Overlord to guide them, the Galaxy would follow."


  • Unit Name: [ Companions of the Imperial Order of Exarchs ]
  • Affiliation: [ Aurelian Sigismund ]
  • Classification: [ Bodyguard, Melee Specialist, Commander ]
  • Description:
    [ Hand-picked from the most loyal and skilled Horizon Guard as well as the most fierce and devote Wardens of the Shroud, the Companions were chosen to not only protect but enforce the Overlord's will. Clad in the armors and weapons of the ancient Exarchs of Zakuul, they are a new force ready to be deployed against the enemies of the Eternal Empire and against the Force itself. Making one half of the retinue of the Overlord, they are exceedingly zealous in their pursuit of his commands and the protection of his well-being. As Force users they strife for the ideology of Limitless Power, an approach of mutual enrichment and learning to perfect each others ways and keep one another in balance. In battle they fight as a unit, reinforcing each other, defending and attacking in well executed and coordinated maneuvers. ]



  • Elite Companions
  • Champions of Close Combat
  • Zealous Bodyguards
  • Ruthless Enforcers
  • Biologically and Cybernetically Augmented
  • Force Warriors

  • Individually Inferior
  • Force Apathy
  • Ion Weakness
  • Fanatical
  • Ranged Deficit

[ Formed by the former Exarch Aurelian Sigismund Aurelian Sigismund himself as a new companion and bodyguard retinue, the Companions are hand-picked from the the Horizon Guard and Wardens of the Shroud. The latter of course is not known to anyone, but upon inauguration into the unit, all members become Wardens of the Shroud, devoted to the eternal struggle to eradicate the Will of the Force and the Force itself.

As bio-engineered and cybernetically enhanced Force warriors, these men and women are extremely capable in combat, especially against non-Force user units and individual Force users themselves. Both trained to protect and engage, they are relying on a rather sacred band of brethren-in-arms, fighting as a unit and embracing coordination and non-verbal communication to overcome enemies and any form of situation.

Deployed as enforcers, overseers as well as commanders, they are one part of the left-hand of the Overlord, both a crushing fist and an all-seeing eye. Capable leaders and assassins, they are known to take on threats before they appear as well as tackle those too serious for special forces, here especially Force users themselves.

Their loyalty to the cause of the Wardens, their adherence to the tenets of justice and order, their obedience to follow commands to the latter, are legendary among Eternal Empire's ranks. Even though from the outside of the Wardens of the Shroud, they are just known under the common name and deployment.

The training of the Companions includes the martials arts of Teräs Käsi and Echani Martial Arts, combat with swords, shields and many other forms of melee weapons, lightsaber combat, specifically Medium, Fast and Strong Styles and Zakuulan lightsaber combat which was an ancient hybrid designed to combine multiple elements of the traditional styles into fluid and effective group fighting techniques as well as powerful dueling potential. The diagrammaton, the concept of two partners in combat, one as a shieldbearer or defensive fighter and one as the spearbearer or the offensive fighter, was applied to the entire unit. Its focus is both to have members concentrate on certain aspects of combat and to smoothly switch between partners. ]

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