Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Company Expansion Question


So, say I want to start a new factory on a world. do I have to

A. Roleplay actually creating the factory, or hiring another company to do it for me


B. Aquire the land/funding to do so through RP?


Well-Known Member
That is absolutely up to you. Most don't even go either route, they simply post a company sub, get it approved, and move from there. However, for example I have done the B route, and acquired lands, funds, and then even roleplayed building it, upgrading grounds at a later time, etcetera.

So it is entirely your choice.

As well, dependent on what your company will be doing, I have a company that might be able to assist.

[member="Dresden M'koor"]


Well, technically I've already aquired the lands, but if your company builds buildings things then we could totally do a thread if you wanted to

@Darth Pikiran

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