Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Company Question

So I have noticed, that occasionally some Factory submissions are denied because the manufacturer does not specialize in the field of the submission. I also know that Companies (At least Initially) can only operate two functions.

So my question is Can a single company (Without Subsidiaries) create products in all three parts of the Factory, and if so, how large would the company have to be?

Assuming that is a no, would a company be able to own a subsidiary to produce starships and their components, another to produce vehicles, and it itself produce Technology (Just in general)?
Here's a good rule of thumb, no one company can realistically make everything for balance. Mars food company(a real company) has many companies under its umbrella. So subsidiaries are the way to diversify what you'd make. Also, for the tier question, at least a tier IV I'd think to start branching out that much.

Hope I helped.
Draco Vereen said:
So I have noticed, that occasionally some Factory submissions are denied because the manufacturer does not specialize in the field of the submission. I also know that Companies (At least Initially) can only operate two functions.

So my question is Can a single company (Without Subsidiaries) create products in all three parts of the Factory, and if so, how large would the company have to be?

Assuming that is a no, would a company be able to own a subsidiary to produce starships and their components, another to produce vehicles, and it itself produce Technology (Just in general)?

It's a question of scale.

Starfighters, Corvettes, Dropships...

AT-AT Walkers, AT-ST Walkers, Tanks...

Engines... reactors... artillery pieces...

One company making all of that? Sure. Go for it.

But once that company starts trying to make a Star Destroyer.... that's when we run into a problem. You'd likely need to do a special development thread where the company purchases a shipyard and then another to actually design and then build the first capital ship... You they use the whole thing as a major project to advance your company by a tier, you add capital ship construction to the list of stuff your company can do, and you submit the Star Destroyer submission through the Factory.
Thanks guys. Those answers work. Mainly I was interested in designing Tanks and Support Vehicles and wanted to know whether that would be acceptable with the company I have before I went to work on it.
Draco Vereen said:
So I have noticed, that occasionally some Factory submissions are denied because the manufacturer does not specialize in the field of the submission. I also know that Companies (At least Initially) can only operate two functions.

So my question is Can a single company (Without Subsidiaries) create products in all three parts of the Factory, and if so, how large would the company have to be?

Assuming that is a no, would a company be able to own a subsidiary to produce starships and their components, another to produce vehicles, and it itself produce Technology (Just in general)?
A company may own subsidiaries to make some form of technology, another for vehicles of some form, and one for starships, yes. The moment you start making starships, however, is the moment things become a bit tricky. To make ships over 1000 meters you need to be tier 3, and in most cases you'll need a planet with shipyards listed as one of your locations. Vehicles, depending on the vehicle, are generally easier and less expensive to produce, and depending on the technology you want the same is applied with vehicles. My own plan of business is to get Koros Spaceworks(my company) to build a shipyard over Empress Teta, reach tier 3, then add starship components and armaments and such to the list of what we produce so that I can then use the company to submit various reactors, weapons, etc, that a starship might use - along with starships themselves. I would say that moving into more than one industry is much more expensive than you would think, so going into starships from small arms or something would be highly unfeasible. That isn't to say it isn't possible, it just means you'll need to get to that point (like tier 3 or 4, probably 4) before your company can get to that point in manufacturing.

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