Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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"Completed" Prefix / "Mark as Completed" Feature to Art & Design

Hello, everybody!

I've been browsing the "Art & Design" forum lately (and I've done so for all the time it has existed) and one thing that bothers both my perfectionism and most likely has effects on everybody's efficiency is the reason why I made this thread.

So my issue is that there is a "Request" prefix in the forum, which typically means a person wants to request a piece of graphics or art and then after it's granted, the thread is left useless. And in many cases, people will still take a look at the thread to fulfill the request, maybe not noticing the request has been completed or for whatever else reason.

It would make everybody's lives easier if there was a way to mark these requests as completed (maybe just like the "Answered" feature in "Site Feedback" forum).

I'm not sure if it bothers just me or somebody else, too, so... Everybody's thoughts on it?


Revisiting the question as it was left with no clear answer the last time. [member="Tefka"]

Maybe I am just an overly organised perfectionist. ;P

Kark, should have posted this with my writer account. :/




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