Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Intent: To turn part of an old starship submission into an individual component.
Image Source: NA
Canon Link: NA
Primary Source: Victory III-class LSD,

Manufacturer: Imperial State Hypernautics
Model: ISH Multi-core Redundant Reactor System
Affiliation: Closed Market
Modularity: Limited
Production: Limited
Material: Alusteel

  • Large Solar Ionization Reactor
  • Dual Banks of Miniature Hypermatter Reactors (specific number is 4/3rds ship's length in 100 meters, times 2: 900m= 24, 1,600m = 44, 3,000 = 80, exc)
  • Reserve Capacitors, Combat De-Ionizers, and Cap Drains
  • (Recommended that ships equipped with this also be equipped with Molecular Shields)
  • The Primary reactor can be run at up to 150% capacity for a limited time
  • Capacitor Reserves can augment the ship's power supply for a limited time
  • The Total Reactor Output can reach upto 350% for a limited time
  • Multiple redundant safety measures, including the ability to jettison reactors from the ship entirely
  • Can have overwhelmed cooling systems vented into space and replaced by fresh coolant twice
  • The Primary Reactor can continue to function in spite of a compromised Primary Reaction Housing
  • The Primary Reactor uses rare, expensive fuel sources
  • The Secondary Reactors use a less rare, but more expensive fuel source
  • A ship equipped with this reactor system is incapable of maintaining any form of stealth while running the Primary Reactor at 80% Reactor Output or more (IE: they become detectable via thermal, electromagnetic, and aural sensors). Primary Reactor output of 30-50% is recommended for optimal stealth operations.
  • The Secondary Reactor Banks are highly fuel consumptive and can only operate for a limited time.
  • The Primary Reactor's cooling system is incapable of keeping up with the heat generated by the Primary Reactor when run at greater than 100% capacity.
  • The Primary reactor has a significant delay between lowering fuel input and reactor cooldown occurring (roughly 12 posts)
  • The Primary Reactor, if run at 125% capacity or higher, will overwhelm the cooling systems and explode
  • The Primary Reactor Housing protrudes from the ship as a visible dome and is an easily identifiable target to aim at
  • Solar Ionization will continue for a significant time regardless of damage to containment systems
  • If the Primary Reactor Core is damaged before the entire system can be jettisoned, the resulting explosion will produce a miniature supernova type effect (which is also what happens if the cooling system fails)
  • The Primary Reactor's fuel supply is highly volatile and highly explosive, even by the standards of normal starship fuels.
Requires Compromises in Starship Design to incorporate
  • Ships equipped with this Reactor System must possess a voluntary -1 value to their ship's overall Ratings Profile
  • Ships equipped with this Reactor System must possess a Hangar Rating of Low, Very Low, or None to make room for this expansive component
  • If the Primary Reactor is jettisoned, the ship suffers a -1 penalty to the ship's Defensive Rating due to a compromised structural integrity
Capable of temporarily improving the equipped starship's Rating Profile by increasing energy output beyond normal levels
  • Temporary Starship Rating increases can be applied to Speed, Maneuverability, Offensive, or Defensive Ratings, but cannot be used to increase any given Rating above Extreme
Capacitor Banks can hold reserves of energy that can be expended later
  • For every two posts while not recharging shields or firing weapons, yet running reactors at at least 100%, Capacitors can be later used to power the ship at 100% for single turn of posting.
  • For every two posts of sustaining energy damage to Molecular Shields (if the ship is equipped with them), Capacitors can be later used to power the ship at 100% for a single turn of posting.
  • For every turn of absorbing substantial Ionization weaponry (thanks to de-ionizers and cap drains), Capacitors can be later used to power the ship at 100% for a single turn of posting.
  • Capacitor Reserves (per above conditions) can provide the ship with 100% power for 1 post, 50% for 2 posts, 25% for 4 posts, 20% for 5 posts, 10% for 10 posts, exc.
Secondary Reactor banks highly fuel consumptive and can only operate for a limited time
  • Secondary Reactors will run out of fuel after 4 posts of operating at 100%
  • Secondary Reactors will run out of fuel after 5 posts of operating at 85%
  • Secondary Reactors will run out of fuel after 6 posts of operating at 75%
  • Secondary Reactors will run out of fuel after 7 posts of operating at 65%
  • Secondary Reactors will run out of fuel after 8 posts of operating at 50%
  • Secondary Reactors will run out of fuel after 10 posts of operating at 40%
  • Secondary Reactors will run out of fuel after 12 posts of operating at 30%
  • Secondary Reactors will run out of fuel after 16 posts of operating at 25%
  • Secondary Reactors will run out of fuel after 20 posts of operating at 20%
  • Secondary Reactors will run out of fuel after 26 posts of operating at 15%
  • Secondary Reactors will run out of fuel after 40 posts of operating at 10%
Primary Reactor cooling system incapable of keeping up with Primary Reactor when run at greater than 100% capacity
  • At 150% capacity, cooling system will need to be flushed after two posts of operation and will fail after 6 posts of operation.
  • At 140% capacity, cooling system will need to be flushed after three posts of operation and will fail after 8 posts of operation.
  • At 130% capacity, cooling system will need to be flushed after four posts of operation and will fail after 11 posts of operation.
  • At 125% capacity, cooling system will need to be flushed after four posts of operation and will fail after 12 posts of operation.
  • At 120% capacity, cooling system will need to be flushed after five posts of operation and will fail after 15 posts of operation.
  • At 115% capacity, cooling system will need to be flushed after six posts of operation and will fail after 18 posts of operation.
  • At 110% capacity, cooling system will need to be flushed after nine posts of operation and will fail after 27 posts of operation.
Can reach a total reactor output of 350% if running Primary Reactor at 150%, Secondary Reactor Banks at 100%, and draining Capacitor Reserves at 100%
  • At <100% Reactor Output, host ship is at -1 Rating compared to other ships of similar Production Rating
  • At 100% Reactor Output, host ship benefits from +1 Rating that can be applied to any Profile Aspect (Normal Rating,
  • At 200% Reactor Output, host ship benefits from +2 Rating that can be applied to any Profile Aspect (+1 total rating)
  • At 300% Reactor Output, host ship benefits from +3 Rating that can be applied to any Profile Aspect (+2 total rating)

Designed for capital ships that require a massive supply of power, the Multi-core Redundant Reactor System is a complex system of primary, secondary, and tertiary power sources. The main power supplier for this system is a massive Solar Ionization Reactor that is so large its housing protrudes from beneath the hull of the host ship. The reactor uses Rhydonium Fuel Cells, forcing the owner of said ship to keep the ship supplied with the rare and volatile chemical and stored as safely as possible. Despite the rarity and relative volatility of the reactor's fuel source, the reactor itself is highly fuel efficient. The Solar Ionization Reactor pours superheated plasma, supercharged particles, and hyper-dense materials into the center-point of its primary reaction chamber. At the center of that chamber, the constant supply of materials fuel a small star into creation that is held in place by powerful electromagnetic and gravitational fields. The miniature star is so powerful that it can continue to burn for four hours after the cessation of external matter being injected into the reaction chamber, making it extremely dangerous to run the reactor at greater than 100% capacity. Likewise, a weakening of the electromagnetic and gravitational fields that hold the miniature star will risk catastrophic and explosive containment failure. For this reason, the energy harnessed from the reactor is first routed to the self-contained solar containment system before being routed into the primary conduits of the ship. This ensures that containment system is maintained even if it means risking power loss to other areas of the ship and will continue providing energy to the containment systems for the four hours it will take the miniature star to burn out should it become severed from its fuel source.

Energy from this miniature star is harnessed by a series of heat, particle, and radiation absorbing panels worked into the inner layer of a cylindrical, double layered Plas-Bonded Ostrine and Agrinium Alloy shield. Sandwiched between the two layers of metal shielding, liquid CryoBan is circulated through the reactor housing to further cool and insulate the reactor shielding. This shield is capable of retaining most of the effects produced by the miniature star created within the Solar Ionization Reactor, but also suffers from risk of containment failure under the extreme temperatures produced by the reactor when run above 100%. In such instances where containment failure is a serious risk, an 'emergency flush' of the overwhelmed CryoBan could be performed. During an 'Emergency Flush' all active CryoBan is vented into space and a fresh, secondary supply of CryoBan is pumped into the reactor in an attempt to cool the chamber. A ship using this reactor system would be equipped to perform two such Emergency Flush procedures. Outside of the primary reaction point and shielding is a large, open, hemispherical space referred to as the primary reaction chamber (the huge dome that protrudes from the ship). The interior walls of the primary reaction chamber are also made of the same Plas-Bonded Ostrine and Agrinium Alloy as the primary reactor shield, to help contain the heat and radiation of the reactor in the event of a catastrophic failure.

In the event of said catastrophic failure, should all available containment procedures fail, the entire reactor (a massive sphere encased in armor) can be ejected from the ventral side of the ship. Electromagnetic and gravitational containment systems would, in theory, continue to contain the destructive energy of the star for so long as the surrounding physical structures remained intact. During the extreme and critical overheating events that would be required for a commander to choose to jettison his primary reactor, meltdown of the surrounding reactor structure is most likely a real and serious concern and a primary justification for the reactor's removal. In which case, it is likely only a mater of moments to minutes before the overwhelmed cooling systems of the self-contained reactor sphere fails, the surrounding structures are reduced to a plasma state, containment systems are compromised, and a miniature supernova event occurs. During such an event, the miniature sun becomes a rapidly expanding superheated ball of plasma that consumes all nearby matter to further fuel itself. During such an event, the amount, density, and type of surrounding matter effect the overall maximum size this expanding ball of plasma will reach before dissipating. If still connected to the host ship when reactor containment fails, the resulting supernova event will reduce the aft two-thirds of the ship to molten plasma in a matter of seconds. If containment failure occurs a suitable distance away from the ship, the resulting event will only expand to roughly twice the diameter of the reactor housing (4/3rds the size of the host ship's length).

The secondary reactors of this reactor system are significantly smaller than the primary reactor and are organized into two pair of reactor banks that are placed a safe distance to the port and starboard of the primary reactor. Housed in each of the secondary reactor banks are two side-by-side rows of at least six miniaturized Hypermatter Reactors that create enormous amounts of power by annihilating hypermatter and harnessing the released energy. Each of these small and expensive reactors would be sufficient to power a small Corvette. The combined effect of multiple small reactors working in tandem produces an enormous amount of energy and is more than enough to adequately power the host ship in the event that the primary reactor was forced offline or jettisoned. And while the small, individual hypermatter reactors are significantly more stable than the massive ionization reactor, they are known to rapidly deplete fuel supplies and are significantly more expensive to operate for long periods of time than an Ionization Reactor. It was for this reason that their use is typically strictly limited to combat operations and emergencies. The banks of hypermatter reactors are also used to power the ship's hyperdrive, which can launch the ship into hyperspace with unrivaled precision and is capable of allowing the ship to perform Precision Hyperspace Jumps. Should one or more of the (at least) twenty four individual hypermatter reactors malfunction and risk detonation or meltdown, individual reactors can be ejected from the ventral side of the ship in a manner identical to that of the primary solar ionization reactor. Additionally, if the primary reactor detonates while still connected to the host ship and the Hypermatter reactors are operating at at least 30% capacity, secondary detonations will produce a significantly larger detonation event.

The last and final component in this system takes the form of a series of large capacitors spread throughout the fore, aft, and mid sections of the ship. These capacitors are kept charged when not in combat and can be drained as a quick and readily available source of energy during emergencies. The ship's Combat De-Ionizers, Cap Drains (and Molecular Shields, if the ship is equipped with them) all empty their absorbed energy into the banks of capacitors spread throughout the ship. This cheap reserve of energy can be utilized to quickly boost, augment, or supplement the flow of power from the primary and secondary reactors. Common uses of energy stored in reserve capacitors are to boost overall system power, to supplement the flow of power to a system while primary power is rerouted around a damaged conduit, to power a section of ship that had been separated from the main hull due to severe structural damage, or to operate the ship on emergency reserves should the primary and secondary reactor systems suffer failure.
Intent: To turn part of an old starship into an individual component. (See Primary Sources)
Image Source: NA
Canon Link: NA
Primary Source: Csilla-class LSD, Sphynx-class Recon Corvette,

Manufacturer: Imperial State Hypernautics
Model: ISH Passive Stealth Detection Sensor Suite (Advanced PSD Sensor Suite)
Affiliation: Closed Market
Modularity: Limited
Production: Limited
Material: Alusteel

  • Advanced Sensor Suite and Computer System specializing in detecting hidden ships (particularly in a Nebula) without revealing itself via active detection means
  • Capable of detecting subtle red/blue shifts and doppler effects in the energy and electromagnetic emissions of moving ships attempting to hide in nebula or moving ships using sensor masks
  • ​Capable of detecting the hole left in a nebula by a passing ship
  • Capable of detecting the Ion Trails of passing ships (at normal ranges), including ships using Vectrals or Thrust Trace Dampeners or other ion dispersing technologies at close ranges (if the ship has moved recently)
  • Capable of identifying areas of consistently low or high radiation and unusual interaction with ambient electromagnetic fields that would indicate the presence of a hidden ship (countered by sensor masks)
  • Sensors capable of detecting the magnetic and electromagnetic signature of nearby cloaked ships (that lack appropriate baffling or degaussing technology) as well as analyzing the electromagnetic signature of nearby hostile warships to identify key systems and possible structural weaknesses
  • Com-Scan Computer able to analyze sensor patterns and communication signals, enabling it to rapidly compare incoming data to millions of databank files and alert crew and officers when conditions match previous incidents where a stealth ship was detected
  • While the sensors can detect hidden ships in a nebula very well, their ability to detect stealthed ships outside of a nebula is dependent upon the stealthed ship's proximity to an external electromagnetic field, or their proximity to the detecting ship itself (IE: reduced sensor range for picking up ion trails or magnetic signatures) (IE: A ship equipped with these sensors should be a stealth ship that is ranging ahead of the core fleet)
  • For all the complexity of the ship's sensor suite, it is an entirely passive array and relies upon observing and analyzing external conditions in narrow areas to function
  • Possesses no form of "active ping" system that would enable quicker scans of larger areas or more detailed scans of nearby areas (IE: Identify an area of interest and get other ships to "ping" that area with active scans)
  • Incapable of detecting ships via gravitational field detection (IE: does not include a CGT)
  • Less effective than most active sensor systems in normal (non-Nebula) battlefield conditions, especially at very long ranges
  • Effectiveness at detecting stealth ships improves with proximity and degrades with distance
  • Magnetic Detection countered by appropriate Baffling technology, Degaussing Technology, or by a ship being made of plastics or organic materials
  • Radiation Detection countered by Sensor Masks, some Baffling technology, and a few other technologies that mimic background radiation

Designed primarily for ships that will operate within and around nebula, this advanced sensor suite is capable of detecting the varying density of the gas and cosmic dust that makes up a nebula. At its most basic level, these sensors look for ships hiding in nebula by looking for the holes or tunnels they make in the radioactive gas and cosmic dust that makes up a nebula itself. While the thick clouds of a nebula block traditional sensors, it is known that these clouds often build up energy charges when particularly turbulent or dense. Likewise, it is known that solid objects moving through the dust and gas of a nebula will cause increased electrical disturbances.

This sensor suite tracks areas of high frequency electrical disturbances and scans areas of interest with Electrotelescopes, Dedicated Energy Receptors, Magnetic Signature Sensors, and Doppler Sensor Arrays. A dedicated computer array analyses these sensor readings and looks for doppler effects in energy waves and red/blue shifts in electromagnetic readings that would indicate that an object is moving closer or farther away from the observing ship. Likewise, the sensor suite looks for areas of consistently low radiation and unusual interaction with the ambient electromagnetic fields of the surrounding cosmic matter. These readings are run through pattern recognition software to look for consistent readings (indicating a point of stability among the constantly shifting signatures produced by the nebula) that would indicate either a solid mass is blocking a percentage of background radiation or that a solid metallic object is interacting with the electromagnetic fields being created by the turbulent and electrically charged dust and gas that surrounds it.

When not within a nebula, these advanced sensors still prove highly useful in the detection and tracking of ships. Instead of looking for areas of low radiation and voids in gas clouds, these sensors begin looking for areas of radiation that are greater than background levels. Likewise, instead of looking for areas of low-density gas and cosmic dust, these sensors track the high concentration Ion Trails left in the wake of a passing ship. Due to the high power put into these sensors and their finely calibrated nature, they are often (but not always) able to detect Ion Trails in spite of Vectrals, Thrust Trace Dampers, and other ion dispersing technologies at close ranges. And while a ship with a military grade cloaking system would be able to mimic its surroundings well enough to avoid direct detection in most cases, this finely tuned suite of sensors are capable of detecting the minuet doppler effects and red/blue shifts in the energy and electromagnetic emissions of ships utilizing sensor masks as they move closer or farther away, even if a ship equipped with these sensors is unable to directly detect the ship itself. Though, a ship with these sensors must first gain a general idea of where to look for the cloaked ship. (IE: A cloaked ship recently arrived from Hyperspace, broadcast an encrypted comm frequency, initiated an attacks, or performed some other action)

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