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Approved Tech Compound 21827CX-Formulation 2C "Depurgo"

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Manufacturer: Imperial Military Protective Services
Type: Substance
Market Status: Open Market
Production: Mass-Produced
Weight: Average
Size: Average
Compound 21827XC-Formulation 2C "Depurgo"


(, custom Dall-E 3 prompt "Anime scientist girl in a star wars imperial officer uniform holding a science fiction capsule with an orange liquid inside of it")
An Imperial Commander looking at the compound in its liquid form.

  • Easy Deployment: Being capable of being transformed into all three conventional states of matter, it is relatively easy to transport and deploy on a wide variety of battlefields in many different configurations and weapons.
  • Universal Application: Just as the original aerosols could be used against almost any type of laser or blaster bolt to crippling effect, so too can "Depurgo" handle almost any kind of such aerosol by combining with it and burning it away.

You Cannot Escape the Cleansing Fire:
Effectively annihilates by reaction and combustion a wide variety of anti-laser and dampener aerosols, allowing blasters and turbolasers to once more be effective. Works both in atmosphere and in space due to the presence of integrated oxidizers in the formulation.


Playing With Fire Can Be Dangerous: Since it is extremely reactive in the presence of the kind of aerosols that it combines with causing massive conflagrations, it is extremely important that a commander or soldier wisely utilize it to avoid damage to one's own forces and consider whether deployment is beneficial in an objective. If, say, an enemy was dug in defending important infrastructure or documents with these gases, one would be unwise to deploy "Depurgo" as it would destroy such critical targets. Or, say, one was engaged in close combat next to an enemy who prefers melee combat and uses such aerosols to further hone their advantage-one could not deploy "Depurgo" without risking one's own troops being caught up in the raging inferno.


As the Empire of the Lost has expanded its reach across the Tion Cluster and beyond, it has come into contact with all sorts of unconventional technology which has in turn both helped and impeded its expansion, driving a variety of scientific research into how to best utilize or counter such technology. One particular area that has proven to be a thorn in the side of the Empire has been the recent deployment of anti-laser aerosols, and dampener aerosols, previously relegated to relatively rare and specialized use, being used more and more often on both a tactical and even a strategic level by its enemies. Rather than having to refit the entirety of the Imperial Fleet and Army with unconventional weaponry such as slugthrowers, mass drivers, and other such technology which would prove a massive strain on both the scientific and logistical divisions of the Empire, a simpler solution was sought, especially after the Empire's worryingly narrow victory at Lothal and Mon Cala where such gases were deployed to cripple the turbolasers and smaller guns of the Imperial fleet while allowing the enemy's unconventional mass drivers free reign to open fire.

This came with the development of Compound 21827XC, nicknamed "Depurgo", after an exhaustive research project funded by the returning Voland family's Imperial Military Protective Services. The goal was to find a compound that could neutralize both types of aerosol at the same time. The development was done in absolute secrecy, but what is rumored is that were over 20,000 variations tested and that only with the assistance of an artificial intelligence with dangerously loose shackles that the code was finally cracked.

Initially hoping that it would simply cause the two types of gases to become inert, dissipate faster, or consolidate into easier to handle smaller solid blobs, it turned out that the fastest solution was simply to have one that would react with these types of aerosols and cause them to combust-rather spectacularly. Although this was not the result that the Empire was hoping for, the war and upcoming campaigns against the Tingle Arm Coalition necessitated mass production and deployment as soon as possible.

The compound can now be seen deployed in various forms in grenades, sprayers, warheads, and deployed across the Empire of the Lost and its various associated companies. Although the compound's formulation is a tightly kept secret for now, it is expected that eventually through reverse engineering it may spread to the wider galaxy-a concern to the Empire, but not a particularly large one as most in the galaxy still prefer to use the more cost-effective lasers and blasters to begin with and hopefully with its spread will see the problematic laser-blocking and dampening aerosols return to a more specialized use over widespread tactical and strategic deployment.

There has been a recent upgraded formulation, the 2C variant, which has been spreading around the Empire, able to burn away some sensor disrupting gases such as Nagnol gas in addition to the original two gases it was designed to handle.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: A chemical counter to anti-laser, nagnol gas, and blaster dampening aerosols to provide some counterplay to them if one is prepared and careful in its deployment.
Permissions: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Empire of the Lost, Imperial Military Protective Services, Voland family, others.
Modular: Yes
Material: A mixture of chemicals including oxidizers so it can burn in space when it reacts with the targeted aerosols, it exists as a gas in its natural form but can with various additives and proper cooling and pressurization techniques be turned into a solid or liquid.
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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Alasdair Voland Alasdair Voland

It was brought to my attention that the War cloud does not interfere/disrupt the systems, but disables them. Which means it is a Semi-unique thing. So if you want to keep the War cloud in your sub, you have to modify the production scale to Semi-unique.
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