Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Computer Problems

Currently I'm experiencing ridiculous levels of disk usage on my Windows 8 PC and I can't seem to find a fix (and Microsoft has blatantly stated they don't care) so I'm probably going to be without a computer right now, thanks to never-ending 100% disk usage (always active), and severe slow loadups and such. It's taken me about 25 minutes just to load the page and an additional 10 minutes to type this, waiting periodically for my screen to unfreeze. I don't know when this will be fixed, or how, if ever, so consider me as a writer, character, whatever, temporarily or permanently gone (Depending on the outcome). Though if anyone knows how to fix this issue I can read still use my phone to minimally access the site.

Using Skype is out of the question for those of you who have it, I've been trying to download it (and windows updates) for the better part of 13 hours.

(I've re-installed windows 8 and removed all previously installed stuff to no avail, in the instance someone offers that as a suggestion)
I had the same issue recently on my Toshiba, lets say it is completely dead now. :(
Using my older brothers laptop until I can afford a new one.

anyway, hope to see ya around. :)

Alric Kuhn

Handsome K'lor'slug
Unfortunately from what you make it sound like and from what else you said, its most likely a hardware issue rather than a software one. This likely means that its the HDD itself thats having troubles. I would suggest calling the manufacturer before anything else. However, It should be an issue that can be easily fixed with a new drive. Its a pain but what can you do.

Either way. Not to worry, stories and such can wait and Alric and [member="Silara"] will pick up when you get back :)
In Umbris Potestas Est
Just to give a quick update on the situation for everyone, good news: we've got a temporary fix made and are working on a full one. Issue seems to be that one of the Microsoft services received a bad update that's causing it to use up 100% of the system's disk usage. Clean booting the computer will give [member="Silara"] a way to access the site if all else fails, but from how things are going, we should have the problem fixed tonight, tomorrow at the absolute latest.
For the moment it seems that I've lessened the frequency of spikes in disk usage, I still plan to have a new drive installed later on this week, but for now I can at least access the browser and (after some waiting) Skype.

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