Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Computer Problems...

OOC Writer Account
| [member="James Justice"] |

Just an update for everyone, concerning my characters. My laptop broke down just over a week ago. My Uncle is repairing it (I was meant to have it back yesterday) but alas, I do not and so I am connecting to the web by my old Vista, which is broken and why I brought my other one in the first place.

I'm making this thread because I am back but I am not back either. It's a bit strange. To put it into terms, yes I have access to Chaos, but my current means to connecting to Chaos doesn't necessarily make it viable to continue writing my characters at this time because within an hour, the damn thing overheats to the point that I can't literally do anything.

Like, I always listen to music- particular music that I can only access via YouTube- whenever I write because I get very, very bad writers block without it. So here is an update for everyone.

I will be writing as [member="Vilox Pazela"] when I get the chance because that Mephirium thread is one of those "once a year" type of events and I felt like I had a stake in it's events based on prior roleplay. By the time it concludes, I will have my laptop back (most probably) and I'll be able to continue writing all my characters when I do.

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