Concept: The Favored of Sargpn
Yet another break time concept! This one revolves around the "creation" of a formal (ish) sect of Force users. Put simply, since we look at the Universe a different way than everyone else, it only makes sense that the views and usage of the Force be different. That said:
In the eyes of the Primeval, what the Galaxy traditionally identifies as the Force is ACTUALLY Sargon himself. Only through the Force are godlike feats accomplished in our reality, and in the eyes of our culture it would make sense for the Force to be attributed to the being who created everything.
Sargon is the Force. His creations are both sentient deities in addition to being living representations of his aspects. Through Sargon, there is Light (Nogras). Through Sargon, there is Darkness, etc. The Force, like Sargon, is vast, enigmatic, and cannot hope to fully understood by the feeble minds of mortal men. However, the Primeval has enough common sense to recognize a gift when they witness it. Those who are Force Sensitive are regarded as "the Favored of Sargon".
These favored eventually "formed" a sect in order to see that the gift of the ultimate Creator be utilized accordingly. Unlike the Jedi or Sith, tenets demanding changes on a personal level are not present. Instead, the Favored are each accepted as is. They are taught that the Force/Sargon is to be revered and are educated in what each aspect is capable of.
The Favored have an emphasis on using the Force via incantation. In essence, this is a reflection of the "tongue of Sargon" commanding the "aspects of Sargon". As such, the Favored are often interpreted by outsiders as witches.
Aaaand I would add more but break is over. Thoughts thus far?
Yet another break time concept! This one revolves around the "creation" of a formal (ish) sect of Force users. Put simply, since we look at the Universe a different way than everyone else, it only makes sense that the views and usage of the Force be different. That said:
In the eyes of the Primeval, what the Galaxy traditionally identifies as the Force is ACTUALLY Sargon himself. Only through the Force are godlike feats accomplished in our reality, and in the eyes of our culture it would make sense for the Force to be attributed to the being who created everything.
Sargon is the Force. His creations are both sentient deities in addition to being living representations of his aspects. Through Sargon, there is Light (Nogras). Through Sargon, there is Darkness, etc. The Force, like Sargon, is vast, enigmatic, and cannot hope to fully understood by the feeble minds of mortal men. However, the Primeval has enough common sense to recognize a gift when they witness it. Those who are Force Sensitive are regarded as "the Favored of Sargon".
These favored eventually "formed" a sect in order to see that the gift of the ultimate Creator be utilized accordingly. Unlike the Jedi or Sith, tenets demanding changes on a personal level are not present. Instead, the Favored are each accepted as is. They are taught that the Force/Sargon is to be revered and are educated in what each aspect is capable of.
The Favored have an emphasis on using the Force via incantation. In essence, this is a reflection of the "tongue of Sargon" commanding the "aspects of Sargon". As such, the Favored are often interpreted by outsiders as witches.
Aaaand I would add more but break is over. Thoughts thus far?