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Approved Starship Concordia

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Avicus DuSang

The Patron Saint of Heartache
Altered by [member="Aria DuSang"]​

Name: Concordia
Affiliation: First Order
Manufacturer: Kuat-Entralla Engineering
Model: Resurgent-class
Modularity: N/A
Production: Unique (Approved by [member="Natasi Fortan"])
Material: Alusteel, Durasteel, transparisteel, glassteel, and other star destroyer construction materials
Classification: Command Ship

Length: 2,915.81m
Width: 1,500m
Height: 650m

  • Over 3,000 turbolasers and ion cannons
  • Tractor Beam Projectors
  • Point Defense Turrets
  • Point Defense Missile Emplacements
  • Six Starfighter Squadrons consisting of:
  • 100 AALs
  • Ground Vehicles
  • Prefabricated Ground Base
Special Features:Armament Rating: 18
Defense Rating: 17
Maneuverability Rating: 20
Speed Rating: 20
Hyperdrive Class: 1.0

  • Heavy guns - The vessel features over 3,000 turbolasers and ion cannons as its main armament. These weapons have been boosted by Kyber Focusing Crystals, allowing the ship to field a devastatingly lethal barrage of weaponry.
  • Sith Meditation Sphere - Integrated into the ship's systems is a salvaged Sith Meditation Sphere. Although heavily damaged and weathered, the hull was salvagable enough to be integrated into the command ship, allowing Admiral Avicus DuSang to view the battlefield in real time and boost the fleet's morale with mass battle meditation.
  • Command ship - Capable of operating as a flagship, the vessel can also operate as a central hub for starfighter wings and planetary assaults. With two wings of starfighters and thousands of stormtroopers at hand, this ship can easily mark the beginning of the end of any adversary.
  • Ponderous - Though heavily armed and armored, the ship is heavy and slow. First Order Star Destroyers have heavy emphasis on armor and weaponry, and lack in maneuverability and speed.
  • Susceptible to Fighter Attacks - To make way for the Sith Meditation Sphere, a hangar was commissioned to hold the vessel. As such, the Concordia holds half as many TIE fighters. This gap in armament makes her more susceptible to fighter attack.
  • Command Ship - Though highly resilient and difficult to destroy, the destruction of this ship is almost guaranteed to send the rest of the fleet into disarray as the chain of command must adapt. Any fleeter worth their salt should do their best to destroy or neutralize this ship to gain a massive advantage in the engagement.
Concordia was designed to head the Grand Moff's fleet. She is the perfect blend of firepower and sophistication. Truly a joint venture between the Moff Council and First Order Navy. Some storage space was allotted to add in a magnificent suite for the Grand Moff, as well as a regal conference room for diplomatic missions, and stately quarters for guests of the Grand Moff and foreign delegates who wish to have an audience with the First Order.

Tactically, she has been modified with a salvaged Sith Meditation Sphere. A hangar was taken out to accompany the structure. Though unable to operate on it's own, the Sphere has been connected to the ship, shielding the sphere deep within the belly of Concordia.

Development Thread: Here.
Intent: The flagship of the Grand Moff's fleet. A ship that can serve as a battle station, and host diplomatic meetings.
Who Can Use This: @Avicus DuSang and [member="Natasi Fortan"]

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
Star Wars Canon:
Pending initial review
Starwars Chaos:
Pending initial review
Pending initial review
Pending Initial review
Pending Inital review

ADM. Reshmar

Directorate Officer Fleet Admiral SJC 3rd Fleet
[member="Avicus DuSang"]
dev is good and ship sub looks awesome needs a few things and it is good to go.
with the development I figure the following stats will be close to what you have dev wise over the standard allowed specs.
so make the armament rating 18, The Defense rating 17, and the hanger capacity 6 squadrons
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