Aleksandr Kerensky
Mercenary Captain
Location: Wild Space Sector -REDACTED- in Asteroid Field
Time: 1400 hours Galactic Standard
Vessels Present: Dire Wolf Class Star Destroyer Hope
Objective: Conduct Space Warfare Exercise, Training, and Analysis to improve skills, strategies and combat prowess of Hope and her crew
The blackness of the void would encompass the surroundings of the vessel, her crew and the asteroid field in which they'd resided. It's cold, heartless and unforgiving nature something that every spacer knew, dealt with, and accepted on a day to day basis. The Dire Wolves had been given a system shock in the preceding months, first with the death of their leader and now his adoptive son going rogue and fleeing CIS space. They wanted to pursue, but unfortunately duty called. They were to run preparations for future operations. They had to prepare for the unforgiving nature of war. As guardians of the weak, defenders of the righteous, and the burning fury of the just, they had no choice. The galaxy was once again at war with petty squabbles among the various major factions, but The Dire Wolves prepared for something greater. A foe more dangerous, more cunning and much more difficult to kill than any of the other major factions.
The Bryn'adul.
Twice they had met them in battle. Twice they'd sacrificed many, saved more and had been prepared to destroy themselves in pursuit of the destruction of this menace. Twice they had lost. Aleksandr Kerensky paced aboard his bridge, his face a scowl as he looked across the various stations. He wasn't angry with the crew. Their performance hadn't been slacking at all. Their valiance in the face of annihilation and destruction that the Bryn sought was more than adequate. Aleksandr was instead angry with himself. He'd let their training slack, their skills dull, their efficiency taper. The Dire Wolves were supposed to be the best of the best, the most hardened and elite warriors in the galaxy. Their commandos were to be the absolute things of nightmares and legends, their sailors the stuff of ballads and odes dedicated to the very greatest. Their ship, Hope, was to be exactly that. Hope. A shining bright light in the seas of darkness, calling all to her and letting all those know that no matter what the situation is, good can and will prevail. That so long as the good men and women of this ship breathed, the fight was never over. That all of the righteous and just should take heart, while the evil and wicked should despair. She was meant to be a fierce reminder of even the Bryn's fierce nature and overwhelming presence could not cause them pause. They would not lose this war. That in the end, good will prevail.
Which is why they were here.
Aleksandr Kerensky patrolled across his bridge of his ship. Having lost Sergei had been a blow to the men and women of this vessel. It had winded them, hurting the morale more than any possible defeat could have. So much so that the official Commander in Chief of The Dire Wolves remained unoccupied. No one had stepped up to take his place, and how could they? He was a single man, of such singular purpose that his will and will alone had founded this fighting force. His charisma, his ability to fight had inspired others to take up the crusade they all fought and pursued with such zeal. He would have been proud to see that his Dire Wolves still manned their stations. They still fought. Kerensky took a final look about the bridge before clearing his throat and selecting the intercomm.
"Attention all hands, this is the captain speaking. I know we have been underway for quite some time, but we have finally reached our location to begin our training exercises. All hands, prepare for combat drills. You know your parts, and I expect them carried out under battle conditions, Master Chief on your mark,"
The man would simply nod as he accepted the responsibility of signaling the start of the battle drills. Aleksandr would take his seat, look across the entirety of the bridge before settling on him, and simply nodding his approval to begin.
Klaxons would begin blaring as the ship went to combat power, people began yelling commands, acknowledgements and various other communications across the vessel. Anything not related to combat was bolted, strapped or otherwise held down as all of the crew immediately went to combat stations. Sailors began donning their combat suits, sealing them in case of hull breaches and running to their combat stations. Commandos immediately went to the armory and began donning armor, drawing weapons, and loading ammunition. Flight crews immediately went to their pre-flight bays where they would receive briefs on the situation, while ground crews began pre-flight checks of all of the craft. Missiles and rounds were loaded, turrets and weapons came online, and shields went to full power. As gunners would man their stations and input their access codes screens would come online showing the field around them, a projected radar screen as multiple inbound simulated hostiles were already on the attack. Turrets on the hull of the vessel would raise free of their locks and begin tracking these targets, Electronic and Cyber-Warfare specialists now dealing with a series of problems on their own, and weapons began opening fire. Missile tubes were loaded with a standard variety of SIM-series missiles, each with a designated target type and payload. The bridge itself would be a cacophony of words as various stations talked to each other as the ship went to all ahead flank.
"Missiles incoming, I track seven inbound tracks, bearing two nine zero, range one thousand klicks!"
"Tracking and targeting, requesting kill with birds,"
"Approved send it!"
"Roger, launch bays one, two, seven, niner, twelve, thirteen, and seventeen target and kill those inbound tracks,"
The Eagle Eye Targeting System would pick up on the simulated trail of these missiles, first acquiring a thermal, radar, and then even a visual lock as it fed this to the smart targeting system on the missiles. Several missile bays would open, and with a roar as the engines fired the missiles would rocket out of their berths, heading at their intended targets with blistering speeds. On the three dimensional display of the vessel amidst all of the debris, simulated enemy targets, and incoming/outbound tracks, the missiles would appear going straight for the intended attack. Their intercept course would line up, approach and then detonate as they struck their intended targets. The SIM-1 was a very lethal and effective killer of all manner of smaller targets, just as designed. The Senior Weapons Officer would then call out to the various gunners on the bridge.
"Turrets three, four, eight and nine I want those guns out! Load first salvo of Ion, second salvo AP, find that bogey and kill it before it shoots again!"
"Aye sir!"
The left side turrets of the vessel would turn out as they scanned for targets, looking for anything, even a visual cue of where this enemy had struck from. It would take almost a minute for them to find the 'target', an asteroid that had been painted over by the system to represent an enemy cruiser. A cruiser that had no thermal or even a radar signature due to the asteroids unique composition.
The other turrets would instantly snap to the gunner's target, beginning to form a shooting solution. Since Radar lock was out of the question and there was no thermal signature to be used, they would use laser rangefinders on board their turrets to find the range from each turret to the target. In milliseconds the turrets would have the range, and using that known alongside the movement of each turret, the angle each turret was at to calculate relative velocity to the ship, and the magnetic mass sensors aboard to finalize that shooting solution with proper guidance, the turrets would acquire a target lock. Four Mjolnir Class Turrets would have rounds loaded and charged, and would unleash a devastating barrage of Ion based rounds, their primary Ionite-A payload exploding across the side of the asteroid as it slammed home, the secondary Ion blasts dissipating through space. But they were not yet done, as the loading systems of the Mjolnir Guns cycled in fresh rounds, in seconds having their Armor Piercing High Explosive Rounds prepared and ready to finish a nightmarish one-two punch. Once more each of the guns would fire with a silent roar of wrath and rage as the 1.6 meter wide, and 5 meter long shells hurtled through space at speeds that defied explanation. Each round would slam home, punching through the surface of the asteroid to deliver its high explosive payload to the inside. The blast as the internal explosions rocked and tore through the space debris would be massive, causing the asteroid to break into pieces in a massive display of brutally effective firepower. All the while Hope did not stop moving, performing these actions as she charge forward making headway to a pre-determined location where a smaller simulated enemy battlegroup was waiting. Turbolasers opened fire at surrounding asteroids to cover the vessel, as more targets were acquired and finally the ship began to unleash all of its awe inspiring firepower on the field around it.
Meanwhile in the hangar bays, pilots were now rushing to their craft, crews preparing their stations, and taxiing the first flight onto the launch deck. After the ship was moved into place launch shields would be engaged in the form of massive Phrik-A plates that would rise out of the ground to shield the remaining vessels and ground crews from the starfighter's exhaust. The first ship, piloted by none other than Red Leader, would lock into place on the catapult as it began final pre-flight checks. First by cycling the engines from low to high power, shields, making sure all the weapons cycled, testing flaps, and finally making sure the oxygen on his ship was good. He would signal to the ground crew that he was as they called "Go-Flight" with a simple salute. This would be passed along to the launch crew with a simple thumbs up, the man in front of the ship doing a final inspection before taking a crouched position and throwing his arms forward to the hangar doors signaling the controller to launch. And with a massive CLUNK the locks would disengage, the electromagnetic catapult being released as it flung the ship out at massive acceleration while the F4 Dragon would go to afterburners to get as much speed as possible for launch. And across eight different launch bays this would all happen simultaneously the members of Red Squadron forming up as they first did a circle of Hope to form up and then do a quick comms check. While they did their lap, the next flight of starfighters would be brought up to the catapults, the same final pre-flight checks done, and all the processes repeated with almost mechanical precision. These people knew what they were doing as they had trained, drilled, practiced and done it under combat conditions hundreds if not thousands of times before. Gold Squadron was next in the chute, and just as Red Squadron finished its lap and engaged in combat maneuvers, Gold Squadron would be launched from the hangars of Hope. Missiles would be flying all around these starfighter pilots, but none of them would show any signs of fear. They trusted their equipment, and their training to be able to handle the situation. Red Squadron went on the attack, moving among the asteroids in the field as it first met with and engaged a simulated enemy fighter squadron consisting of A-Wings and TIE-Interceptors. This simulation was real enough that it would even display holographic images for the pilots as they began commencing maneuvers, breaking off into two ship flights as they engaged in the dog fight. These ships were fast, and being piloted by an AI known for her ability to push even the flight crews, they would receive no quarter from these fighters, and so give none in return. The pilots would push themselves and their machines to their very limits, dodging, twisting and turning as they fought to destroy these opponents while also attempting to not be crushed by the asteroids. And their F4 Dragons would prove to be up to the task as they clashed with these simulated belligerents, unleashing their 14 millimeter machine guns and laser cannons as they fought these enemy craft. Missiles against such vehicles at this close range would be nigh useless, and in an asteroid field, even more so as they all knew the AI was more than capable of wasting such munitions on asteroids with their extreme maneuvers. No they would have to win this like any knife fight, up close and personal. As this was happening Gold Squadron would receive their orders, interception of a heavy attack squadron with its own fighter coverage. The group of Dragons was up to the task and would immediately head towards this target at maximum acceleration. Finally Black Squadron was launched but being held in reserve as a final protective line and waiting on the support craft to launch. Because on a ship like this, everything and everyone fought. They would break off into their two ship formations and patrol the edges of Hope's blind spots, being given simulated targets to engage from missiles, fighters and other craft to assault craft and heavy bombers. Each pilot would fly with the expert grace of a ballet dancer, with the lethal intent and ferocity of a trained killer. They would fight in their pairs both as wingmen, and in the squadron as a single body, differing two ship flights suddenly and unexpectedly changing targets to engage enemies coming onto their comrades tails. They fought as opportunistic killers, staying close enough to each other to provide each successive flight support, but allowing each flight the freedom to maneuver and engage as necessary to defeat these combatants. Meanwhile Gold Squadron managed to catch the heavy bomber formation in an open patch of the asteroid field, firing on them with a barrage of missiles to destroy or otherwise cripple most of the enemy bombers, before tangling with their fighter escorts. These were simulated standard TIE-L/N fighters and T-70 X-Wings. The fighters would clash with barrages of laser cannons, machine guns, and missile launches as each fought for supremacy in the stars. This would delay Gold Squadron from finishing their primary target, but would not leave them alone entirely. As the final remaining bombers would come into view of Hope, a single Mjolnir turret would turn and face the oncoming bombers' formation. And with a single shot, send out a massive High Explosive round to the center of their formation. It's detonation would wipe them from their virtual existence like being struck by a vengeful god. And on the battle would rage as the ship pressed ever closer to the enemy formation.
Finally as Hammer, Leviathan, and Anvil Squadrons had been launched, the ship would break out of the thickest portion of the asteroid field, and come face to face with the simulated fleet. This consisted of three corvettes, two frigates, another cruiser, all backed by a heavy battlecruiser. The moment they entered range of this fleet, the ship would be assailed with a barrage of missiles, turbolasers, and mass drivers as they all focused fire on the ship. Hope would direct her shields forward, reinforcing the frontal half of the ship's shielding while exposing the stern of the vessel and firing a barrage of its own. The various officers on the bridge would report the shield strength and send out interception missiles to catch the enemy's own concussion missiles while they coordinated fires. Red and Gold Squadrons fresh out of their battles were now pressing on the far left flank of the fleet, ready to crash onto the two Corvettes on their side of the fleet. Meanwhile Black Squadron backed by Hammer, Leviathan, and Anvil Squadrons would press the attack as a fresh wave of fighters were being sent their way. A wave of fighters that would be met with a massive barrage of missiles from the War Hound dropships as they used their advanced targeting computers to launch most of their missiles at once. A wave of explosions would erupt across space as the fighters were torn to pieces under this barrage, and in the midst of the missile barrage from Hope, several much larger, and fatter missiles would travel about halfway between the fleet and herself before detonating. The large eruption of smoke clouds in the vastness of space would screen the ship as she continued moving forward, trying to close the gap between the fleet and her to get into a better position to attack. Because one thing was always true of the dreadnoughts of space, especially of the ones built by most major powers. They focused on Offense and Defense to win the day, never speed or maneuverability. This meant that a ship with proper maneuverability to could quite easily get into a blind spot and tear them asunder. And while the enemy fleet was unable to return fire accurately now because of the smoke screen, Hope was still able to continue firing as the various fighters and support craft would relay targeting data on the various ships, allowing her guns to only stop firing as they cycled round and round through the void at this simulated enemy. This unceasing barrage would claim two of the corvettes, and severely damage one of the frigates as she began to close within knife fighting ranges. As she entered her own smoke cloud, this was where the shooting got less accurate as the SYC smoke scrambled even communications data, but with Hope's magnetic mass sensors, she'd still be able to at least continue firing. This break in accuracy would allow the captain of the vessel to order the charging of the ship's most impressive weapon system aboard. The mighty Thor Particle Projectile Cannon. Deuterium tanks would be unsealed as the isotope of hydrogen went to the primary weapon to be charged by the multiple Isotope-5A reactors aboard the weapon's housing. The ship would press on, with the fighter squadrons now commencing their attacks while the support craft took a more orbital position, waiting for gaps in the enemy positions to appear to perform strafing runs with their heavier 35 millimeter autocannons. The squadrons of Dragons meanwhile were flying amongst the enemy fleet, weaving in and out around the vessels' various superstructures as they sought to do as much damage as they could with whatever munitions they had left, and their laser cannons. This string of attacks would cripple one of the frigates, while the Corvette attempted to fend off two of the squadrons, Anvil and Leviathan Squadrons would blindside it, using their autocannons to riddle the ship with holes before a round struck the reactor core causing the ship to go off like a bomb. And as the ship exited the smoke screen it would fire another barrage of missiles, and resume its assault with turbolasers, ion cannons, and Mjolnir Cannons as it revealed to the enemy its trump card. Not being fully charged, this weapon could only fire a small burst, but with a massive crackle of energy, the massive bolt of ionized plasma would be hurled from this massive weapon at the crippled frigate. This absolutely massive and probably overkill blow would atomize the simulated vessel in a flash of blinding blue light as Hope continued her attack, now directing this massive weapon against the Battlecruiser. Going nose down slightly to get slightly off center mass of the battlecruiser, the ship would adjust course back again as it prepared for a second shot.