Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Confederacy of Independent Systems

So, I thought that maybe I could reorganize the Separatists. We could rebel against the Republic, and destroy that pitiful faction for good. Perhaps this time, we'll have an army of humans and droids, and take some ideas from Palpatine's Galactic Empire as well. Right off the bat, is there anyone else interested?
Sentients, robots, robots disguised as sentients, and hybrids. The Confederacy is hoping to marry droid and sentient for the evolution of the galaxy. Sort of like well-mannered, more political Borg. Or just Cylons.

Briar Thorn

Life is a game, so why not enjoy yourself?
You do realize they were just the senate only smaller right? They literally were just a group of planets who broke from the senate to form their own little senate and Dooku and the other Sith took advantage of them? Also what is with all of the Republic bashing that goes around? It feels completely unwarranted and undeserved.
[member="Ahogo Skuji"]

Not to be a naysayer, but...

...I don't think doing this would make sense, right now. I don't think the site's ready for another CIS, yet, and considering that we have other corporate-aligned major and minor factions that do well enough already... yeah.

If you take a gander at the map, there's the Techno Union. That used to be the CIS, once upon a time, and once upon a time, it was good. I used to run with that faction, my first year on this site. It just isn't time, mate, especially when this evolution of CIS 1.0 hasn't yet had the opportunity to pass into the mists of memory.
[member="Ilias Nytrau"] [member="Briar Thorn"] [member="Isley Verd"] [member="Bexel"]

Briar, Illias, calm down guys! The purpose of this is just a group of rebels who don't like the ways of the Republic, so they want to create their own democracy to make things the way they want them to be. Briar, we are simply just another version of the Republic, and in time I hope we replace the Republic. Sorry if this makes absolutely no sense, I'm crazy, I know.
Plus, you have the single fact of why?

Like Ilias, im all for you doing what ever you wish. But you need a truly clear reason for your existing as a faction and why its doing what it does. If its just about rebelling against the Republic, then why are you doing it. What reason is there for your doing it. and is there anything that supports your push for this. Questions to ask and to answer for yourself before simply saying. "Lets rebel and try to kill the Republic."

I mean, if you want to do that, just make a Sith character. They are doing that already in the killing district.

Briar Thorn

Life is a game, so why not enjoy yourself?
[member="Ahogo Skuji"]

As others have stated, my issue is mostly why you are doing all of this. There is no real reason currently for anyone to want to rebel from the Galactic Republic. They get a lot of flak from people for some reason and honestly haven't done anything to deserve it from what I can see. I just don't see any good IC reason why the Republic would break up right now when they are currently in a good state, and have an invasion on the way.

If you want to start up a new major faction then go for it, but think it through or it won't go well. Major factions are not easy to get up and going and even harder to keep going. There is also a recent Major Faction to show up, so it would be best to wait a while before attempting another one.

If you get a solid reason for why anyone would rebel from the GR then I say go for it, but with your current reason it is not solid enough to support anything other than minor, ,momentary bandwagoning that wont last but a week or two.
[member="Ahogo Skuji"]

My point was... ok take my (failure) faction that im trying to push for months now.

My Confederacy's main point is to provide a shield for the worlds of the Outer Rim, simple as that and why?

Why is because in the recent times only one group has truly been there for the outer rim and that was the Techno Union (As far as southern outer rim goes.) Because the Omega Protectorate died out and the Moross Crusade ran a religious cult that was normally worse for the region than what would be hoped for. (Nothing against the Moross, i loved that group.)

ICly, Solan wanted to help the outer rim and so he joined with the Vitae Alliance to try, but that failed so his next hope was for a confederacy of worlds that could band together like a republic for the outer rim. Now as i said i am failing heavily with that but the point is i had a reason to create the COR. I had a why to go with the what and while there are groups like the Galactic Alliance there now to do what i failed to do, they have the same why. To create a place to protect the worlds of the galaxy, and it just so happens the outer rim is right next door for them.

So thats my point. Get a Why for your idea. Why does the CIS need to be a thing, and why ICly and OOCly should people join you in creating the CIS once more?
Briar Thorn said:
Also what is with all of the Republic bashing that goes around? It feels completely unwarranted and undeserved.
IC actions have IC consequences. There was an IC action made by the former PM of the Galactic Republic, it garnered discontent and unrest. The faction has since made strides to fix that, but it is not unwarranted or undeserved.
[member="Ahogo Skuji"]

Well, there's already the Galactic Republic, and the Galactic Alliance... but that's still better. Hm... how about the 'Free Systems Federation'? Just a suggestion off the top of my head, take it or leave it.

The point is, you want to be distinguishable from what already exists, and that includes the name of your faction. :)
[member="Ahogo Skuji"]

I'm sorry you feel that way. You know, we're not trying to keep you off the map. Just trying to get you to think before you act. We want you to be as successful as possible if you're building a faction, and there's ways to do that, and... ways to not do that. The details matter. What you do and how you do it is the difference between a faction being a flash in the pan and a juggernaut.

Lots of us around here have built and/or ran major factions with varying degrees of success. My suggestion, should you wish to tackle the faction ownership game in the future, is to look at what other longstanding factions of the past and present have done that's made them do so well for however long they did or have been. Talk to the people that have lead those factions, get their advice.

The advice is always free. Never, ever be afraid to ask for help and input.
[member="Ahogo Skuji"]

Unfortunate to say, but I've heard from dozens of people that the Republic War Machine is halting with whatever it has left. Not to say the Faction is going down the drain, but it isn't as good as it once was. With the Mandalorian wildfire, the One Sith bombardment, and internal cultural/society battles, She's taken so many hits, and just trying to survive. There isn't much of a fight there, I'd think. They deserve a breather.

Edit: On the fact of the harassment and backlash those are throwing at the Republic, it's OOC Drama. The Mando's have calmed, things have stabilized. Let the past be the past.

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