Fist of Yag'Dhul

Confederate Third Fleet||Freedom's Gauntlet
- Intent: To flesh out a fleet for Confederate Admiral
Na-Nihilus Soth
- Image Credit: The Confederacy Art Repository
- Permissions:
Misha Kaskadov for the contributions to the Confederate Navy
- Links: Confederacy Factory & Codex Manifest, Confederate Armed Forces Info and Roster
- Fleet Name: Confederate Third Fleet (Unofficial: Freedom's Gauntlet)
- Classification: Capital Fleet
- Affiliation: The Confederacy,
Na-Nihilus Soth
- Fleet Symbol:
- Description: The Third Fleet is to be created in service of the reborn Confederacy, the Third Fleet is primarily an offensive force designed for large-scale fleet engagements as well as planetary invasion or blockade duty. The Third Fleet is a professional naval force made up of crew drawn from all planets and species found within the Confederacy or those who have defected to the Confederate cause.
- Headquarters: Rothana
- Ports of Call: Rothana-Kamino-Abrion Major-Excarga
- Goals: In times of peace, the Third Fleet is on patrol duty to ensure trade and travel between major Confederate worlds is kept safe and secure. In wartime, the fleet engages other significantly sized forces and blockades planetary systems to ensure a successful ground assault or a surrender to the Confederacy.
- Reputation: Many view the Confederacy as a bastion of stability and peace in the turbulent Outer Rim. The Third Fleet is the protector of this bastion, and recruits come to join its ranks in the defense of newfound independence or vengeance against the various galactic oppressors. Thanks to its Admiral, the fleet is viewed to carry a ruthless efficiency, and many Givin are found within its ranks as the backbone of the Fleets command staff.
- Fleet Size: Large
- Lead Ship: Sovereign-Class Assault Cruiser Fist of Yag'Dhul
- Composition:

Formed from the forces that fled Yag'Dhul along with Na-Nihilus Soth, the Confederate Third Fleet was formed for offensive operations to expand the Confederacy by means of military force. Many of the fleets command crew are Givin along with its Admiral and have the stated goal of liberating not only their homeworld but all worlds found within the borders of the original Confederacy of Independent Systems.
Modeled after the fleet commanded by General Grievous well over four thousand years prior, many within the fleet have not forgotten the fall of the old Confederacy and the subjugation of the Givin people by the Empire and the various other galactic governments that followed. Though Yag'Dhul now lay within the bounds of the Galatic Alliance, the officers loyal to Soth view the Alliance as little more than the continuation of the same government the Givin battled in the Clone Wars. This schism has led to the Third Fleet being heavily modeled on the operating practices of the old Confederacy with the bulk of manual tasks aboard the fleets ships being handled by a variety of droids while the command staff remains organic.
Now equipped with the latest ships the Confederacy has to offer, the third Fleet sets out on patrol duty until the call for Confederate expansion is made and, inevitably, the liberation of Yag'Dhul and a victory in an ancient war.