Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Confirm your duels on Telti!

In order to keep things organized and make sure we haven't missed anything in this massive and AWESOME invasion, we would like any member who participated to either confirm the information below, or let us know anything we've missed.

1. Are your duels correct?
2. Are we missing a duel?
3. If you and your opponent have agreed on a winner, please let us know here. If you have not or cannot agree, the FA's will judge your duel for you to decide a winner!

You have until THURSDAY AT 6PM EST to confirm or correct anything below.

Thanks guys!

Reverance vs. Kian Karr

Matsu Xiangu vs. Ryan Korr

Athena Heron vs. Dair Cotarin, Jacen Voidstalker

Sage Bane vs. Des Kovak (Ciara Jevnaker & Draco Vereen?)

Darth Ayra & Cameron Centurion vs. Mara D’lessio Merrill, Hylocereus, Laura Na’Varro, Micah Talith, Aela Talith, Kaili Talith

Tacitanya, Catherine Soja, Travot Ravenna, Kaia Vullen vs. Darth Nephthys & Darth Carach

Phylis Alince vs. Darth Veles

Darth Raven vs. Haytham Kaze

Nefertari Sovint vs.Cameron Centurion

Kana Truden vs. Vrag

Darth Vornskr & Khallesh vs.Damian Starchaser & Kana Truden

Seraphina Shel’tah & Steve vs. Darth Ferus

Corvus Raaf vs. Kiran Vess

Melori Raaf vs. Ali Hadrix

Tmoxin Temi vs. Varus Shatterstar

Varus Shatterstar vs. Vrag

Varus Shatterstar vs. Darth Vornskr

Catherine Soja vs. Darth Carach/Darth Nephthys

Catherine Soja vs. Tmoxin Temi

Greta Kohler vs. Varus Shatterstar

Draco Vereen (2nd DUEL) vs. Harley


The Second Seal, broken.
[member="Matsu Xiangu"]

Correct on both counts. :)
Kana Truden lost, but I'm not sure where we stand with Varus. I'll check in with him and get back to you.

Matsu Xiangu said:
Varus Shatterstar vs. Darth Vornskr
[member="Darth Vornskr"] fought Damien Starchaser. :p
[member="Matsu Xiangu"]

Yup. I fought with Varus Shatterstar.

Not sure what the outcome is though. I reckon that either it is a draw, or I lost. Not really sure, I'll leave it up to you admins to judge. I know he left when he saw [member="Vrag"] approach. though.
[member="Matsu Xiangu"]

I fought Des Kovak. He hasn't officially confirmed a win, and then went on to fight [member="Cylus Jest"], so I'll leave it up to the RPJ's to have a look. I left him in pretty bad shape :p

I also fought [member="Zylah Dvale"]. It seems that I won that duel. [member="Tanek Santii"] can confirm or deny, as Tanek also writes Zylah.
Not to bug, but as someone who doesn't really participate much in OS affairs anymore on any of my characters, do you have an idea of when the decision is likely to be made?

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