Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Conflict or Silence. Chronicle or Spark. The Codex awaited its answer.

Eternity awaits.
Tag: Darth Invictus Darth Invictus
  • Jade Penumbra Nebula, surrounded by the Dead-Run Badlands.
  • Landra System: A White and Blue binary star.
  • On Lilandrer, a giant terrestrial planet.
  • The Enduring Pinnacle's Apex, a mountainous island, symbolizes what may come.
  • Dawn.

A sickeningly beautiful, lush world, Lilandrer lay on the edges of wild space, shrouded in the Jade Penumbra Nebula, behind the gate of Archons—the only recorded safe hyperspace point through the region's myriad small black holes and gravitational anomalies. Known as the Dead-Run Badlands, this region challenged any who attempted to brave its suicidal shroud.

Wild, unpredictable space defined this area, unknown to most due to the sizeable, shrouding nebula. Most others who investigated further turned back quickly at the Badlands unless they knew of the gate marking the way. Life flourished here, prosperous and peaceful. The Landra system hosted four species: the peaceful Landra, near-humans who love agriculture and art; the Echani, Epicanthix, and Chiss enclaves, all fleeing their war-torn regions or annihilated homeworlds. Other visitors from the system's two inhabited worlds appeared but were rarer.

This sanctuary brimmed with potential for those lost, abandoned, and betrayed. Centax saw it clearly. One of three worlds with life in this system, out of eight in total, Lilandrer's rich biodiversity remained untouched by Galactic meddling and ripe for his cause. The crowning piece: Keth hadn't found them yet, making them his, or perhaps theirs.

In a large mountain structure, two Sith met to discuss the future. This could either be a brief spark in a long history or the start of a new chapter in the Long Conflict. The Keeper of the Code did not know, but he stood alone in a circular brown stone room carved into the mountainside, awaiting the entrance of the other. His armor carried the legacy of the Kethenites burned into its creation, glowing red from their tale.

Ahead of him lay a spherical metal console in the center, ready to project the future above it.
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TAGS: Darth Centax Darth Centax

Darth Invictus entered the room. It was like a brief shift in the gravity of the planet when the massive figure appeared, like a black hole it attracted emotions, passions with a pull which was undeniable. He commanded the singularity, defined the event horizon as a force of nature. The natural attraction was carved authority, embedded power despite His relative obscurity, anonymity. It was a promise of the future.

The Epicanthix moved, the titanic steps echoing each time one of the sabatons hit the floor. A surprise they did not shatter as He seemed to carry the weight of a star. Imposing in a battle-scarred warplate, dark metal engulfed Him from toe to neck, a tabard with a symbol of sword and lightning embroiled onto it covered some of it, a hood tainted His pale skin in shadows from where the burning sulphuric eyes pierced outwards. A respirator covered His lower face and left no trace of mouth and jaw, swallowing it whole and yet no heavy breathing sounds emitted from it. Indeed the voice seemed barely affected by it.

"Shall we begin?"

Tag: Darth Invictus Darth Invictus

Invictus heavy steps brought a gravity to the room, Centax's focus deepening on the individual.


He punched up the display ahead, highlighting the planet and the locations of different enclaves interspersed around the larger Landra settlements. Invictus, an Epicanthix, belonged to a race whose home world had been annihilated. Centax aimed to use this fact to further his interest in the prospect. A race reborn under his hand and direction, the progenitor of a new fate shaped as only the Sith could.

"The last vestiges of true potential remain here," his gravelly voice declared. The enclaves named New Eshan, New Csilla, and New Panatha appeared on the display. Others had taken in mere refugees, displaced people, but where were they now? Did the Chiss or Epicanthix hold real power or sway in galactic events without a home world? Without a direct senator or a large enough army to fuel the Sith? No.

Till today.

He expanded the holoprojection to show the entire system. "Three planets for three races, as weapons from wounds," purpose in every word. It seemed clear to him. As for Exegol being destroyed, the Darth had a precise plan. The Alliance and its subservient underlings would learn to fear that name before he was done.

What stood in their way? Farming, faith, art, and beauty. These enclave elements were scattered across one planet, not three planetary strongholds. It represents the peacefulness and harmony he believed would not build a stronger Sith or people. Conflict was the enduring path to strength, and he sensed that Invictus felt the same.

"What do you see?" Centax asked, relinquishing the controls, the circular panel offering easy access to anyone standing around it. The Darth awaited Invictus's vision to shape the future using these enclaves of the past, or his thoughts on the potential before him.


TAGS: Darth Centax Darth Centax

The bloodshot eyes laid siege to the the young man in front of Him and the display, impossible to determine where they rested at any moment as they seemed to be paying equal attention to both. A piercing gaze from sockets of deep corruption, the cracked skin, sickly pale and its veins highlighted, it was the visage of Dark side usage. It was the appearance of someone who had delved into the mysteries and taint of the Bogan as deep as survival allowed.

"I see uncorrupted potential, ready to be forged." The voice was a hammer of determination, clashing an anvil in the deepest of mines. "But you are ahead of yourself, young Sith. My presence is your permit to share, your chance to offer why I should not take what I see - without you." Invictus spoke of it as a matter of fact, a statement neither derogatory nor mocking.

Tag: Darth Invictus Darth Invictus

Turning to face Invictus directly, that same sense of gravity or pressure came from the other, the sacrifices, the battles, the slain carved into him. Sith took, they didn't ask, this was their way.

"You should. Often. With an army at your back."

Centax lived for conflict. An offer of a duel or conflict to come couldn't be better received. The force had brought them together for that reason. They saw the galaxy similarly.

Ready to be forged.

"This proving ground. Can be turned into a crucible through wars and rebirth, forging a bloody jewel that will last an eternity." The galaxy already had for a few hundred years with the Kethenites; with the growing obliterated homeworlds, the scars were ripe to rise from. The galaxy kept offering purpose, potential, and tools to shape them. Who knows how many other shattered worlds or people looking for a path it would put within their grasp?

His crushgaunts tensed, unflinching from Invictus, almost a smile beneath the metal mask. "You can kill thousands of me; why settle for one."

What would it be? Would he choose a long cycle of purpose or cut it short with one of their deaths here at the start? Was owning a backwater system more important than the promise of its power to come?


TAGS: Darth Centax Darth Centax

"If I would require an army to take what I desire, I would not live up to what I seek."

He left it at that. The Sith in front was of similar caliber as most combinations of shadowy schemers and valorous warlords of the Order. They were seeking to rule, seeking to rule to either enforce their twisted vision of absolute power or in this case of a rule by ideals of the Dark side. It was as common as it was unimpressive.

"Too often great projects and desires fell short of expectations and plans because of premature violence, because of petty fights carried out for domination where realities demanded differently. Living to embrace conflict, progress and evolution does also mean the to achieve the enlightenment of when to pursue it with full force."

The voice of Darth Invictus carried a sense of knowledge, a feeling of awareness, maybe even wisdom while delivering this little statement. It was not a challenge, neither to the man in front nor his intellect. If they had a mutual vision, it was in their interest to see it through, not to kill each other before any fruits of their labor could have a chance to take root.

This would be one of the Dark Lords porjects. It would a single stone in a monument to His triumph. It was just the beginning.

Tag: Darth Invictus Darth Invictus

'If I would require an army to take what I desire, I would not live up to what I seek.'

"Legacy lasts by example," Die with no legacy, and everything you were went with you, but the other knew that already. Some idealism still found expression in Centax's words, but he always reached for more than he was.

Keth, if present, would argue that success comes from strategic actions, such as saving or killing the right soul at the right time and subtly shifting the balance. However, Centax was a doer, bringing to life what Keth's ghostly presence could only dream of achieving through others. Holding territory was not his goal, though the temptation lured him like any Sith, and glory still beckoned when he could grasp it. The Long Conflict was his true purpose, shaping opponents, onlookers, and allies through the Sith Code's example. The armies they waged war with had many forms.

'Too often great projects and desires fell short of expectations and plans because of premature violence...'

"It is a web, where one action breeds and cycles the next." Regardless of size, every act could be significant if it had the potential for reuse, magnifying its impact across the galactic landscape. One day, he would plot events as they unfolded, reforming in the next galactic cycle. To achieve this, he needed a seer who shared his vision of the Long Conflict, something so far denied to him.

How many weapons, concepts, ideals, and themes had subtly infiltrated the galaxy's heart through different agents?

His crushgaunt relaxed, but his focus remained on the other Sith. Part of him craved the duel. Everything Centax did was a challenge—to the Galaxy, Jedi, and those before him. He invoked and invited conflict with every word.

"Wars can wait until we've properly fashioned the tools," he asserted. Not a full Kaggath, as he preferred multiple opportunities, but a fitting Sith declaration. Cycles of conflict could hone their armies, environments, orders, experiments, ideals, populations, and more into fine tools, selecting a planet or station for their battlefields depending on their goal.

Centax pulled up the system map. The controls still allowed both to manipulate the desired entries if any of significance spoke to them.

  • Landra I – Uninhabited.
  • Landra II – Uninhabited. 2 Moons
  • Inner Asteroid Belt – No Activity
  • Landra III– Inhabited. 1 Moon
  • Landra IV Lilandrer – Giant Terrestrial Paradise World. Inhabited. 2 Moons
  • Landra V – Uninhabited. 5 Moons
  • Landra VI – Uninhabited. 3 Moons
  • Landra VII – Inhabited. 3 Moons.
  • Landra VIII – Uninhabited.
  • Outer Asteroid Belt – No Activity
  • Dead-run Badlands

OOC Planets.
Feel free to describe or mention a planet or two with some creative input.

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