Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Connar Arneir Whitelight

NAME: Connar Arneir Whitelight
RANK: Acolyte
SPECIES: Zeltron/
AGE: 5
SEX: boy
EYES: blue
HAIR: Bleach blonde almost white
SKIN: Pink


STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) : + very quick to learn new stuff
+ physical able to do things more then children his own age

-sometime gets to curious about things, touches stuff he shouldn't
-truest what comes out of others mouths and believes them.

APPEARANCE: Very tall for his age, being of the races comes from. Looking at him could tell that he was of mix blend, with his white hair, skin pink like a Zeltron, and his blue eyes that sometimes change to a light pink color.

BIOGRAPHY: Born in the heart of the jungle on Haruun Kal, to Maya Whitelight there they keep her serect for four years. There he started to learn some of the skill that his mother learn at his age, wanting nothing more to became like her to be able to roam the galaxy go to far way places. Only Maya ever took him on her trips but one time to the sliver jedi temple on Voss, where there met her friend [member="Asaak Tey"] many others. Going about his trip all he dream about was one day returning to the temple.

One day a fish guy one of Maya frends or so he was told, took him and show him his ship, there lock him up when he came back with out his mother told about how his mom didn't love him any more, took him away to be with the [member="Darth Veles"].


What a cute little kid, I suppose we will be working with each other in the One Sith, I look forward to it [member="Connar Arneir Whitelight"]

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