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Character Connel Aric Vanagor 2.1

If the abyss stares at you, don't blink


Connel Aric Vanagor

SpeciesHalf Sorrusian-Half Human
Weight246 lbs.
Force SensitiveYes

Connel was an average height, average sized Jedi Knight(if there is one).



Jedi Knight Connel Vanagor is a towering figure, standing at an impressive 6'5. His imposing presence is further enhanced by the cybernetic implants and internal prosthetics that cover most of his body, a result of a devastating defeat in battle. Despite his injuries, Connel exudes strength and resilience, a testament to his unwavering determination and commitment to the Jedi Order.

Born into a lineage of formidable warriors, Connel inherited his father's towering stature and muscular build, although he is not quite as large as his nearly 7' tall father. The legacy of strength and courage runs deep in his blood, driving him to push past his physical limitations and continue to fight for justice and peace in the galaxy.

Connel's cybernetic enhancements serve as a constant reminder of the sacrifices he has made in the name of duty and honor. They also serve as a symbol of his resilience and adaptability, allowing him to overcome any obstacle that stands in his way. Despite the challenges he faces, Connel remains a steadfast and dedicated Jedi Knight, always ready to defend the innocent and uphold the values of the Light.

With a steely gaze fueled by cybernetic eyes that glow with an otherworldly intensity. His once handsome face is now marred by a network of scars, a testament to the battles he has fought in service of the Jedi Order. A newly found quiet confidence, Connel Vanagor is a presence that is affecting those around him, the once quiet and awkward Jedi Knight is now a warrior who has faced adversity and emerged stronger for it. His unwavering commitment to the Jedi Code and his unyielding determination make him a force to be reckoned with, a true embodiment of the ideals he holds up to.

Despite his impressive physical appearance, Connel's true strength lies in his unwavering determination and fierce loyalty to the Jedi cause. However, years of fighting against the forces of darkness have left him disillusioned and embittered, his once noble ideals tainted by the harsh realities of war. Connel's anger simmers just beneath the surface, a volatile force that threatens to consume him if left unchecked. He struggles to reconcile his desire for justice with the brutal methods he sometimes employs in pursuit of his goals. He must constantly remind himself "Justice, not Vengeance."

Despite his inner turmoil, Connel remains a formidable force to be reckoned with anywhere. His cybernetic eyes allow him to see with unparalleled clarity, giving him a tactical advantage over his enemies. And though his scarred face may be a reminder of the sacrifices he has made, it serves as a constant reminder of the strength and resilience that lies within him.

Jedi Knight Connel Vanagor is a complex and conflicted figure, a warrior who walks the fine line between light and dark. But beneath his hardened exterior lies a heart that still beats with the noble ideals of the Jedi Order, a beacon of hope in a galaxy consumed by chaos.

Connell Aric Vanagor, is a unique and inspiring Jedi Legacy of Caltin Vanagor and Chrysothemis Atreides Vanagor, with the most dominant qualities of both mother and father. Connell Vanagor is not known galaxy wide like his father is; but is known for his strong sense of justice and his unwavering commitment to protecting the innocent. He firmly believes in the power of compassion and empathy, always striving to find peaceful resolutions to conflicts whenever possible. Connell's belief in the importance of balance is also a key aspect of his Jedi philosophy. He understands that the Force encompasses both light and dark, and seeks to find harmony between the two.

Connell's once believed in the power of compassion and empathy which set him apart from many other Jedi. He understood that true strength lies not in aggression or violence, but in understanding and connecting with others. Connell is always willing to listen and offer guidance, believing that everyone deserves a chance at redemption. His ability to see the good in others, even those who have fallen to the dark side, is a testament to his unwavering faith in the power of compassion.

Another important aspect of Connel's Jedi philosophy wass his belief in balance. He recognized that the Force is not solely light or dark, but a combination of both. Connell understood that embracing the light side did not mean denying the existence of the dark side. Instead, he seeked to find harmony between the two, acknowledging that both aspects are necessary for the natural order of the universe. This belief allowed Connell to navigate the complexities of the Force

Connel used to be “awkward” socially until he adopted his best friend “Buster” the Aak Dog. The little furball seemed to get him out of his shell, in regular situations. In combat, out in the field, Connel was good, he was trained to be. Now, since his recovery, Connel Vanagor is “better” socially, but “different”. He now sees this as a “second chance” and is going to “male the best of it.” Some might see this as a “Death Wish” as the young Jedi Knight is not “militant” but “hard charging.”

That is the problem.

Jedi Knight Connel Vamagor is now a man driven by a deep-seated hatred for the current state of the galaxy. Unlike most of his fellow Jedi who may still hold onto a sense of hope or optimism, Connel is not disillusioned - he is enraged. He despises the Sith and everything they stand for, and he is determined to see them completely eradicated from the galaxy. The once awkward kid has become enigmatic, dark and brooding. With a strong sense of justice and a dedication to protecting the innocent, Connel is becoming a force of fear to be reckoned with. The Sith thrive on exuding fear. How will they react when they have to truly feel it?

Connel is not a militant warrior like some of his peers who have moved into their own little coven, but he is no longer the peaceful Guardian he once was. His father's old "take the fight to the Sith" mentality has evolved into a more extreme "get them completely out of the equation" mindset, leave them without any options, back them into a corner and don't let them jump out. Connel is willing to do whatever it takes to achieve his goal, even if it means sacrificing his own principles(in extremes) or risking his own life. Despite his intimidating appearance, Connel is a skilled and compassionate warrior, always willing to put himself in harm's way to defend those in need. His mastery of the Force is unparalleled, and he is known for his lightning-fast reflexes and expert swordsmanship, or in his case "shieldsmanship". He is not arrogant, and if he was, you would never know by looking at him.

But beneath his stoic exterior lies a troubled soul, haunted by the ghosts of his past and the weight of his responsibilities as a Jedi Knight. Connel is a man of few words, preferring to let his actions speak for him, but those who know him well understand the depth of his loyalty and the fierce protectiveness he feels towards his friends and allies.
Make no mistake, despite his intense anger and determination, Connel is still a Jedi at heart. He believes in the power of the Force and the importance of maintaining balance in the galaxy. He is guided by a strong sense of duty and honor, and he will stop at nothing to protect those he cares about and uphold the values of the Jedi, even if it means seeking his own way like his father. No one seems to understand that in him and he has stopped trying to get them to, let them believe what they want and watch the results.

In his quest to rid the galaxy of the Sith, Connel will forever a fine line between light and dark, constantly struggling to keep his emotions in check and resist the temptation of the dark side. But no matter how difficult the path may be, Connel remains steadfast in his mission, knowing that the fate of the galaxy rests on his shoulders. In the dark corners of the galaxy, where danger lurks at every turn, Jedi Knight Connel Vanagor is a beacon of hope and a symbol of justice, a shadowy figure who sits waiting in the darkness ready to illuminate the world..

Jedi Knight Connel Vanagor is a man of unwavering dedication and commitment to the ways of the Jedi. Despite facing numerous setbacks and disappointments in his life, he remains steadfast in his belief in the light side of the Force and the principles of the Jedi. Connel's disillusionment stems from the betrayal and corruption he has witnessed within the Jedi Order and the Galactice Alliance as a whole, as well as the rise of the Sith Order and their destructive influence on the galaxy, there is of course the Mandalorians as well. He harbors a deep-seated hatred for the Sith, viewing them as the embodiment of everything he stands against - greed, power-hunger, and manipulation.

It is this hatred that fuels Connel's strength and determination in his fight against the Sith. He channels his anger and frustration into his training, pushing himself to become a formidable warrior and defender of the light. Despite his inner turmoil, Connel's sense of duty and honor never wavers, driving him to protect the innocent and uphold justice wherever he goes.

With his sharp mind, unwavering resolve, and mastery of the Force, Jedi Knight Connel Vanagor is a force to be reckoned with on the battlefield. His dedication to the Jedi Code and his unwavering commitment to fighting against the Sith make him a formidable opponent and a true hero of the galaxy.

SUPPORTIVE - Connell wants to be the helper his father is, sharing his knowledge, experience, time, and energy with anyone who needs it, and all the more so with friends and family. People with this personality type strive for win-win situations, choosing empathy over judgment whenever possible. Give him the chance, and he might surprise you just how good a person he is, or at least wants to be.
RELIABLE AND PATIENT - Rather than offering sporadic, excited rushes that leave things half-finished, Connell has learned to be meticulous and careful, taking a steady approach and bending with the needs of the situation just enough to accomplish his end goals. This is both his experience with the Rangers and teachings of his father.
GUARDIAN – Being a Jedi Guardian may not truly be for him, but he knows the ins and outs (after all, he learned from his father). He will try to talk you out of a fight, but he will be throwing hands, combat shields and lightblasters while doing it. There is also the other side of the definition. If you are a friend, if you are on the same side as him, if you are innocent, he will sacrifice himself a thousand times over to protect you.
PRESENCE - Like his father, Connel gives off a presence of intimidation. He hates it, but that is thanks to his surname. In many respects he is his father's son. Give him a chance to be your friend though if you want him to be, he is not like his father in that regard, he does not embrace the "loner" status. Connel just doesn't know how to get out of it.
TOUCHED BY DARKNESS - Connell, like his father has had a tumultuous time as a Jedi. This of course is because of his mother, not out of mistreatment or anything it is because of her past. There are those who are more or less waiting for him to fall to the Dark Side. However, Connell uses this as motivation to be “that much better” and always look to the “good” in life. It has been more and more difficult by the day, but he is and always will be a Jedi... hopefully.
QUICK STUDY / ALWAYS PREPARED - If given the time, say on the trip to a mission, Connell will always search and read up on the destination, culture, and people. This helps when in diplomatic situations and detecting liars.
SECOND CHANCE - The prosthetics and physical recovery have given the younger Vanagor “new life.” He is taller, bigger, faster and more agile. This is what he is going to use to bring balance to the Force and protect the innocents of the galaxy.

Connel has become somewhat of a vigilante . He is quickkly known in dark circles for his dark and brooding demeanor, as well as his impressive physical abilities and intellect. Since his near death experience, he has become driven by a desire to seek justice for the innocent at all personal costs so that no one else would ever hace to experience this..

Despite his many strengths, Connel also has several weaknesses. One of his biggest weaknesses is his tendency to work alone and keep his emotions bottled up. This can lead to feelings of isolation and loneliness, as well as difficulty forming close relationships with others. Additionally, Connel's intense focus on his mission can sometimes blind him to the needs and perspectives of those around him, causing him to act impulsively or make mistakes in judgment. Finally, Connels reliance on his physical prowess and gadgets can sometimes make him vulnerable to more powerful adversaries who can outmatch him in combat.

REPRESS FEELINGS - People with the Defender personality type are private and very sensitive, internalizing their feelings a great deal. Much in the way that Connell protects others' feelings, he must protect his own, and this lack of healthy emotional expression can lead to a lot of stress and frustration.

OFTEN OVERLOADED - Connell's strong senses of duty and perfectionism combine with this aversion to emotional conflict to create a situation where it is far too easy to overload himself – or to be overloaded by others – as he struggles silently to meet everyone's expectations, especially he own.

TOO ALTRUISTIC SOMETIMES - This is all compounded and reinforced by Connell's otherwise wonderful quality of altruism. Being such a warm, good-natured person, Connell is often willing to let things slide, to believe that things will get better soon, to not burden others by accepting their offers of help, while his troubles mount unassisted.

MISUNDERSTOOD - He is often considered "grumpy" and "brooding", this is something that has often caused him to dwell on his issues and even more stress. The more he tries to change, the less he does. Who does that sound like?

DEATH WISH - He looks at his recovery as a “gift” and in many respects it is. The problem is how he is going about his life now. Taking unnecessary risks and ignoring his limits. Connel is going to either end up in the sle position all over again or doing something he can't take back.

Once upon a time, in a galaxy far, far away(on Corellia and Kashyyyk), there existed a Jedi Knight named Connell. Born to a Master Jedi and a redeemed Sith Lordess, Connell's destiny was intertwined with the forces of light and darkness. However, he yearned to forge his own path and make a name for himself, independent of his parents' legacies.​
From a young age, Connell displayed an exceptional affinity for the Force. His father, Master Caltin Vanagor, recognized his potential and began training him in the ways of the Jedi. Connell's mother, Lady Chrysothemis, had renounced her Sith past and dedicated herself to the pursuit of balance within the Force. Together, they nurtured Connell's abilities, teaching him the importance of compassion, discipline, and self-control.​
As Connel grew older, he felt a strong desire to explore the galaxy and learn from different cultures. He joined the Rangers, a group of skilled individuals who protected the innocent and maintained peace in the outer regions. The Rangers embraced Connell as one of their own, appreciating his unique background and his unwavering dedication to justice.​

During his time with the Rangers, Connell honed his combat skills and developed a deep connection to the Force. He became known for his exceptional lightsaber skills and his ability to sense danger before it struck. However, he always felt a longing to delve deeper into the mysteries of the Force, to understand its true nature and his place within it. In the meantime, Connell is making his way using only his middle name "Aric". Otherwise could he really say his accomplishments are his, and not thanks to his name? Obscurity allowed for him not to be known in the universe to this point and he can create his own legacy on his own terms.​
A battle all but took his life. It took serious medical technology and skills to bring him back. Physically, he was fine, mentally and emotionally was a completely different matter. He was “defeated” “deconstructed” and “destroyed” his nerve, his confidence, his sense of self… all gone.​
It took a conversation with the man whose shadow he felt under to cure it all. Learning that Caltin was never “disappointed” in him but “proud” was not only life changing, it reaffirmed his belief that he belonged with the Jedi.​
One problem…​
He was afraid of lightsabers, not in general… but using them. No matter what strategy was employed, nothing worked, Connel froze. He was lost again, wanting to get back into the field, but realizing that without the weapon of the Jedi, he was of little good being a “Guardian.”​
When he saw the shield of the late Jedi “Karki Eusith”, Connel took it off the wall of father’s ship and took it down. Visually inspecting the defensive weapon, he felt “called” to it. A voice in his head said that a “Jedi is not defined by a lightsaber but their actions.” Taking a chance, Connel strapped the shield onto his right arm. Instinctively he tried to follow standard lightsaber form movement. That was a hilarious mess, then his mother of all people suggested that he move like he was unarmed. It worked…​
Boy did it work.​
The Jedi just got a weapon back.
Jedi Knight Connel Vanagor stood on the bridge of his starship, the Steward, staring out at the vast expanse of space before him. It had been a long and arduous journey back to active duty after the life-threatening injuries he had sustained in battle. But now, he was finally ready to rejoin the fight against the Sith and bring peace to the galaxy once more.​
As he looked out at the stars, Connel couldn't help but feel a sense of unease. The New Jedi Order had been struggling in their battle against the Sith, constantly on the defensive and losing ground with each passing day. It disgusted him to see his fellow Jedi being pushed back, their once proud Order now reduced to a mere shadow of its former self. What's worse is there seemed to be little to no "true" trust among them, Enclaves opening throughout the galaxy and a more militant group coming together. There was no cohesion, no unity... nothing. It was disgusting.​
But Connel was determined to change that. He had always been a fierce and determined warrior, and now, with a newfound fury burning in his belly, he was ready to take the fight to the Sith and show them what true fear was.​

Chapter 2: The Mission

As the Steward made its way towards an outpost rumored to be loosely associated with the Dark Side, Connel prepared himself for the battle ahead. He knew that this would be a dangerous mission, one that would test his skills and his resolve to the limit. But he was ready. He had trained for this moment, honing his abilities and mastering his powers in preparation for the coming fight.​
As the ship dropped out of hyperspace, Connel could the tiny little station a dark and ominous presence in the void of space. This action would not destroy all that encompassed the Dark Side, would not even be the equivalence of a "pin prick" but it will be something meaningful. He felt no fear. Only determination. He knew that he was the only one entity who could stop them, the only one who could bring an end to their reign of terror. With a deep breath, Connel ignited his upgraded combat shield and leaped into the fray, his blue blade cutting through the darkness with a fierce determination. The battle was fierce and intense, but Connel fought with a skill, precision and a newfound rage that left the Sith reeling.​

Chapter 3: The Triumph

As the last of the Sith fell before him, Connel stood victorious in this tiny little outpost, his lightshield still humming with the power of his victory. The battle had been long and hard-fought, but in the end, he had emerged triumphant. The Sith here were little more than Acolytes, but they had fallen, and those who survived did so because he allowed it. As "Brad" sliced the systems and set the auto-destruct, Connel picked him up and ran bak to the ship knowing that this was only the beginning. The war against the Sith was far from over, and he was only one, but would continue to fight until they were finally defeated once and for all. He had seen the destruction and anarchy they had wrought upon the galaxy, and he would not rest until they were no more.​
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If the abyss stares at you, don't blink
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