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Approved Armor Connel Vanagor's new gear

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Manufacturer: Lucerne Personal Defense (rebuilt by Connel Vanagor)
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Unique
Weight: Average
If the abyss stares at you, don't blink
  • Classification: Multipurpose
  • Weight: Average
  • Resistances:
    • Energy: Very High
    • Kinetic: Very High
    • Lightsabers: Very High
    • EMP/Ion: Low
    • Radiation: Low
    • Sonic: Very Low
    • Elemental: Very High
    • Environmental: Average
  • Comlink Gauntlet (Right Gauntlet): The original Armor design had a right gauntlet that features a built-in SC-1 Hardened Comlink, providing a convenient means for the armor's users to keep in contact with their allies. Connel replaced this with his own Gauntlet to ease use of his Combat Shield as he has and is satisfied with his Headset Microphone Comm-Link.
  • Ascension Cable Launcher (Left Gauntlet): The armor’s original design has a left gauntlet includes an Ascension Cable launcher with a power winch, allowing the armor's users to easily move up and down vertical surfaces or swing across chasms and similar obstacles. It can also be used as an impromptu weapon by creative users. Connel has this asset in his own Gauntlet already as well as the Vambraces he already uses.
  • Web Gear: The armor comes with a utility belt, but Caltin's came with web gear equipped with compartments made out of the same armor plating as the rest of the suit. Each belt contains the following equipment: a spool of high tension wire, one grappling hook, two Power Packs, three Ion Flares (for illumination or emergency signaling), a Glowrod (same principle), a Combat De-ionizer, a Pneuma-series Rebreather, a FastMed Emergency Medpac, and four Ration Packs. Connel saw the possibilities in this and decided to make full use of this component and left it alone.
  • Built-in Back Sheathes: Connel’s Combat Shield and Lightblaster have their own holster and latch to clasp to Conne’s back easing his movement when speed and stealth are necessary.This component also makes ease of his use of the Upgraded Shield.
  • Brass Knuckles: "Not Very Jedi-Like", these Weapons are equipped with the armor as well and are detachable at any time.
  • Force Affinity: Altered with force-infused materials that imbue the Jedi wearing them a standard slew of protections and capabilities. The ability to better resist the dark side influence, ease the access to learn skills that have been practiced and feel generally more energized and lively.
    • Force Resistance: Not pure resistance to the force but its influences specifically the Darkside.
    • Force Enlightenment: A general enhancement of the specific Jedi's talents in the light side of the force. They don't know everything but using their own abilities is easier, sharper focus.
    • Revitalize: A more robust feeling mentally and physically aids in calming the mind and body to focus.
    • Insight: With the mask on and up the mental capabilities of the Jedi to observe and feel their surroundings is greatly enhanced.
    • Precognition: The hood when worn and focused on improving the precognitive capabilities of the Jedi wearing it.
    • Telekinesis: The hood and wrists are designed to improve the focus of telekinetic abilities, Connel does not use the gauntlets(he has his own) but the mask can somewhat make up the slack.
  • LIGHTSABER RESISTANCE: Much of the armor’s particular armor plate alloy is made out of turadium and a phrik lining, known for its resistance to lightsabers, especially without much force put behind such blows.
  • ENERGY RESISTANCE: Both the turadium and a phrik lining elements of the plating and the Defense base layer provide excellent protection from the most common energy weapons.
  • KINETIC RESISTANCE: Both the turadium and a phrik lining. elements of the plating and the Defensa base layer provide excellent protection from the most common physical weapons.
  • ELEMENTAL RESISTANCE: The armor provides fairly good protection from most elemental attacks simply by its unusually strong molecular bonds of armor plating. These bonds make it very difficult to break down from cold, heat, or acid attacks while the Defense underlayer provides electrical insulation through its use of spun-plast.

  • REQUIRES CONNECTION TO THE FORCE: For the synth weave effects to function within it the material needs to be able to feel the force energies around it. Vong tech, yalisimiri, voidstone, and dampening fields are all counter to what the material can handle. Effectively a Force Nullification.
  • VULNERABLE(Sonic Weapons): This armor was not made with any thought to protect from sonic weapons. While the armor plating provides some incidental resistance to some sonic brute force attacks, this is largely offset by Defensa's particular vulnerability to sonic weapons which largely lets sonic vibrations pass through it entirely unhindered.
  • VULNERABLE(Radiation): This type of amor was not made with any thought to radiation protection. While the sheer density of the plating provides some resistance, this is largely offset by Defensa's particular vulnerability to radiation which can cause it to rapidly degrade.
  • VULNERABLE(Environmental): The armor is not remotely sealed and entirely lacks a helmet of any sort. Connel will wear a mask with it, but that is for Stealth reasons.Consequently, it provides little resistance to many environmental factors such as hostile atmospheres, intense pressures, or the ability to function in a vacuum or underwater.

Jedi Armor has a long if somewhat controversial history among the galaxy's Force-users, with some eschewing it entirely because of beliefs such as it impeding their ability to use the Force or it being uncomfortable or too warlike. But in times of prolonged conflict, whether during the Great Galactic War or the Clone Wars, Jedi commonly have donned such suits to better protect themselves from the rigors of battle. With its long association with the Silver Jedi Concord, Lucerne Personal Defense stepped up to make a standardized set of Jedi Armor that was plain enough to assuage some Jedi's concerns of technological reliance yet durable enough to provide a meaningful benefit on the battlefield. To that end, Knight Plate largely follows the tradition of Jedi Robes, being simple enough in form and construction to the point where it could easily be misidentified as the battle armor of countless civilizations throughout the galaxy. Its technological features are few and largely focused on simple utility: a comlink for communication, an ascension cable launcher for ease of vertical transport, and a utility belt not too unlike the old Jedi Utility Belt used just prior to the Clone Wars. While relatively cheap compared to many high-tech armors being produced in the galaxy, the quality of the armor's plating and the general Jedi thought that one should become reliant on technology (especially at the Padawan level) means that the armor has only been produced in limited numbers for Jedi Knights and Masters within the Silver Jedi Order.

Caltin Vanagor received his own personalized set, designed to his specifications that offered little variation to the original Lucerne design, other than the web gear, the built-in sheathes and the overall look the feel is much the same as the original effective design. Recently he took to imbuing several parts and sections of the body armor itself with the Force. This setup was meant to be more form-fitting and closer-knit so that he could wear clothes over them and be more mobile in the field without giving up protection.

The problem is that he never found the chance to use the armor.

Connel came across this armor himself and asked for the chance to use it. When given the “go ahead”, he changed a few things, not much, but enough to make the gear his own and to fit more into his own personal ideals and designs. This is no longer a “Guardian’s armor”, this is his.



Out Of Character Info

Intent: To create a personalized new seat of gear for Connel Vanagor
Image Source(s):
Canon Link: N/A
Permissions: Gir Quee
Primary Source(s):

Silver Jedi Knight Plates (originally), Caltin Vanagor's new Armor (the set Connel rebuilt)

Technical Information

Affiliation: Connel Vanagor
Model: Connel Vanagor
Modular: Yes
Material: molecularly bonded turadium-desh alloy armor plating; layered defense textile base suit, Phrik lining.
Classification: Multipurpose
Defense Rating: Very High
Energy Resist: Very High
Kinetic Resist: Very High
Sonic Resist: Low
Thermal Resist: Very High
Radiation Resist: Very High
Other Resistance(s):

Lightsaber: Very High
Environmental: Average

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T E R R A R I S - C O M M A N D
Factory Judge
Connel Vanagor Connel Vanagor

Very cool armour! However I found some broken links and one blank link:
  • Broken links:
    • Combat Shield (both)
    • Headset Microphone Comm-link
    • Jedi Vambrace
    • Lightblaster
    • turadium (all in the strengths)
    • phrik (all in the strengths)
  • Blank link:
    • Shield Upgrade Module.
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