Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Connor (et al) Returns

Connor Harrison

Back from my week LOA with 100% full service resuming on Monday. Plenty of bad internet and Wi-Fi to give me space and time away from here to recharge, refresh and get back on track as I think I was close to coming off them writing wise and other previously.

So I need to close previous chapters and writings for my main man Connor and move forwards - onwards and upwards into bigger, better adventures, relationships and stories instead of being on a loop it feels. Maybe I was trying too hard to make something interesting, different and enjoyable but it may have been coming over to others as a little "meh". But no more! Time to get more confident, back to my usual self and venturing into new territories.

I feel I was coming across with Connor something like this recently with my writing:


...when I really want to get him coming across like this:


SO. I look forward to getting back out there with you all and thanks for your patience and hopefully this makes a little sense! Thanks guys. :)

And the best gif I can use to show my feeling is this. Time to answer the call of Chaos:

Connor Harrison said:
I feel I was coming across with Connor something like this recently with my writing: star-wars-kid-jedi-o.gif ...when I really want to get him coming across like this: darth-maul-vs-obi-wan-o.gif
Best way to describe your writing ability. Ever. Welcome back Connor and i hope you return to having good times.

Connor Harrison

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"] Talking about "zoos" I went to a local farm to have a wander at the animals out for Summer and I got bitten by a kid and a piglet in the same day whilst feeding them. *sigh* :)

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