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Conquering the Conquerors [Imperial Remnant]

Travis Caalgen

Director Caalgen stared out of the bridge viewport as the Silencer, a prototype Conqueror-class Star Destroyer, reverted from hyperspace a ways away from the planet of Rishi near one of its many asteroid fields. This was to be the site of the first test for the vessels powerful proton beam, in front of the Emperor and many Imperials, it could easily make or break the old man's career in the Imperial Remnant. His cape swished about as he paced, eager to proceed.

"Target site will be in range in ten minutes, Director." An ensign reported from the crew pits before returning to his duties. "Reactor at peak efficiency, cannon charging." Another mentioned. Everything was proceeding greatly, nothing could possibly mess this up, except the small morale dilemma he was facing inside of him. Director Kalast of Imperial Intelligence had provided him with the suitable test site, where thousands of innocent workers were living.

Could he condemn thousands to an undeserving death just for the praise of a few people? He did not know, but he had to remind himself that they were also the families of pirates and scum, those who would turn into insurgents if the Remnant dared interfere. He grimaced, it was dirty work, but this was going to be an excellent demonstration.

[member="Baron Morcus"] | [member="Aram Kalast"] | [member="Butch Mahan"] | [member="Alexandra Feanor"] | [member="Max Fel"] | [member="Alyce Hawke"] | [member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Edric Vanyan"] | [member="Grigori Tarasov"] | [member="MW-3168"] | [member="Talyn Krane"] | [member="Zeradias Mant"]
Desmond watched as the blue swirls of hyperspace dissipated until finally only real space remained. Before them sat the rear of a large star destroyer. They had been assigned to escort the ship through space. When asked for mission specifics Desmond’s command got cold feet. Saying only that he was to ‘Obey all orders given’. So, with a nod and a salute he was off to Rishi space. Purge squadron flew by the aft of the Star Destroyer. It puzzled Des to no end as to why such an elite squadron like Purge would be needed for guard duty. Especially while they were so close to friendly space. There was always the threat of pirate attack Desmond supposed. At least that was commands logic for protocol. But, Captain Talyn had ensured that the pirates in this sector would never become a problem again. Even so, a star destroyer would be more than a match for a few rag tag goons.

Desmond and his squad dived low and flew along the keel of the ship where its defenses might be weaker than the top. They leveled out along the fuselage. Everything seemed normal for a moment, but as they approached the center of the massive vessel something became apparently different. The ship's underbelly sported turbolasers and small crevices like any other, but as you neared the center it split in two. In the center, right before the hull separated, Desmond spotted a large dish. Perhaps a sensor array, but Des quickly ruled this out. If it had been a sensor array they surely wouldn't use it out in the middle of nowhere space. It looked like a weapon he had read about in the Imperial archives. That’s when it hit him. Purge squadron was not here for guard duty, but to keep the weapons secrecy. They were to ensure that anyone who witnessed the demonstration of this weapon were strictly Imperial and that everyone else met a swift end...
Talyn was a practical woman. She put her faith in discipline, loyalty, and superior tactics, not mystical powers or secret weapons projects. But the Emperor had spoken, and when [member="Tanomas Graf"] spoke, none could disobey. And so she found herself on the bridge of the Silencer, standing near Director [member="Travis Caalgen"] as he prepared to test the first of the Conqueror-class Star Destroyers.

Despite her misgivings about this particular use of the Remnant's resources, she had to admit that she was pleased to have been included in the operation. Her rank was not high enough to have the security clearance necessary to view the project's details, but her service record had earned her a place among the observers. Seeing the ship had been enough to realize what it was meant to do. There was no disguising a proton beam cannon, not from her experienced eyes. An effective weapon, if not a particularly nimble one, provided that they could get it to work. Talyn was no shipwright, but she imagined that the power draw for such a massive armament would be quite a drain on even a mighty Star Destroyer. To make it an effective and reliable part of the Imperial Fleet would be no insignificant task.

Perhaps that was why Director Caalgen wore a grimace on his face as his eyes bored holes through the front viewport. It was not as if the demonstration target could fire back; Imperial Intelligence had selected some kind of asteroid habitation, one of those wretched little complexes that believed itself beyond Imperial law. Talyn felt no sympathy for the inhabitants. Loyalty was everything; without dedication to the cause, absolute and unfettered obedience to the law, the people of the galaxy would never break free of the insurgency and petty warfare that had gripped it since the old Empire's fall. Anyone who refused to follow that ideal was a liability at best and a potential threat at worst. Talyn only hoped that the weapon would function properly, or it would all be a terrible embarrassment her ships would have to clean up.

She knew that [member="Desmond C'artyom"] and Purge Squadron were flying cover for the Silencer, ensuring that the test was undisturbed. She had requested higher and higher profile operations for Purge Squadron ever since serving with them at Kamino, and had found them consistently effective and reliable ever since. C'artyom might only be a near-human, but he was an effective officer and field agent, and she trusted him as far as she trusted anyone - save perhaps the Emperor himself. She wondered whether Graf would make an appearance at this demonstration. It had not been so long since he had come to observe her personally, and this test, which might determine the future of the Imperial Navy, had far deeper ramifications for the Remnant than her efforts to clean up a pirate gang.

Perhaps her misgivings were unfounded. Perhaps the Conqueror-class really was the next wave. Or perhaps Director Caalgen's career would come to a short and messy end...

Butch Mahan

Si vis pacem, para bellum
This was pleasing. Delivering what was necessary to extinguish some of the scum of the galaxy. The Remnant could not deal with people such as these, once occupied, not only would these sub-humanoid trash rebel and reject the Imperials' rightful claim to rule, but they would cause unlawful death and anarchy. Now their demise would serve a greater purpose, their brethren among the planet would be saved from these criminals' sins, electing peaceful surrender than deadly insurrection. The Duros Grand Admiral could not be more excited to watch the first true test of the Silencer put to such a good use, without a doubt Director [member="Travis Caalgen"] would be receiving a stellar commendation written by the Grand Admiral himself for this wonderful addition to his Navy's toy box.

The Duro was flanked by two Naval Commandoes, both silent in professionality. Despite his excitement about the project, Mahan was very disappointed in the lack of security. He knew the need for a lesser presence, but just one squadron to protect a Star Destroyer with most of its armament focus on one large super weapon. Despite the stupendous evaluations he had read of this Purge squadron, for such a high profile weapon of the IR, one squadron was not enough. But his personal problems with the operation aside, Mahan was satisfied for what was to happen, something truly worthy of the old Imperial way, at least to the old Galactic Empire nostalgics, not that it mattered to Butch.

The Grand Admiral stood in an observation deck over the large weapon inside the center of the Star Destroyer, but did not feel it was worthy of his viewing. Notifying his guards, who followed his every move, Mahan left for the bridge, not only for the view, but he had some questions for the designer, specifically over the ramifications of this magnificent device.
[member="Desmond C'artyom"]
[member="Talyn Krane"]

Tanomas Graf

Protected by two Shadow guards and two more Imperial guards, the Emperor marched down the pristine corridors of the Silencer. His long midnight trench coat fluttering steadily behind him as the blast door to the bridge opened up and he entered, the Imperial guardsmen taking position on either side of the door. The Emperor himself was pleased to see Director Caalgen, who had completed his Conqueror-class prototype ahead of schedule.

"Excellent work on this vessel, Director. I hope the weapon is as great as the cost to construct a single one of these vessels." He stated, staring coldly but benevolently at the other old man. He made sure to stand near the back so that the Director could have center stage, it was his ship after all.

The pirate scum would be annihilated.

[member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Talyn Krane"] | [member="Butch Mahan"]

Taa Nul

CEO of Kamigen Incorporated
The Grand Inquisitor stood beside the Emperor, hands clasped behind his back as he gazed out the window. He himself was flanked by two Shadow Stormtroopers, who acted as his security escort. ''I have great expectations for this project, my lord. Director Caalgen shall not disappoint.'', Morcus said confidently to Emperor Graf. He'd provided numerous parts from his company Hoersch-Kessel Driveworks to speed up construction of this very prototype, and was eager to see the devastation it could unleash.

[member="Tanomas Graf"]
[member="Butch Mahan"]
[member="Talyn Krane"]
[member="Desmond C'artyom"]
[member="Travis Caalgen"]

Travis Caalgen

A small bead of perspiration ran down the side of the Director's forehead as the Emperor walked onto the bridge. Travis gave the man a deep bow, he was the most important person here for the demonstration, above the secret Grand Inquisitor and Grand Admiral. "Welcome to the future of the Remnant." Director Caalgen announced to the bridge at large "Welcome to the future of our expansion in this region of the galaxy. No longer will pirates and other undesirables meddle with our supply lines by attacking our convoys."

"After this demonstration, only one thing will keep them in line. Fear, fear of this star destroyer." The aged director spoke, clasping his gloved hands together. "Target the tibanna mining colony, single reactor ignition." Caalgen ordered. A large screen would show a targeting reticle laying over an asteroid with numerous man-made complexes dotting the surface. A lieutenant approached the director "Sir, we're in position. Ready-" he began but was cut off when the anxious director spat at him "Fire!". The disgruntled lieutenant turned around, looking rather disgruntled and ordered "Commence primary ignition."

Meanwhile in the weapon control room, a gunner flipped numerous switches and announced throughout the vessel "Standby". Small tributary beams blasted through their respective shafts as they projected from the concave dish, visible to all on the bridge. They connected at once spot in space and launched a single, powerful, beam at the colony.

[member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Talyn Krane"] | [member="Butch Mahan"] | [member="Baron Morcus"]
A smirk of satisfaction.
It was all the evidence that was needed to show that Director Kalast was impressed with the weapon test. He had chosen to not be present on the bridge for the viewing, instead taking his own viewing platform in one of the many sub-levels within the Star Destroyer.

For months Aram had been keeping track of the mining colony on Rishi, in fact the entire settlement was a result of Aram’s personal puppet strings in order to rid the Imperial regime of one particular man, an out-spoken agent who had until recently been a loyal tool of Aram’s own will. That had changed thanks to the discovery that the First Order still had control over his reports.

It had been a difficult situation. Aram couldn’t risk open execution, nor could he risk release. So the agent had been placed on service hunting a fictional foe within the settlement, that was essentially a complete farce. Aram had set up the colony purely for this purpose. He had set up the mining company, he had chosen the material to mine and he had already prepared the unfortunate report claiming of the gas explosion.

The Emperor would not want Aram removing useful assets. So he had Caalgen do it instead. It was perfection. Much like the explosion through the viewport.

Absolute perfection.

[member="Travis Caalgen"] | [member="Tanomas Graf"] | [member="Butch Mahan"] | [member="Talyn Krane"] | [member="Desmond C'artyom"]

Butch Mahan

Si vis pacem, para bellum
Mahan entered the bridge just in time to hear the back end of the director's speech. The Grand Admiral, unceremoniously dressed in his grey uniform, his long rank bar sitting weightlessly on his chest, approached the group of officers, and the acclaimed Emperor flanked by Shadow guards. Pushing through those lower ranked he gazed at the green bolt through the viewport, enthusiastically watching the view set before him.

Then came the destruction, the most beautiful sight of all. Just the colors and the growing cloud of inferno was memorizing, "This display you have set before us, Director Caalgen, is exquisite. I am in deep gratitude for your work, and this vessel, along with its sisters, shall make a fine addition to the Imperial Navy, under the leadership of only the best Naval Officers." Turning to the Director himself, Mahan placed a meaty hand on his shoulder, "You shall with no doubt receive a high commendation from my personal office in due time."

Turning back to the explosive splendor before him, Mahan grinned at the might of their new Empire. This was only the first of many 'demonstrations' of this New Order's power. Those who might rebel would tremble, and the galaxy shall fall in line. One system at a time. One system at a time

[member="Travis Caalgen"]
[member="Baron Morcus"]
[member="Tanomas Graf"]
[member="Aram Kalast"]
[member="Talyn Krane"]
[member="Desmond C'artyom"]
Desmond C’artyom felt cold beads of perspiration form on his skin. The might of the empire was before him and it sent chills up his spine. No matter how hard he tried to rip his gaze away from the monstrous machine it always seemed to loom within the corner of his eye. Then, suddenly a green beam began to form within the dishes center. It was followed by multiple smaller beams, until it finally crescendoed in a brief moment of blinding light.

The beam impacted with the asteroid with catastrophic results. Causing a chain reaction of gas explosions the small rock was completely obliterated. The deed was done and Desmond was left awe struck. His mouth was left agape and it took him several minutes before he realized he had a incoming transmission.

“Purge, squadron. Report to the hangar and remember. Loose lips bring down starships,” The comms officers words seemed to serve as a reminder… And a threat.

Tanomas Graf

The Emperor's eyes glittered with excitement as the green beam impacted on the tibanna gas colony. The beam itself had eradicated the surface but then when the tibanna deep within the asteroid ignited, the asteroid was obliterated in the resulting explosion. The old man felt the minor disturbance in the Force as the tens of thousands of people died in a mere matter of seconds. This was the power of his Empire, of their Empire. He looked over all those on the bridge; Grand Inquisitor Morcus, Grand Admiral Mahan, Captain Krane, Director Caalgen, as well as Commander C'artyom and Director Kalast who he felt in the vicinity. He could not have grown the Remnant at such an explosive rate without all of them, and he was grateful.

"A most impressive demonstration, Director. I will personally put in a request for several of these vessels to be added to the Imperial Fleet, and I am sure that Grand Admiral Mahan here will be excited to use his toys. Construction will be overseen by the Advanced Weapons Research Division, and the Silencer will remain in your command. This is a well earned reward." The Emperor announced, clapping his hands together.

The Remnant now had the weapons, and had always had the resolve to use them.

[member="Baron Morcus"] | [member="Butch Mahan"] | [member="Talyn Krane"] | [member="Desmond C'artyom"] | [member="Aram Kalast"]

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