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"Welcome to Raxus Prime... Where one Mans Trash, is another Man's Treasure..."
Orphen, having taken one trip already to the enigmatic planet of Corellia, had no intentions of returning there for some time, the materials he had acquired there were rather standard, but as the materials were wedged firmly in the grip of sith space, taking too many trips to the destroyed world was risky, it would not be long before the Sith had Mining operations there to retrieve the ores and other substances which made up the vast surface of the planet... although, it was Orphen's hope that he would find something rarer there... at this time it was only the basic things he needed, the second best place in the Galaxy you could hope to find a rare gem... was Raxus Prime. The planet had a reputation for being able to find rare things if one only took the time to look, and though Orphen had not all the time in the world, he had enough to make a little trip. His skills as a slicer were only getting better, and he felt like he did not have the resources to be able to make it as a Jedi... yet. But he was getting closer, a few more components, a couple of more unique light-saber crystals, a few ion power cores, a higher grade of focusing lens, a supply of ultra-chrome and a few more little bits and pieces and he would be well on his way.
Orphen having placed his ship on auto-pilot on the week-long trip to the planet, sat in the back of his ship with his kit of more portable tools and began to work on something he had been since he left Corellia, two small silver disks were being outfitted with computer units and power cores... the assembly was relatively easy, made from cut outs of the titanium reinforced Alusteel which he had acquired upon the surface of Corellia, he had taken the substance to his workshop and made the disc mold, forged the discs and spend little time working the metal into a hard shape, cutting off the small portions which he would need to be flexible on the disc surface, fusing small ligaments onto the insides of them allowing the Disc to mechanically open slightly, though only enough to show and deliver its payload... The center of both disks was the beginnings of what would be a very small repulsar-lift pad, which would allow the discs to hover and move. Though it was taking him some time, he enjoyed the work, his hands moved automatically, and it seemed to be the only action in which his mind did not race at a million parsecs per second ... it came naturally, and thus, had become Orphens escape, and to a lesser extent, therapy.
The week came to a close and Orphen had managed to get some of the more annoying work done on the discs, moving back to his cockpit and flying over the surface of the world, he could tell from the moment he set his eyes on this place it was going to be more fruitful than he thought, but, at the same time, he could spend days here without really accomplishing anything...
"Well, here we are... "
He spoke lightly to himself, looking down at the planet as his small interceptor careened downwards, finding a break in the junk in which Orphen was able to make his landing, the dust cloud upon his landing expanded in every direction as the unmarked and unregistered ship landed without a hitch. The planet was often deserted apart from those who ran the junk industries here, as well as a small hutt cartel presence was usually around worlds like this, but, as it was an entire planet, it was usually impossible to police its entire surface. Though, as he landed in the expansive amphitheater, Orphen could not help but find this place familiar... Engaging his brain, the images came to him instantly, the words from the history books surrounding Kazdan Paratus all flowed freely through his mind as he recalled all of them within a split second, with prodigeous accuracy, remembering this place as it was recorded as the location in which the Jedi master had at one point attempted to create a new Jedi Temple... the words of the master had talked about how that the knowledge of the Jedi needed to be preserved, and that he had been working on 'fixing that in place' while it was possible that he indeed meant that the Jedi Temple needed to be built, Kazdan was a strange being, and several other of his quotes in the records, about the heart of the Jedi, and the Core of his project as well as others surrounding him led Orphen to believe that he was doing something else here, the knowledge of the Jedi order came from the Core holocron in the Jedi Temple. There was a Chance Kazdan Paratus had attempted to make something similar... no-one had ever truly searched the labyrinth surrounding Kazdan's fortress, other than a few traders who had no idea the gravitas of their find... and likely paid of it...
But Orphen knew better...
"If this is Kazdan's abode... and he was trying to build a Jedi Temple, the heart of it would have been further down... this wreckage..."
Orphen looked over to the side of the building, discovering what he thought he would find... Though the building had largely fallen apart due to the instability of its construction, it seemed to also stoop down, into an inevitable heart of the complex, though the entrance was difficult to find, it seemed that it was not a part of Kazdan's build, but rather the temple was built on top of some form of ship, perhaps a corvette or even larger, which had an entrance way on that floor, only revealed by age, rust and the weathering effects of time... Orphen could not help but begin to prize his luck, if it was true, and if Kazdan had been working on a Holocron in which to store his knowlege for this temple, it would be a fantastic find. However, there was a chance that it was trapped, or there could already have been people down there. Kazdan was intelligent... but he was also known to have been loosing his mind to paranoia, there was no way that any passage he had was not trapped in some way, in case of invaders, especially the likes of the empire or the sith... So, moving back outside to the amphitheater where his ship was, he began to plan his next move, deciding how he was going to enter, and if so, the precautions he would need to take...
[member="Serian Loria"]