Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Private Conspiracy Confederacy

The Echo of Independency. A cult that either held members of the previous Confederacy or are just fanatics who had nothing to do with them, regardless, they were stirring trouble and becoming more problematic as their crime scenes were becoming more barbaric; imagery of body horror that wouldn't be good for the public eye, and doubly so for the current Confederacy to share around. It'd make them look weak, unable to handle their own troubles and affairs. This only meant that Commander Robb was becoming more and more pressured to find the suspects, and bring them to justice.

His trail led him to several spots in Hutt Space. It was frustrating, as he didn't have much of a rapport with criminal elements nowadays. He may have come from Nar Shadda, but his hardened exterior and mannerisms weren't the same anymore. He'd be lucky to even get a street kid to tell him anything aside from a substantial bribe being involved. He pondered over his options, and from what little he did know, a contact of his told him about Eva, to ask for her help. It was vague, and he didn't understand her connection to this world of the galaxy, if she had any, but any lead was good at this point.

A shuttle carrying the bare minimum for a small assault team. If an entire battalion went after these cultists, they'd hit the ground running and wait for their time to strike again when they least expected it. That wouldn't be acceptable in Tyzin's eyes. It landed upon Nar Kaaga, close to her office as much as possible. Tyzin went alone, as to not draw too much attention. The familiar stench of oil, corruption, and despair wafted through the air, mingling with the damp heat of the bustling city. Though similar to his old home on Nar Shaddaa, Nar Kaaga felt darker, more suffocating. The streets bustled with activity, but the faces he passed bore expressions hardened by desperation, survival. It was clear that people here either thrived on vice or drowned in it.

Tyzin's boots echoed against the metal grating of the landing pad as he made his way toward the alleyways leading to Eva's office. His assault team remained aboard the shuttle, lying in wait, hidden from prying eyes. This operation had to remain discreet. He couldn't risk a firefight or drawing attention to his pursuit of the cultists, especially not here, where everyone had a price and word traveled fast. He came to a door tucked between two crumbling structures, almost invisible among the clutter of metal and neon signs. Tyzin knocked once, firmly, before stepping back slightly. He hoped this was worth it.
Eva Malström was many things, but first and foremost she was someone accustomed to the shadows. After her internment on Nar Shaddaa followed by an escape into its merciless depths, Eva had built up her organization using every back-stabbing, heartless technique required to survive on that soul-crushing moon. Only a few principles were left that kept her -- and her Shadow -- apart from all the irredeemable trash that crawled across its surface. They were enough. At least that's what the two of them believed, and that was all that mattered.

The facility on Nar Kaaga was a waystation to throw off suspicion. Ever since she'd engaged in a literal hostile takeover over her family's business it'd become necessary not to flaunt her ties to Nar Shaddaa. Not that anyone in the know would be fooled, but it was enough separation to keep from being hauled into court every other week. Let the investigators collect their circumstantial evidence and speculation to their heart's content -- so long as they didn't interfere with her work.

Dark eyes regarded the reports spread out across the tabletop before her. Shipping manifests, invoices, and ledgers. Whether it was above or below board transactions, it was all the same in the end. Just less tolerance for screw ups and 'minor' mistakes on the criminal side. That and the occasional need to punish someone with sticky fingers.

Her eyes slid up at the sound of a knock on the door. There was no need for her to utter a word as the men and women in the background that'd been moving crates set everything down and began to distribute themselves through the room. If someone forced their way in through that door they were going to have a hell of a fire fight on their hands. Eva's bodyguard remain within reach of her, of course, ready to extract her from what might be incarceration or death for most others.

With a clip nod, Eva indicated the man at the door to open it to discover what manner of creature intruded upon their operation.


The door hissed open, and Commander Tyzin Robb stood in the threshold, his armor glinting under the dim, flickering lights. His cold, calculating eyes scanned the room quickly, taking in the figures spread out across the shadowy space, hands hovering near weapons but not yet drawn. The air was thick with tension, and Robb could feel the weight of eyes sizing him up from every corner of the room. He was no stranger to rooms like this where trust was a fragile, breakable thing but he could tell immediately this was no low-level gang or syndicate.

"I hope I'm not interrupting anything important." Tyzin said dryly, his voice cutting through the silence. "I don't imagine you get many Confederate officers dropping by unannounced." His voice was steady, ensuring that he didn't say the wrong thing or take the wrong step, otherwise this could get ugly fast. "But I hear you have your hand in just about everything. That makes you the kind of person I need to speak to." and to make sure that he was straightforward about it... "The Echo of Independency. Ever heard of them?" hopefully that'd clear up what he's here for.

He then slowly put his hands up, to truly show that he isn't here to start a fight. "Look, this little game of hiding is fun and all, but I'd like to know who I'm talking to. This feels very one-sided at the moment."
A statuesque Eva watched the man that stepped through the door. No motion was made to put her own at ease as he began to speak. Good thing too; Eva didn't beg uninvited guests to begin waxing on about their personal agendas, and she didn't appreciate people wasting her time.

Eva's dark lashes fell a hair at the man requesting information about the Echo of Independency. Interesting request.

"Get inside. I'm not talking with the door open." A slight lift of the chin indicated the man by the door to check for anyone else outside once Tyzin wasn't standing in the way.

Only when the door shut would she straighten up to her full height behind the desk. "Eva," the given name dropped in response to the man's demand to know who he was talking to. So he'd come there looking for someone in particular. Wouldn't trust an answer from anyone else? Interesting. "What are you offering in exchange for this information?" It wouldn't hurt for him to explain why he wanted it either, but so long as this wasn't some of religious zealot out to kill people in-the-know, it ultimately didn't matter.

Except for the fact Tyzin was likely to follow-up needing more than just an information dump. Eva couldn't foresee that given the limited interaction so far, however. Though she was half tempted to counter with her own proposal, but not before the man himself put his offer on the table.


Tyzin stepped inside without hesitation as the door shut behind him. His mind raced, calculating his approach. He could feel the weight of the stares from Eva's people, each one likely sizing him up, waiting for a single misstep. But Tyzin wasn't here to make mistakes.

"Eva." he repeated to himself, as though committing the name to memory. He noted the way she carried herself—calm, confident, and clearly in control. This wasn't a woman to be trifled with.

Tyzin glanced briefly at the man checking the door, then locked eyes with Eva. "What I'm offering is a chance to keep your operation intact." His voice was steady, but there was an edge to it now. "The Echo of Independency isn't just another group of zealots causing chaos. They're targeting people with precision, sending a message that anyone who doesn't fit their twisted version of the Confederacy's ideals is expendable. They want to dismantle the current CIS, piece by piece, and they'll take down anyone who gets in their way, including people like you."

He gave it a moment for that to sink in, before continuing.

"Their latest attack was a warning. They butchered civilians publicly. A grotesque display of body horror that no one can ignore. And worse, they're gaining support, pulling in sympathizers from the old Confederacy who feel the current CIS has lost its way. If they grow stronger, they'll disrupt everything. Your trade routes, your business, your people." it wasn't really an offer per se, but maybe with that particular wording, she'd understand the situation.

"So what I'm offering is the chance to stop them before they turn this sector into their personal slaughterhouse. You've got the connections, the resources I need. Help me find them, and I'll make sure they never interfere with your operation again." that would be a good deal as any, in his eyes.
Eva listened to every word the man said before she made a casual gesture with one hand that had everyone standing around gradually return to what they'd been doing before the intrusion. One man, no listening devices, her Shadow would keep her safe if this was just a long con. Safe enough for everyone else to respond at least. No need to have them wasting time gawking.

"I don't know what you've heard about me, but you're coming at this wrong," Eva finally replied aloud. "Helping you could help us, but it could also get people killed that expect me to protect their best interests." She hadn't missed the man trying to appeal to the desire to avoid that very fate, but Tyzin was still speaking of potential outcomes -- if the threat were half as dire as he proclaimed, and her operation even remotely in danger. What he wanted had a very real chance of getting her people killed at worst, and would take resources away from her operation and risk exposure by law enforcement at best. Not enticing propositions.

She had felt her Shadow tense at the thought of people being 'butchered' openly. That hadn't sat particularly well with her either, but they both knew they couldn't protect everyone from even a gruesome fate. They weren't the galaxy's saviors, just people that'd clawed their way into some measure of authority prepared to punish those within their reach.

Were these Echoes within her reach?

They were.


"Counterproposal: we claim everything they leave behind we can haul away before the Calvary arrives." Eva doubted the man was here with official blessing. He might be able to shield some of them as 'assistants' or 'consultants,' but not an entire crew picking at the remains of the Echoes. So, they'd haul away what they could before the Officials showed up to lock down any crime scenes and claim any glory associated for Tyzin's hard work.

The financial gains should be enough to placate any rumbling by the crew that might have to brave the line of fire.

Now she'd wait to see if he'd strenuously object to the very idea, or if it was satisfactory. Perhaps there was something in particular in their possession he, himself, wanted? Would he admit it aloud, if he did?


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