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Constructing a Behemoth [PM for Invite]

Location: Gulamendis
Objective: Design a Destroyer

The death world of Gulamendis was no particular home for the wise minded or intellectuals. Chaos ensued where order lacked and the Gulandi murdered each other over rather primitive motivations. Of course many have been fully indoctrinated into The Primeval and serve as willing soldiers, some of the more forsaken ones have delved into the darkest depths of the spiraling lone city of Sar'Sargoth.

The Host Lord was preparing for her upcoming war and needed a new warship, one which could bear a large armament of heavy guns. She had called upon two of her closest advisors in naval affairs. The newly acquired [member="Ciara"] and the loyal [member="Kadri Ughad"] , the two would help deliver valuable insight and older designs into a much newer ship.

Sephi warriors guarded the three entrance ways into a central chamber of one of the highest spires located in Gulamendis' capital city. Anja frequently made this her home whenever she was no longer aboard Order's End and stayed on the surface. The planet was hardly comforting but it did have its own sense of zeal that aligned with hers.

"They've arrived, Your Worship.", an officer approached; bowing and then standing as he announced the arrival of the two she called upon.

The Host Lord turned around and awaited their entrance, "Let them in.", she said.

Immediately two of the Sephi guarding one of the entrances opened the large metal doors to allow them a way inside.


Huntress of the North
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

Ciara quickly stepped inside with a large technical datapad as well as with her two Graug guards. Each of the Graug guards carried two crates of unknown contents and she quickly stood in front of Anja. Giving her a slight bow, Ciara proceeded to take a seat and placed her datapad in front of her. She paused for a moment and stated officially, "Greetings Host Lord. I have brought along a few technical specifications of the past that you have requested as well as some possible hull materials that could be utilized."

Ciara spoke to her two guards tersely, "Open the crates and leave them right there."

Ciara pointed to empty area of the floor a few feet away from her and stated, "I have several different alloys of durasteel, each which a different array of special properties as well as respective advantages and disadvantages."
Anja nodded to [member="Ciara"] in respect.

"Excellent.", she responded with the simply short statement. At the same time she would await the approach of Kadri but until then she intended to make due on a more personal discussion with Ciara.

The Host Lord took a seat in a chair just opposite. "Our facilities are rather crude, production would be limited which is why we need to make sure everything counts." , her piercing eyes gazed towards the woman before glancing at the crates of materials.

"I want the ship to have firepower.", she then added.

The Graug weren't an unfamiliar sight to say the least. She had experienced them many times before in the company of Dredge but even still they always stirred her curiosity. It almost made her forget that this part of the galaxy was once where the Vong came in; a similar race to the Graug. It probably was an interesting concept for The Primeval to be seen as invaders but they weren't exactly extra-galactic and hardly as powerful for the time being.

[member="Kadri Ughad"]
"And firepower you shall have, Host Lord."
Kadri walked through the open doors, his boots clanking against the titanium floors. The top part of his mask was off, leaving only the rebreather over his mouth and nose. If anyone was to demand the respect to see his face it was the Harbingers. He wore standard naval uniform for he was about to head off in a vanguard fleet in little less than a day's time. This would have to be quick. Behind him tailed the newly promoted Sephi, captain, Kadri's former second-in-command. He was there only through his insistence that he accompany his superior.

"The number of weapons you wish to be put on this ship will require a larger chasis than any other ship that we have built ourselves. Of course, I imagine that is why you have summoned us, no?"

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
Anja looked to [member="Kadri Ughad"] , the Umbaran who replaced Pyrrhus Alet, once among the highest ranking Executors in The Primeval Fleet.

"The resource reserves here on Gulamendis can provide us with very large ships. Size is of no issue.", she responded to his question.

The ship they had in mind was not a compromise of firepower; it would bear as many guns as it could, in sacrifice of defensive weaponry and warhead launchers. There was no qualm about it. Of course such a vessel might be an expensive mess but if it did succeed at its goal, it could potentially give them an edge in battles to come. They already have a carrier, so why would they need to balance all their vessels? Fleet actions are what's important.

"You've had battle experience, Kadri. Tell me. What do you think?", she asked.

"In my experience this could become a very bad idea, but we have other ships to make up for what it lacks, so I am quite mixed on the issue. If it turns out to be as the Carnage and Mendacity designs did it could be a great success. But those ships had the advantage of mobility. Of course, for now we can make up for this with the current Deluge Frigates for flak and Deliverance classes set for various defenses."

Kadri paused for a bit, trying think of the next thing to say.

"However, we must remember the scarcity of superior shielding among enemies that we have so far encountered. The tactic will most likely succeed for now.
Anja was rather agreeable with [member="Kadri Ughad"] .

"Mobility has its benefits but superior firepower is a must."

For the most part, their previous ship designs focused on disabling the enemy ships and then swarming them.

"I trust that you will not bear the same mistakes that your predecessor did.", her voice sunk softly as she said it.

There was much to think about and this new starship would have to fulfill a role that none in their fleet could. It would require size, armament, and more importantly they'd need to train people to crew them.

"You've had experience with Sephi crew member. How are they to train in such a role?"
Kadri was taken slightly aback by the question as he cocked his eyebrows before fully understanding her question.

"As you know, they enjoy the pain of convenient torture. They'll crumble under psychological stress though."

Bant gave a slightly noticeable cringe.

"I personally like to put them into a water tank with no light, soundproofed, their limbs bound, and on their face only a long-lasting rebreather. Sensory deprivation breaks any animal, no matter how savage.Make it to where no matter how much they want to die, they will stay alive."

He scoffed.

"As for Alet. No, I will not be like him I should hope. He spent too long gauging the enemy and not fighting, most definitely a practitioner of foolish concepts. What little he did know came from books and other sources."

[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]
The Host Lord nodded in response, simply not speaking on the subject further.

"Now, the ship.", she looked to one of her Umbaran officers. The female procured a small device that projected a hologram of the schematic; courtesy of their shipwrights. The vessel's long, sleek hull had a few concepts already designed. However, Anja's eyes looked down at many of it.

"I want the central hangers removed. We don't need fighters if we already have carriers. Replace the defensive gun batteries with more turbolasers and the forward warhead shafts should be hollowed out, using the hanger space removed to install a hypervelocity gun." , she ordered.

Her eyes turned back to Kadri, "I want you to review the ship's design, I want you to begin training future crews and developing new tactics." , standing up from the chair she paced to an open window along the spire looking outward at Sephi training regiments.

[member="Kadri Ughad"]


Huntress of the North
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

Ciara simply waited silently as Anja and Kadri spoke. She didn't have much to state, other than the fact that the different allows the Host Lord could use. Weapons weren't her forte in any regard, but it would be of importance to mention utilizing a metal that could withstand the sheer shock and recoil from a large amount of weaponry.

"Host Lord," Ciara interjected, "I suggest using a lower carbon concentration for the alloys utilized to construct the durasteel frame and proportionally increasing the amount of zersium."

"As for the exterior hull plating, I suggest increasing the carbon concentration as well as the neutronium concentration in order to create a stronger hull that is more resilient to damage." Ciara continued.

She waved at the Graug and displayed the two alloys that she had previously synthesized for the Host Lord to inspect.
Anja reviewed the information and heeded what she had to say.

"Everything has its costs. What downside is there too the stronger alloy?", she asked. She truly didn't have a huge gauge as to how these alloys worked but she understood that nothing was as straightforward as it seemed. Even if the downsides were minute in comparison.

She didn't mind the interjection by all means but it was something she began to be rather unused to.



Huntress of the North
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

"Well, increasing the amount of carbon concentrations makes it harder and stronger with heat treating, but makes it less ductile. Thus, it will be more resilient to damage, but its more difficult, and therefore more expensive, to produce as well as repair as its less weldable. As the durasteel becomes less ductile, it will take more damage but at the same time, its endurance and kinetic attacks from massdrivers will be slightly greater." Ciara stated and pointed to the two Graug for a demonstration.

One of the Graug punched a thin plate of durasteel with greater carbon concentration, leaving a sizable, but shallow, dent as well as a small tear. The other punched a thin plate of durasteel with lesser carbon concentration, leaving a deeper dent, but with no tears.

"As you can see, the durasteel of higher carbon takes more damage but its more vulnerable to tearing, which is more difficult to repair. The latter, the opposite applies." Ciara explained.

"As for increasing the amount of neutronium, there is no real drawback other than cost. Neutronium is a rare ore, so availability is limited." Ciara stated in a matter-of-fact tone.
She thought about it for a moment; the test conducted was rather intelligent. Anja admired the ingenuity of [member="Ciara"] and agreed with her thoughts.

"If we were able to acquire neutronium, would we be able to fit enough of it on a sixteen-hundred meter long vessel?" , she asked. It wasn't rhetorical; she was genuinely asking if it was a viable task.

Meanwhile she looked back to Kadri who had been quiet. Perhaps he still had insight before he went out to conduct his task.

Her gaze from the training regiments turned back as she walked to the table again, placing two of her hands down on it.

[member="Kadri Ughad"]


Huntress of the North
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

"Considering how the hull cladding of Acclamator-class assault ships were impregnated with neutronium and hundreds, perhaps thousands, of Acclamators were in existence, it is not rare enough to be a cause a limitation on construction." Ciara responded. "If could even be possible to salvage the armor components of old Acclamators in order to utilize the neutronium for the construction of our ships...However, this is unfavorable over producing the hulls independently, as the quality of the neutronium within the Acclamators is unknown."

Looking back at her Graug guards, she stated, "Take out the ore of pure neutronium for Anja to inspect as well as dura-armor."

The Graug complied, taking out a large ore of pale bluish composition as well as a plate of dura-armor.

"I would even go as far as utilizing dura-armor instead of traditional durasteel if you are looking for a superior defense against laser and blaster weaponry." Ciara added.
The Host Lord thought momentarily. Unfortunately Gulamendis wasn't ripe with the materials but they could procure enough for a slightly more durable hull.

"I suppose it might be possible, it'll just set production back to a limited amount; likely less than the carnage-class. Of course, it's such large ship anyway that with our facilities I couldn't see us making more than that much anyway." , she turned to the officer.

"Take these plans and the details we've mentioned. Begin production immediately.", her eyes went back to [member="Ciara"] , "Oversee the shipwrights. Make sure everything we've discussed is valid.", Anja protruded back up and headed towards one of the three doors.

She stood near it, not going through just yet, and scanned the room.

"We must prepare quickly if we are to succeed in future wars."


Huntress of the North
[member="Anja Aj'Rou"]

Ciara nodded before rising from her seat and turning her head slightly to her guards, "Clean everything up."

She looked at the Host Lord once again and bowed deeply, "Your will shall be done."

The Graug quickly shoved everything back into the respective crates, leaving the 100.00% pure sample of neutronium ore with the Host Lord. The Graug bowed deeply to the Host Lord and began walking towards the exit. As Ciara was leaving, she stated, "As for the raw materials, I will seek out my external suppliers for resources."

As she left the room, Ciara quickly took out her encrypted comlink and began talking to several insidious background sources that she knew of to procure enough building materials for Primeval.
Anja left the room, the Sephi cleared out except for a few with an Umbaran officer to procure the leftover materials. If they were develop this warship then it would require some effort that has not been produced as of yet by The Primeval Fleet.

War was coming and the longer they waited the more they risked discovery by the wrong people. Already whispers of their activities have begun to spread across the galaxy; it's only a matter of time until it reaches the galactic core and alerts the attention of those who would do anything to stop it. For now their secrecy is kept by the One Sith and their skirmishes with the Imperial Remnant left little more than mystery thus far. With the upcoming dominion, and a possibly all-out war with their neighbors, a ship like this would be needed if they wish to clutch the tide of battle.
Kadri swiftly walked past the two, Bant taking a short jog to catch up with him.

"Your will be done, Host Lord." He said, heading back to the docks to prepare for the vanguard mission.

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