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Unreviewed Consular II-Class Escort Frigate

Manufacturer: Doreva Industries
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Limited
Length: High
Width: Average
Height: Average
Size: Average

D O R E V A • I N D U S T R I E S








  • Escort: The Consular does exactly what it is supposed to - act as a defensive escort for larger ships, packing some extensive firepower for deterrent.

  • Protector: The frigate boasts substantial defence measures as well, which makes it very difficult to take it out of the equation to get close to bigger vessels. It also protects itself quite well.

  • Hangar Space: Though the Frigate holds only a squadron of support craft that could help it out in a pickle, it has extensive space to carry other things than just support craft.


  • Hungry: The Consular may have a substantial energy weapon, but it is energy hungry, which would take substantial time to recharge. This is a fire only when necessary situation, as the ship's reactor would be straining to power it along with other weapons and the substantial defences.

  • Not very helpful: That squadron of support craft that it carries could come in handy in a crunch, but it's still only one squadron. Numbers can always overwhelm both the squadron and the Consular.

  • Intricate Technology: The Consular has some intricate technology, weapons and defences. If something goes wrong somewhere, Johnny and his astromech won't be able to do a quick-fix, as most systems require specialist hands to sort out the problem or to fix damage.


Doreva Industries and the shipyards of Rothana continue to put forth more vessels for The Foundation, the newest being the Consular II-Class Escort Frigate that follows the Marauder II-Class Attack Corvette out the gates.

The Escort Frigate boasts impressive firepower and defensive capabilities, albeit at the sacrifice of its maneuverability and speed. It would be a boon for larger vessels to have the Consular accompanying them and sticking to them like glue, fulfilling its design of protection.

Its escort capabilities aside, however, Mother Askani Mother Askani has asked for a vessel capable of extracting and carrying refugees from contested regions. The Consular has been given more space at the expense of its support craft in order to fulfill this need.


Out Of Character Info

Intent: Create Frigate
Permissions: [URL='']Roble stuff[/URL] | [URL='']Hex Inc. Stuff[/URL] | [URL='']GDI Stuff[/URL] | [url='']Maji Ironworks Stuff[/url]

Technical Information

Affiliation: Doreva Industries | The Foundation | Selected Clients
Starship Class: Frigate (200-500m)
Starship Role: Patrol
Modular: Yes
Material: Impervium, Duranium, Durasteel, Agrinium-based Radiation Insulation, Glasteel and various other materials.
Armaments: Particle Cannon, Turbolaster cannons, Ion cannons, Missile launchers
Defense Rating: High
Speed Rating: Average
Maneuverability Rating:: Average
Energy Resist: Average
Kinetic Resist: Average
Radiation Resist: High
Minimum Crew: 1
Optimal Crew: 250
Cargo Capacity: Average

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