And that was where she was. Sitting at the bar, the Obsidian Knight was working on the trail of another of her kind. Not another Knight, but another slicer. Many companies lead their data through a number of worlds. High end employees raveling the vastness of the Confederacy’s holdings, and many traveled to Maramere. It wasn’t an out of the way place, centrally located, and people always traveled to take the break they thought they deserved.
But here? There were many others who knew that the galaxy wasn’t all glittering. Just below the surface if someone scratched enough, the poor service workers were right there. And they were living in block housing, several units high, and deep. Small residential areas, and yet, others were buying up nearby units to help make life for these workers a bit easier. Grocers and repair/medical facilities were around the blocks, other locations where people would be selling small wares, and if you asked, the door behind the counter would open, and modified cybernetics and other outlawed tech from the lower classes were made available.
And, as always, there was the bar. There had to be. The bar was darkly lit, with teal and pink lights were lighting up the inside. Locations for rest and relaxation, from cybernetic recharging, and other discharge related highs next to the more traditional liquor serving relaxation only helped enhance the vice in the bar. Dancing women, and men, from Twi’lek, human, to Mon Calamari, and Zeltrons filled the center of the room. And off to a table on her own tapping at the hologram popping up from the datapad on the table. Data flowing from the cable that jacked into the side of her head, an input slot that was more secure than wireless communications, and at times covered by her hair as it rest over her undercut. The pale, orange-haired girl, was looking over images of a number of suspects, but she had hers picked out.
Pay was good, and she got to support the Confederacy, even if only to prevent needless harm that could hurt the lower-income people. Reaching out with her organic left arm, she picked up the glass, filled with a bright blue liquor and took a sip. The music was heavy and dark, bright synthesized highs with dark drumbeat lows. Hihats mixed with bass lines, and a fairly quick tempo on most songs were filling the air as the Knight watched the coming and goings.