Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Word had reached Ra there was an old business from another world just setting up on Denon. With her connections there, she was quite interested in his company and what he provided. Due to her past, Ra was also a scholar and with a surname like Valkorion and the location he originated, she wondered if there was any sort of connection. An answer to that would be left off and maybe brought up if they met up again later.

Today though she had arranged to meet with him. This being a business meeting, she decided to pose her alignment within the Force as that of a neutral apprentice rank. It was how she most often did. On the chance a person could pick up her ability. When she had been a sith lord, it had been very important to keep it hidden totally. Having since cut her ties totally from the Sith Empire, she no longer feared showing she could use the Force. Just how much she was cautious with.

He had agreed to a meeting. Arriving on Denon, she went to the meeting place. A nice professional building was presented. One created for a purpose and to Ra it was clear. She smiled as she walked into the door as it opened. It almost felt like she was in a home. Similar yet different than something the Metal Lords had presented and she liked it already

[member="Vincent Sheev Valkorion"]

Vincent Sheev Valkorion

Vincent moved his company away from Panatha due to the first order growing presences on his planet- that and well he heard dreadful rumors that the first order held connections with the sith empire, something of which he couldn't stand nor could he accept it. So, out of fear that he would be doing business with the sith empire by keeping relationships with the first order, Vincent decided that it would be best to move the company further into the inner rim- in order to hopefully avoid disgusting business transactions at all cost. Eventually when the company was completely set up on Denon, Vincent then decided that it was time to seek out new connections and business relations, and just when he was going to start seeking out people- someone messaged him. Someone by the name of Ra'a'mah sent him a message, and together they managed to arrange a meeting with each other- which Vincent was quit interested in.

The doctor was in his office reading up on some droid schematics that he was designing, theses droid would be designed for security and not combat- but they could be configured to become weapons of destruction and war. There was about six screens onto his desk, three which projected above his desk, and then three which were built into the surface of the desk- each had a green tint instead of a blue one. So while he was examining the designs on one of the droids, Vincent was also reading information about an AI that he was developing, which was placed on one of the screens built into the desk. A basic protocol droid greeted Ra at the door, 'Welcome' the droid buzzed in, before gesturing her to follow 'Please follow me. Doctor Valkorion would be delighted to see you' the droid chimmed, and started to waddle towards the elevator that would take them to Vincent's office.

Walking in, she was greeted by a protocol droid and directed Ra to follow her in. Since she was expected, her name was not offered as the droid started leading her to an elevator. Falling into step, she looked around a little. Noting how well kept everything was and that it was still rather new here.

Here for a business meeting, she wasn't sure if he really would be delighted to see her. All part and parcel in business to at least appear one wanted to meet with another person. Herself, she was looking forward to this. It seemed he had an interest in droids and weapons. As a member of the Metal Lords, she would also like to ask him a few questions about the wares he was peddling.

She maintained an open and almost friendly demeanor, still professional about it all. Around her was an air of something more than what could be seen or felt.

"Thank you."

[member="Vincent Sheev Valkorion"]​

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