Arken Lussk
Thrills, Chills, and Kills
Conventional Matters
Annual Droid Convention & Emporium
Fulluusub, Sullust
[member="Kaili Talith"]
Flashing lights, thumping electronic music, and the never ending symphony of whirs, beeps, boops, and squeals of curious delight. It was a place of innovation, learning, joy, and a whole lot of backroom business deals and sales. The annual droid convention and emporium hosted here in Fulluusub was a sector-wide event, with galactic names even showing up to show off their wares and learn a thing or two from the fanatical and creative independent minds on Sullust. Booths were set up in long lines, with droves of droid-lovers, inventors, engineers, and the not so uncommon couple and their children looking for a good time. The atmosphere was cheerful and a malfunction hadn't happened in hours - but the first was contained fairly quickly. Apparently one of the chef-style bots had gone haywire and began flinging cake and other baked goods into the crowds, and a small, impromptu food fight broke out until security came in to restore order.
"Jeez," Cadmon mumbled as he wiped a hand over the stain on his jacket. "Who knew those frelling bots had better aim than battle droids? Might have to pick up a few later on for when we get in some trouble." The man reached down to lovingly pat his companion on the head.
Gideon didn't reply; he couldn't, but he did appear to actually be listening to his master's monologue and perked up at the display of affection before yipping in the direction of a booth that appeared to be overly rambunctious.
"What is it, boy?"
Giddy didn't respond, again, yet he darted past a few convention-goers dressed up like C-3P0 and made a dash for the booth in question. The medic gave a sigh and ensured that his little baggy of freebies was still dangling from his fingers before pursuing his unruly bot.
Cadmon slid aside a large crowd of people swarming an apparently famous engineer before making it up to the booth, with Gideon parked right in the front of it. He sat on his hind legs and peered upwards at the staffers behind the booth detailing their newest, most advanced droid in their inventory.
The man was half a second away from giving a sharp whistle to summon his companion when the speaker referred to his bot as a 'field medical prototype.' Now this was something he could listen to. It'd been far too long since he'd worked alongside a robotic counterpart that new his trade as well as he did.
Oh boy. He was in for a treat.