Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Approved NPC Cooper

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"Little dog, big heart"

  • Age: One-year-old

  • Force Sensitivity: Non-Force User

  • Species: Canine

  • Appearance: A small dog with comically short legs, an agreeable expression, and a dense coat of fawn and white.

  • Name: Cooper

  • Loyalties: [SJO Raffle Winner - tbd]

  • Notable Possessions: A Dog collar and tag that reads: Cooper

  • Personality: Bright, sensitive, loyal. He is overall a cheerful pup, very enthusiastic.

  • Training: He can sit and stay, but is having difficulty with house training.

  • Combat Function: He is frightened of loud noises (thunder, fireworks, etc), and would not do well in a battle situation. Despite his loyal behavior, a shock of this kind would likely cause him to bolt – seeking shelter to hide.

  • Loyal: He's a friend for life!

  • Watchdog: He's protective, too, and will bark to alert his owner of trouble (or squirrels).

  • Cute: Aww, he is sweet and soft and looks just like a freshly baked loaf of bread.

  • Chewer: He's a fan of chew toys, especially shoes. He will chew when left alone and may be destructive if not given a proper outlet.

  • No Loud Noises: Fireworks, thunder, and any sounds of the sort frighten him. He grows terribly anxious, pants, whines, and paces. If something is particularly loud, he may simply run away.

  • House Training: While he does try his best, there are occasional... accidents.
Born in Ms. Martha Allen's barn, the young pup was raised alongside his siblings. However, Martha was quick to notice that this one seemed to be quite a bit smaller than the rest... the runt of the litter. These small dogs, despite their short legs, are talented herders. But, this one had little interest in farm-work and seemed to be gun-shy. Though he was quite bright, Ms. Martha knew that there would be few here on Balamak that would want such a puppy. While his brothers and sisters went to their new homes, he was left behind with Ms. Martha.

With dogs of her own, Ms. Martha was unable to keep him. As she'd been unable to re-home him in town, she thought that the upcoming Harvest Festival might be a good way to find him a home. It was unconventional, but it was well worth a shot.

And so, she decided that he would be a raffle prize.

Needless to say, she does want to ensure that the dog goes to a caring home. The new owner will be required to sign a contract, to confirm that he will be well cared for. And, if in the event that the new owner cannot keep him, she would like him to be thoughtfully re-homed to someone that can.

She has included some general information about him:

Life expectancy: 12-15 years
Favorite activities: Chewing. He has shown little interest in games such as “fetch.” He likes to bark, especially when greeting others, and will chase after small game.
Disposition: Friendly. He would do well in a home with someone that can spend time with him. He is quite fond of children and is gentle. He may bark at strangers, but is quick to warm up. Cooper is very sweet and thinks he's a lap dog. He loves to sit in the sun, too. He is quite a sensitive dog as well and is easily frightened by harsh voices -- especially if being scolded. He will need to be disciplined firmly but gently.
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