Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Cor Latch

NAME: Cor Latch
FACTION: Hunter's Guild.
RANK: None
SPECIES: Ithorians
AGE: 39.
SEX: Male
WEIGHT: 212 pounds
EYES: Blue
HAIR: None
SKIN: Brown
STRENGTHS AND WEAKNESSES: +Rather strong +Great Marksman -Terrible with hand to hand -Becomes angry when people use the offensive term "Hammerhead"
APPEARENCE: A tall Ithorian with a heavy blaster rifle. He wears a brown vest and has a long scar on his face. He wears no shoes and has a medium build.
BIOGRAPHY: Cor was born into a family of laborers. Rather than following his family's choices, he chose to become a bounty hunter. Working as a hunter for a rather long time, he finally got involved in illegal activities working for a group of pirates. However, due to his family, he left the group of pirates, eventually meeting the Togorian Mrrew, who Cor had met while hunting a large creature. Shortly after, joined the Hunter's guild. However, due to a severe injury while hunting a large creature, he was forced to resign. He now travels the universe as a bounty hunter.

SHIP: Standard ship with standard cannons but a high tech operating system and shield system.
KILLS: (None that are real players)

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