Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corbin Jorkul

Corbin Jorkul


FACTION: Formerly with the New Jedi Order

RANK: Jedi Knight

SPECIES: Near-human hybrid, Hapan/Vultan genetic structure

AGE: 21

SEX: Male

HEIGHT: 5'10"

WEIGHT: 172 lbs.

EYES: Deep, unnatural blue

HAIR: Dark brown, short, and always unkempt

SKIN: White, but partially covered by a cartilage deformity in his Vultan DNA that causes parts of his Vultan cartilage structure to expand down the length of his body.



STRENGTHS (Required: 2 Weaknesses Minimum) :
Charming -
Corbin is almost supernaturally charming, a byproduct of his natural Hapan beauty and Vultan need to stay up to date with trends. While not overtly seductive, Corbin seems to have a knack to persuade people and situations to his benefit...or talk his way out of a tight corner he's backed himself into.

Exotic Weapons Mastery - While classically trained in Shii-Cho and Ataru, Corbin was well known among his peers as an artist with his unique lightspear; a 10 foot long weapon of phrik tipped with a saber emitter on each end which produced a shortened, blue blade of about 6 inches. Using his training in Ataru, Corbin is able to utilize his lightspear to an expert level despite his young age.

Physicality - Specializing in the physical nature of the Force, Corbin's body is highly tuned. Beond this, he is able to amplify his body with the Force above what a normal sensitive could. Over-use of this can lead to great strain or even injury to his body.

Overconfidence - Corbin is prone to put himself into situations he was better off staying out of in an effort to prove himself, often biting off more than he can chew and foolhardily leaping into danger without a plan.

Headstrong - For a Jedi, the ability to compromise can be a virtue during diplomacy. While no diplomatic slouch, Corbin can be seen as stubborn or outright obstinate when his authority is questioned.

Aristocratic - Corbin considers himself above those he's deemed inferior. What's more, who exactly is qualified as "inferior" seems to change from case to case.

Authoritarian - No doubt a product of his Hapan heritage, Corbin shares the belief that those who are strong should protect the weak...regardless of how the weak feel about it.

A genetic anomaly, Corbin was born with a rare Vultan skin disease that caused his cartilage to grow over his skin in dark patches. While posing no overt health risk nor providing any boon, among Hapans and Vultans alike it is extremely unattractive.

A Jedi of the New Jedi Order during the time of Jedi Grand Master Kol Skywalker, Corbin Jorkul was a young orphan abandoned at the steps of a diner in Nar Shaddaa shortly after birth. Taken in by a waitress at the diner, Corbin was again abandoned at the steps of an obscure Jedi enclave after his first bout with his skin disease terrified his adoptive mother. Recognizing the disease as benign and non-contagious, a Jedi in the enclave was close to giving him to the state when a blood test confirmed the boy to be strong in the Force, and it was decided that he'd be raised in the Jedi way. Transferring to the Jedi temple on Ossus, Corbin was made a padawan by a Whiphid Jedi Knight and trained in the ways of the Force. As a padawan, Corbin distinguished himself with the lightsaber during the war against the Empire and it's Sith allies before acquiring a staff made of Phrik from a Vong warrior and modifying the device to build his vaunted lightspear. At the age of 21, shortly after attaining the rank of Knight, the One Sith and Fel Empire attacked the Jedi on Ossus only two days after Coruscant had fallen. Ordered by his master to evacuate as many younglings as possible, Corbin led a valiant fighting retreat against an onslaught of Sith and Stormtroopers as he ushered a dozen Younglings on board a J-1 shuttle craft. Seeing no option but to evacuate, Corbin and several other Jedi boarded another J-1 and made their escape attempt. Shortly after breaking orbit, the shuttle docked with a waiting EF76 Nebulon-B frigate and proceeded to make an attempt to escape the gravity well of an Imperial interdictor. As it fled, the frigate was disabled by several proton torpedoes and sent adrift, leaving the occupants aboard to their fates. Unbeknownst to the Empire and Sith, the Nebulon-B was a modified medical frigate and harbored several dozen bacta tanks and stasis chambers. Seeing no other options, the Jedi occupants placed themselves into stasis. Now, several hundred years later and life support finally failing, the lucky few to survive as beginning to wake up...Corbin included.

The EF76 Nebulon-B frigate Mercy, though the ship is in deep disrepair and power systems are failing.

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