Open to: Revenant Squadron and GA Pilots
Following the events of the attack on Coruscant... Revenant Squadron had been tasked by the 10th Sector fleet for a vitally important mission: to protect the Core and Deep Core worlds. Following the invasion of Coruscant, numerous slave raids and raiders, thieves and smugglers began to encroach on the vulnerable Alliance space, taking advantage of the damaged fleets... It's here that we find our heroes, outnumbered by a massive, sprawling pirate attack on Anaxes!
Revenant Squadron, on routine patrol, has been attacked and their communications are jammed, and the Alliance's reinforcements are far away... They'll have to fight through the Pirates, proving once again, that they're the best of the best.
Pirate Fleet:
x23 Stolen TIE Fighters
x2 Repurposed NIO Frigates
x2 Prisoner Transports
Wedge yanked hard on the throttle, dodging the incoming fire of the TIE fighter behind him. He took a deep breath, rolling his X-wing into a helix, trying to shake the TIE fighter. Pirates were often thought of as lesser pilots, but in Wedge's experience, they had just enough experience to be dangerous, and sometimes, more experience than most. Being a pirate from the edge of space required skill and training, even if it wasn't formal.
The blaster bolts hit his shields, and elicited a grunt in response to the violent shaking. Not enough to break his shields, but enough to cause concern. Wedge hit the throttle, diving towards the enemy frigate, point-defense turrets, manually operated he assumed by their slow response, began to chip towards him. Wedge rolled his starfighter, going under the frigate, coming back up- and around. He flew so close to the frigate in his loop that he could see the new paint on the frigate outside his canopy. He completed his backflip over the frigate- the TIE fighter still going straight to where he believed Wedge was.
The loop worked, and he scored the kill on the TIE fighter, who was probably none the wiser that Wedge was behind him. The TIE exploded in a small fireball, before eerily drifting into the cold abyss of space.
"All Revenant callsigns, check in."
He had most of Revenant here on a routine deep-space patrol, but. He just liked to hear their voices. Made the situation seem less daunting when everyone heard who was there, together.