Seris Vant
The Unsung Hero
Honor; something you'd never think criminals to hold themselves to. Well you'd be right for some street punk looking for some credit chips. In the underworld of organized crime though, honor was paramount. Without it the system collapses from within. Petty revenge and power grabs would be endemic. The Syndicate could never survive without it. It may seem like a glass shield but it was far more effective than burning extra credits to hold a gun to everyone's head.
Honor of course applies in the same sense to anyone dealing with another person or entity. If allies were to be kept, both sides needed to respect one another. This had broken down with the One Sith's betrayal at Barab 1. The alliance forged by Darth Vornskr and myself was never intended to last forever. It was beneficial for both nations economically. I hadn't expected it to end like this. An expectation was held and I should have known better than to trust Sith. They kill each other often enough that honor is just a tool, not a code. Well the Sith were going to learn when you knife someone in the back, sometimes that same blade can find itself in your own.
Between Coruscant and Caamias lay the main supply lines between the Sith's vanguard and their fortified holdings taken earlier in the war. It was only a few hundred light years wide, and a treacherous route they had to travel. Filled with black holes and other space hazards that forced constant hyperspace corrections. It was the perfect hunting ground for Flora and Rayl's 'Pirates'. Several were full fledged warships of Black Sun's navy. While they would deal as necessary with any military threads, the much smaller pirate ships would be the ones doing most of the commerce raiding.
Rayl almost felt the explosion as a small merchant ship broke apart with fury and fire. A paltry prize unfortunate enough to come into the interdiction field of his heavily refitted black painted Star Destroyer. A dozen hulks littered the local area. And about twice as many prizes had been taken away from the sector. Now only Flora's ship was with him. "Quite the day we're having isn't it Flora. You don't get catches like these in Wild Space! Hell I've never seen the fishing so good, and I've been doing this for thirty years. Lets blow a few more up for fun eh?The Sith can do with fewer supplies".
[member="Flora Burn"] [member="Melakoth Tyrin"] [member="Mordecai Zambrano"]
Honor of course applies in the same sense to anyone dealing with another person or entity. If allies were to be kept, both sides needed to respect one another. This had broken down with the One Sith's betrayal at Barab 1. The alliance forged by Darth Vornskr and myself was never intended to last forever. It was beneficial for both nations economically. I hadn't expected it to end like this. An expectation was held and I should have known better than to trust Sith. They kill each other often enough that honor is just a tool, not a code. Well the Sith were going to learn when you knife someone in the back, sometimes that same blade can find itself in your own.
Between Coruscant and Caamias lay the main supply lines between the Sith's vanguard and their fortified holdings taken earlier in the war. It was only a few hundred light years wide, and a treacherous route they had to travel. Filled with black holes and other space hazards that forced constant hyperspace corrections. It was the perfect hunting ground for Flora and Rayl's 'Pirates'. Several were full fledged warships of Black Sun's navy. While they would deal as necessary with any military threads, the much smaller pirate ships would be the ones doing most of the commerce raiding.
Rayl almost felt the explosion as a small merchant ship broke apart with fury and fire. A paltry prize unfortunate enough to come into the interdiction field of his heavily refitted black painted Star Destroyer. A dozen hulks littered the local area. And about twice as many prizes had been taken away from the sector. Now only Flora's ship was with him. "Quite the day we're having isn't it Flora. You don't get catches like these in Wild Space! Hell I've never seen the fishing so good, and I've been doing this for thirty years. Lets blow a few more up for fun eh?The Sith can do with fewer supplies".
[member="Flora Burn"] [member="Melakoth Tyrin"] [member="Mordecai Zambrano"]