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Approved Tech Corek Family Datacron

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Noah Corek

Cocked, Locked and a Smoking Barrel
Intent:[background=#080808] To create a datacron that details the entire history of the Corek Family[/background]
Development Thread:[background=#080808] N/A[/background]
Manufacturer:[background=#080808] Noah Corek[/background]
Model:[background=#080808] Corek's Datacron[/background]
Affiliation:[background=#080808] Noah Corek[/background]
Modularity:[background=#080808] Data can be added by Noah[/background]
Production:[background=#080808] Unique[/background]
Material: Crystalline Latice and Pressed Platnium
Description:[background=#080808] The Corek Family Datacron, first made by Ansil Corek the First during the Mandalorian Wars, is the most prized possession of the Corek Family, losing the Datacron is punishable by exile from the family in the best case scenario and death in the worst case and is kept in a high security vault on Coruscant. After the fall of Coruscant to the One Sith, Flint Corek I, Noah's father smuggled it off world and gave it to his son, as is tradition. Instead of keeping it in a vault, Noah decided to keep it where he thought it would be most safe, on his person at all times. The datacron is split it five sections. Corek Family Code, Personal Files, Blueprints, Wills and Combat Techniques.[/background]
  • Corek Family Code
The first section of the Datacron contains the tenants of Corek Family Code
  • Honor: This tenant states that all actions in combat must reflect honor upon the family, though the ways honor can be gained are many
  • Respect: This tenant states that you must show respect to family and superior officers, family at all times, though if a superior officer is found to be either incompetent or not worthy of it, they are not shown respect
  • Sacrifice: This tenant states that you must be willing to give your life for family, friends and comrades. A soldier during the Clone Wars named Noah Corek I showed this example by staying behind and making sure his unit got out alive, after this, the first name Noah was translated as 'Worthy'.
  • Loyalty: The Corek family believes in one thing above else that dwarfs all three other tenants, loyalty. This means either loyalty till the death or loyalty to small things. Though you can count on one thing,a Corek always keeps a promise.
  • Personal Files
The second sections contains the personal files of every member of the Corek Family from Ansil Corek I all the way up to Noah Corek V. For Noah's file, there are multiple journal entries, some from his days as a Republic Commando, but most of them are from his Protectorate days, there are also personal musings about officers above him, ex-girlfriends and even some ramblings about modern politics. There's even a section of Noah's file detailing his most intimate secrets, of course this requires multiple key phrases that would take months of investigating to find out.
  • Blueprints
The Corek family is known for its designing of weapons and armors, this most prevaliant with Noah and his two companies, Corek Custom Weapons Inc. and Hekler'Kok Defense Industries. This third section contains all blueprints ever made by the Corek Family, most being weapons, armor and vehicles, though there are a few starships and even some upgraded blueprints for them. Some of these blueprints included upgraded variants of the Acclamator, Venator and even Victory-class starships, a armor design fashioned after the Mandalorian Neo-Crusader Armor, a armor design fashioned after Clone Wars-era clone armor and even plans for a orbital space station armed with a massive mass driver cannon.
  • Wills
The fourth section is a collection of every will ever made by the Corek Family, from Ansil to Noah, most of them are useless and void, but there are a few that actually are relavent. Noah's is the most relavent of the wills, a lot of his possessions are meant to got towards charity but a few of them are meant to go to friends he's made over time, people such as [member="Jorus Merrill"], [member=HK-36], [member=Cira], [member="Nyos Val"], [member="Ori'Alor Tal'Verda"] and [member="Canal Tal'Verda"], people he's grown to consider family.
  • Combat Techniques
The fifth and final section contains the culmination of every fighting style collected over the years from the Corek Family, from Ansil Corek's notes on combating Mandalorian Beskar'gam to Noah Corek's notes on standard Protectorate fighting styles and his teachings about a special form of unarmed combat, called SOCMA (Special Operations Combative Martial Arts). There are also many texts about combat within it not related to the Corek family, Echani bladedancing, Jar'Kai dual-blade combat, Tae-Jitsu martial arts, Gand martial arts, Asth-korr, the Juzzian Armlock, K'tara martial arts, Changa bushfighting, Gravik-nez and even some forms of lightsaber combat, though these are few and far between and all of them are the most basic.

Ashin Varanin

Professional Enabler
[member="Noah Corek"] - This seems a little off the cuff. You could easily triple the content in each subheading. Care to flesh it out before I stamp it?
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