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Approved Lore Corellian Defense Force

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Corellian Defense Force


  • Organization Name: Corellian Defense Force
  • Classification: Military Organization
  • Affiliation: The Galactic Alliance
    • The Corellian Confederation
  • Organization Symbol:
  • Description: Tasked with defending Corellian interests at home and abroad, the Corellian Defense Force was ostensibly the naval and expeditionary arm of the Corellian military. On paper, the Corellian Defense Force was described as a defensive tool for the Corellian Confederation. In practice however, the Defense Force, often abbreviated to the CDF, often participated in patrols far outside of the Confederation's border systems and extending far along both the Corellian Trade Spine and Corellian Run hyperspace routes. They also often participated in battles far outside the jurisdiction of even the Republic as assets of Corellian business in other sectors came under fire or events such as the Bryn'adûl incursions went against Corellia's strong beliefs in defending the weak and self-determination. Once the backbone of the entire Republic fleet, many of the vessels that made up the previous Grand Navy were returned to Corellian service after the formation of the Galactic Alliance resulting in the Confederation holding one of the largest non-federal fleets within GA borders with several fleets, space stations, fighter wings, and even ground forces at their disposal.



: The Corellian Defense Force was led by its High Admiral. While ultimately beholden to the Diktat of Corellia, he is given a large amount of freedom in regards to matters of the military and Corellian Security. Below him were the various Corellian Fleet Admirals and their corresponding fleets. Ranks within the Navy proper followed Navy ranks, the Starfighter Corps followed typical Army ranks with Wing Commander which was a rank interchangeable with colonel, and the Shocktrooper Legion similarly followed typical Army ranks similar to most other militaries in the Galaxy with the ranks of General being the highest those two branches could receive. All component forces of the Defense Force utilized enlisted ranks as well who held positions as techs, medics, Shocktroopers, and the like. The rank of General was also used as an honorary title for high ranking Corellian dignitaries and retired or high ranking active service war heroes. These honorary generals had a similar shoulder pauldron to Legion and Starfighter Corps generals, but were navy blue and banded with gold rather than the typical orange pauldron banded with black bars and official rank insignia.

Membership: Membership within the CDF was compulsory. Unlike the Security Force, which required applications, at the age of seventeen if one was not in secondary school or headed off to university, or for two years after completing university or secondary school, citizens within the Corellian Confederation were required to serve in the Defense Force. This was, of course, unless they had been accepted into the Security Force via an application. This instilled a strong sense of duty and unity among the Corellian people and kept their military strong and constantly flowing with recruits. Upon the beginning of compulsory service, cadets were given the opportunity to take comprehensive aptitude tests which allowed for newly drafted cadets who did not pursue higher education at university or military academies the ability to enter officer training programs. After becoming enlisted in the Defense Force cadets were sent off to training camps at various locations throughout Confederation space to build or further their skills in their elected positions. Within the CDF there were three main component forces that all worked together to defend Corellia.

"The rest of the Galaxy was bigger than us...Stronger than us. We hid in the shadows like mice hiding from Loth Cats. No more."
-Corellian High Admira Yularen Nova
-Corellian Navy: The backbone of the CDF, the Corellian Navy was one of the largest non-federal armadas in Galactic Alliance space. Constructed over the short span of half a decade, many of the vessels in Corellian service were veterans of the most recent large scale war between the Old Alliance and the Sith Imperial Bloc. Composed of several defensive and offensive fleets led by powerful battlecruisers, it bladed a path forward for the nascent Confederation, its successor the High Republic, and then the Confederation again under the New Galactic Alliance. From working anti-piracy alongside the smaller S&I fleet of the Security Force to launching full-scale assaults on pirate bases in the Outer Rim, the Corellian Navy was the tip of the spear in the Corellian military machine. They were composed of several distinct groups.
-Technical Corps: The Technical Corps was a collection of non-combatant organizations within the Defense Force which included the Corps of Engineers, the Medical Fleet, and Fleet Logistics. Capable and often passionate about their work members in the Technical Corps could be found aboard almost every ship either as a medic or logistics officer, a scientist or mechanical engineer. Occasionally they had entire vessels or flotillas dedicated to their purposes and operated out of large naval refueling and refit platforms. Hundreds of civilian jobs were lumped into this group as well, especially civilians working on shipyards dedicated to the construction and repair of Defense Force assets. Members of the Technical Corps were instrumental in colonization efforts within Confederation space as well as foreign aid.
-Expeditionary Force: The Expeditionary Force was a collection of fleets that were dedicated to patrolling the Corellian Trade Spine, the Corellian Run, Confederation borders, and taking part in operations in foreign or neutral territory. This force saw the most action, even if most of it was small-scale. Fighting pirate gangs, raiders, and smugglers along and around the main Corellian hyperplanes was the bulk of their duty. Despite this, they were the first fleets to be mobilized if other governments requested military assistance from the Confederation.
-Corellian Defense Fleet: The Defense Force operated several small fleets within the borders of the Corellian Confederation. Entirely defensive, they responded to pirate attacks and protected domestic assets. The Corellian Home Fleet was part of this and operated one of the largest collections of battlecruiser-class vessels in all of the Corellian Navy. Each planet of the uniquely well-populated Corellia system operated its own fleet which defended a defined area within the Corellian Sector, offering the planets greater autonomy from Corellia herself.
-Naval Intelligence: The intelligence branch of the Corellian Defense Force, Naval Intelligence gave crucial information on fleet movements, pirate operations, and smuggler operations throughout the Corellian Sector. Neutered by treaty, they were what remained of the original intelligence branch who did not move to Corellian Security. As such, the information they provided was often less complete and forced the Navy to rely on CSI when operating outside of Corellian Space. They played second fiddle to them but strove to provide the best information they could for their Navy, Shocktrooper Legion, and Starfighter Corps. Their dedication and earnestness provided Naval Intelligence a familial relationship with Defense Force members and a better working relationship.
"Seyg! Remember Leejs, KTF."
-A Shocktrooper Commander before dropping behind enemy lines
-Corellian Shocktrooper Legion: Kill them first. The members of the Corellian Shocktrooper Legion were elite soldiers ready for expeditionary front-line combat. Often heralded as the tip of the spear, they were the faceless men and women that defended Corellian interests abroad and destroyed their enemies. While there was no illusion that they were inferior ultimately to Halcyon Commandos, they often fought right alongside them. Specializing in zero-g and urban combat they struck fear in the hearts of insurgents, pirates, and anything that got in their way. Shouting the Old Corellian word for victory and KTF, the Legion carried the fight on the ground on their backs. The Corellian Shocktrooper Legion had two subdivisions.
-Hell Jumpers: Corellian Hell Jumpers were a small and modern unit dedicated to defending expeditionary teams into the realms of the Netherworld. They traveled with science teams across the Galaxy, searching for previously unknown Gates and defending Corellia from the horrors of the Field of Blades Gate on Corellia. Their actions are extremely classified, parallel to the operations that many Halcyon Commandos undertake. Despite their clandestine nature they openly recruited and often offered cozy ground assignments on familiar worlds. This was because of their casualty rate, which was the highest out of both CDF and CSF units and weren't necessarily the best trained.
-Nether Ops: Nether Ops The Black Ops branch of the Shock Trooper Legion, Nether Ops operated in tangent with Naval Intelligence. Often playing second fiddle to Corellian Strategic Intelligence, Nether Ops was the soft option for KTF missions of great importance. The main differentiating factor between Nether Ops and operations out of CSI was that Nether Ops was consistently under the microscope, ensuring its operatives completed their objectives with casualties in a reasonable margin. They also did not undertake undercover operations and were most often called in to eliminate targets already painted black by CSI. They were the elite of the elite and were often the group that Halcyon Operations recruited out of.
"Lock them foils! Eyeballs dead ahead!"
-A Squadron Leader heading to battle
-Corellian Starfighter Corps: The Corellian Starfighter Corps was a component force within the Corellian Defense Force dedicated to the management, supply, and fielding of starfighters across the Corellian Defense Force. Filled with some of the finest pilots in the Core, the Corellian Starfighter Corps was a force to be reckoned with in dogfights or ship to ship combat. They flew older model X-wings in black and orange along with interceptors, bombers, shuttles, and a variety of other small fighter and scout craft.
  • Climate: The climate shifted from sub-branch to sub-branch but it was generally all business when on deck. Fighter pilots and Legionnaires were typically the loosest with Navy officers being almost Imperial in their adherence to protocol but like with every group there was no one clean way to cut the individuals.
  • Reputation: As was the case in the New Republic, the collection of military power that the Corellian Defense Force represents is looked on with suspicion and fear by many Senators in the Galactic Alliance. To the Corellian Confederation, it is a security blanket to ensure that they will be safe from those would do them harm, be it the Sith or the Alliance themselves.
  • Curios: Generals often wore a pauldron on their uniform. They also all wore rank bars on their uniforms that were coded to automatically authorize entry via scanners to certain areas or for soldiers utilizing HUD to see the exact rank, name and title of whoever they were talking to. Most uniforms came in some variation of black and orange though flight suits for the starfighter corps varied on preference. Some older Corellian commanders and their crews also sported older green and black uniforms.
  • Rules: The Corellian Defense Force followed all Galactic Alliance laws outside of Corellian Confederation space, but were known to skirt them within, falling on Corellian military and civilian law. They also followed the laws of various allied nations when in their space.
  • Goals:
    • To defend Corellian assets domestically and abroad
    • To defend Corellian citizens
    • To defend the Corellian Sector from threats both domestic and abroad.
    • To aid in the defense of the Galactic Alliance
    • To defend and aid in Corellian colonial efforts
    • To maintain a sense of peace and security along the Corellian Run and Corellian Trade Spine
    • To maintain a sense of peace and security within the Corellian Confederation
From the dawn of spaceflight the Corellians have been known far and wide for their skills as pilots, starship innovation, and waging war. One of the more militant founders of the ancient Republic, they alone held the power of Contemplanys Hermi, allowing them to withdraw its delegation and completely shut down its borders to travel. This was only possible due to the brave men and women who served the Corellian Navy. While modern-day Corellia held no such power as the Contemplanys Hermi they continued to maintain a strong military force able of repelling attacks. In a post Gulag Era Corellia has learned to accept the differences of the Five Brothers putting the system and the sector in a unique position. Combining all of their forces during the post Imperial Bloc New Republic they held enough vessels to challenge the small Galactic Power and only continued to grow unchecked due to the New Republic's utter lack of restrictions on individual system military growth. After the Battle of Kuat against the Confederacy of Independent Systems Corellia, confident in its newfound military might, withdrew from the New Republic, seceding from the Core World power to develop on their own in the reconstituted Corellian Confederation.

The fleets maintained by the Corellian Sector would go on to become the backbone of the High Republic navy which did restrict military growth, forcing the Corellians to disarm. The Corellians, only wishing the best for the Core, did not only disarm but relinquished much of their war fleet. After the Frozen Hand campaign and the subsequent merging of the High Republic and the Core Alliance into the Galactic Alliance the Corellian Defense Force split its ranks with the bulk of its espionage, peacekeeping, and security forces becoming the Corellian Security Bureau and its remaining fleet assets remaining as the Corellian Defense Force. Due to the Alliance's self-defense laws, the Corellian Sector was able to continue to maintain a rather sizeable fleet. While its Shocktrooper Legion, Starfighter Corps, and Navy were nowhere near as large as they had once been they continued to defend Corellian Sector interests both domestically and abroad with patrols common up and down the Corellian Trade Spine and Corellian Run.

Dedicated to defending the Five Brothers and the 30-odd systems within the sector, the Corellian Defense Force was an ally to democracy and to the Galactic Alliance. Seen and challenged by many in the Alliance Senate as excessively aggressive, with as many threats as there were in the world, it was always good to have a few powerful friends in your corner.

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