Keepin Corellia Weird
Corellian Engineering Corporation CC-100
‘Sand Panther’ Speeder Craft

Intent: Racing Speeder for civilian markets
Image Source: HERE
Canon Link: N/A
Restricted Missions: If Needed
Primary Source: N/A
Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation
Model: Corellian Engineering Corporation CC-100 Speeder Craft
Affiliation: Closed-Market
Modularity: Yes
Production: Mass-Produced
Material: Durasteel, Alusteel, Glasteel

Classification: Landspeeder
Role: Racing Vehicle
Size: Average
Weight: Average
Minimum Crew: 1
Optimal Crew: 1
Propulsion: Repulsorlift
Speed: Very Fast
Maneuverability: Very High
Armament: None
Defenses: None
Squadron Count: None
Passenger Capacity: 1
Cargo Capacity: Average
Fast & Agile

Fast & Agile: With a [SIZE=9pt]suped up[/SIZE] engine and ultralight alusteel frame, this speeders agility and quickness belie the size of it’s frame and build by a longshot.
- Fragile: If a crack shot can shoot the exposed steering veins, large air intake on the hood, the control rod down the center on the bottom, the vehicle has much the same reaction as any racing speeder suffering such damage. It will do anything from veer off course, to enter a deadly tail-spin, to just blowing up on the spot.

Corellian culture has intertwined itself in CEC from the very moment of conception. The [SIZE=9pt]attitudes,[/SIZE] and the grit are present in every line. As is the spirit of adventure, yearning for freedom, and love of speed. The Coronet City 100, or CC-100, is an exemplar of this. Built to be relatively luxurious in feel, the seats are actual tanned bantha calf leather stitched by hand. The controls are based off a YT-2400 setup, tweaked to parameters and spec. The engines are the true beauty. They utilize an ultra-refined generator for the repulsor lifts that is easily 30% more efficient than the rest of the market, and further refinements to fuel and speed systems like an air-intake for afterburners that allow jaw-dropping acceleration out of turns...
These things and more [SIZE=9pt]generate[/SIZE] an absurd amount of power and speed, making the CC-100 blazingly fast, but also a little less response in steering, though far from clunky. These machines are offered from the manufacturer with custom paint jobs and detailing options such as custom upholstery and even add-ons professionally installed at a discount with purchase new. However, CEC refuses to offer any accidental damage, roadside hazard or extra warranties otherwise, due to the repetive use of these craft in illegal racing.
Corellian Engineering encourages all of [SIZE=9pt]it’s[/SIZE] customers to obey their local traffic and craft laws and drive responsibly.