Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corellian Engineering Corporation YT-1300 Light Freighter "Hyperion"



  • Intent: To create a ship that had an emotional connection to Dorrian and for his hopefully long smuggling career.
  • Image Source: ArtStation Robert Fink
  • Canon Link: N/A
  • Primary Source: N/A

[*]Defenses: Average
[*]Squadron Count: None: 1
[*]Maneuverability Rating: High
[*]Speed Rating: High
[*]Hyperdrive Class: Very Fast: 0.3

  • Flight Performance: This craft has been modified to fit Dorrian's specific needs and is a very fast and surprisingly maneuverable ship dispite the high speeds it can react in space.
  • Energy Diversion: With the ships engines, it requires most of the power so as he has to divert power from the shields to keep his engines running at Maximum efficiency, but that also prevents the shields from working at max power as well due to the high cost of the engines.


Though outwardly the ship may appear somewhat no different from most of those ship in its class or type. Other than from the distinct blueish pinstripe and shading. It is as they say looks can be deceiving for under the hood. It had gone thru quite the transformation as well as the upgrade where it counts. With a tad bit of personalizing touch, it has gone thru starting from its acquisition by its original owner, his father to its current owner. Who for the best his ability blended quite as much of the aesthetic and craftsmanship his father put into the ship. With those of his own work in not so much solely on just out of respect but also in his own small way. Preserve what bit of legacy he had left behind for his son despite his passing. Initially acquired by his father with most of its originally created specs and components that it came with somewhat intact. Although it was by then somewhat dated and mostly quite worn. He did his best to update it with what bit cred he had on hand which made work he put on it somewhat become a patchwork of whatever parts could be had on hand. As has it been so with his son who later continued his work on the ship. Where every bit of labor of screw in the bolts or soldiering put on it. Become sort of a personal stamp by each of them individually and more a labor off the sweat of their own brow. As much so had it been with the son who'd engaged mostly within the dark seedy realm of the underworld. Engage in the all too dangerous high stakes biz of a smuggler. Much if not all expense or workmanship had to be not spare to the best their ability. Make it so that alongside given the age of the ship model. WIth some of its parts either nonexistent or obsolete to those of the current age, it found service in. Certain upgrades from other more current ship had been placed on it. And in doing so certain personalization or adjustment had to been made. When it came to fitting said parts into the aged ship. Which in a sense not only gave it character and one hell of a bite when it got caught in the middle of the fray. A sort of a given hazard in the line of work it was in...where speed, maneuverability, and some firepower was most needed. At which end its captain who flew her did their best to balance both at best they could. As they find ways round strike a decent balance delicate as it were and in a way shows a bit of flare, bravado as well individually to the said ship to make it truly their own. Ready face the future wherever it may be that it lead them...

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