Keepin Corellia Weird
Corellian Hypernautics CH-22 'Greenstar' Starfighter
Image Source: HERE
Affiliation: Select Customers
Manufacturer: Coronet Hypernautics
Model: CH-22
Modularity: Weapon Packages may be chosen at purchase, otherwise no.
Production: Mass Produced
- Durasteel (Hulling)
- Alusteel (Skeleton)
- B’Sant (Viewports)
- Steristeel (Instrumentation)
Height: 14 meters
Width: 11 meters
Length: 9 meters
Armament: 15
Note: All missile launchers have three warheads unless otherwise noted
Choose ONE of the Following Packages:
One Concussion Missile Launcher OR One Ion Cannon (Nose)
Two Of: Composite Beam Laser Cannon Turret OR Two Dual Laser Cannons (Wings)
Two Of: One Repeating Laser Cannon (Wings)
One Homing Concussion Missile Launcher OR Dual Ion Cannons (Nose)
Two Of: One Repeating Laser Cannon (Wings)
One Dak-6 Gatling Laser Cannon (Nose)
Special Features:
- Standard Shield System
- Standard Sensors Array
- Encrypted Communications Array
- Advanced Targeting System
- Astromech Droid Slot
- Standard Life Support System
Speed Rating: 3
Hyperdrive Class: 1.5
- (+) Versatile: With the variety of option to choose from, the Greenstar is capable of filling multiple battlefield roles
- (+) Twinkle, Twinkle: With the speed, agility, and hyperdrive class of the Greenstar, it is going to swiftly close and retreat
- (-) Flimsy: Despite firepower and it's movement abilities, it does not stand up well in a long fight.
- (-) Power Flux: Like many Corellian designed customizable starships, it suffers power fluctuation issues
Soon (tm)
Development Thread: If Needed
Intent: A top-tier mass produced starfighter
Who Can Use This: Select CH customers
Primary Source: