Keepin Corellia Weird
The Corellian Jedi Enclave
Name: Corellian Jedi Enclave
Intent: A reformation of a prior Jedi Enclave
Membership Requirement: Corellian heritage (by blood, marriage, or adoption. Preferably Blood), Force-Sensitivity(though the Enclave welcomes non Force Using Corellians, 'full' members would obviously be Jedi). No Sith - Neutral/Grey Force Users welcome openly, with suspicion. Dark Side users - typical GA warnings apply.
Size: Less than galaxy wide, more than a prison cells capacity...
Equipment: Whatever the members want. Future workings may provide exclusive gear. All members carry a Corellian Bloodsteel minted Jedi Credit that functions like a compass, always pointing them to Corellia.
Codex Links: N/A
Roster: Official List Ongoing, Interest Thread Seen HERE
- @Julius Sedaire - (Insert Leadership title here)
- [member="Corvus Raaf"] - Maybe? Not sure ICly.
- [member="Coci Heavenshield"] - Honorary member from SSC
- [member="Rhen Qel-Droma"]
- [member="Coren Starchaser"] - Someone has to drive the car.
- [member="Aston Jacobs"] - Honorary. Republic Order Padawan.
- [member="Danger Arceneau"] - Not a direct member, or Corellian, but welcome on any of our missions or Enclave related things for her aid in enabling us to visit Corellia.
- [member="Damon Riggs"] - Only account I know for sure... He seemed interested with three alts.
- [member="Katara Starkos"] - NFU ally and welcome guest.
- [member="Judah Lesan"] - Its freaking Strider... Of course he is welcome.
Description[SIZE=9pt]: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=9pt]An enclave of Jedi within the New Jedi Order that opens its' borders to any and all Jedi of any Orders that have ties to Corellia. Known for headstrong [/SIZE]stubbornness[SIZE=9pt], independence, and wisdom, the Enclave sees it as its' mission to protect, prserve, and foster the collective mythos and cultural heritage of the Corellian people, and in particular the prior traditions of its' Force Users. Both Non-Force Users and Force Users are welcome as members, with the primary focus being on Force-Users obviously. [/SIZE]