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Approved Tech Coreplast Hull

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Manufacturer: Werr Drive Yards
Type: Material
Market Status: Closed Market
Production: Minor
Weight: Heavy
Size: N/A
  • Size is frigate and up for hull usage. For stations it would drastically increase their survivability incase they were attacked
  • Depending on desired effect, an outer hull made of whichever metal, a 3m layer of Coreplast sandwiched between an inner hull. Or Coreplast layered on the hull and second hull laid on top.
  • Is relatively easy to retrofit an existing ship with a Coreplast hull
  • The retrofitted ships may need upgrading to reactor, engines, etc to handle the extra weight.
  • Modular: Can be added partly or wholly to a ship. Same on retrofitted ships
  • Hidden: From the outside the hull looks the same as a normal ship. Underneath lies the Coreplast and second hull.
  • Survivability: Ships with Corplast Hull take less internal damage saving crew, materials, and time all around.
  • Weight: It adds a lot of weight to a vessel to have a second hull and Coreplast
  • Selective: In reality frigates could take some of their hulls in Coreplast, but larger ships are better. Unless the systems are upgraded accordingly.
Upon Werr Drive Yards receiving the Coreplast material from their ally Tel'alith Labs the engineers working on survivability of their ships took notice. After some trial and error the first test pieces of the Coreplast Hull system was made. These pieces were moved to their firing grounds to test different weapons seen in the many worlds their subsidiary Werr Shipping and Security travels to regularly. The team settled on three meters of Coreplast as the gold standard of stopping power. Allowing usually the outer hull armor plus the Coreplast to stop most projectiles on the first hit.

Feeling confident enough to entrust their CEO to a ship in the line of fire out in the galaxy, they showed Aurine Werr the range tests which she gave her seal of approval after seeing the test pieces up close. The Teams first construction with a Corplast Hull was a brand new ship for CEO Aurine Werr to use. She settled upon a WDY Providence which got two extra modular sections added, another hanger bay along with a weapons/reactor module. After the Raid on Taris the team set about reinforcing the defensive space stations with Coreplast Hulls.

Out Of Character Info

Intent: To incorporate Coreplast into a ship hull design process
Canon Link: N/A

Technical Information

Affiliation: Werr Dive Yards, Tel'alith Labs, Du'thra Engineering,
Model: WDY-23N "Coreplast Hull"
Modular: Yes
Material: Various metals, Coreplast
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