Star Wars Roleplay: Chaos

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Corey's Sheets


Image Source: Templar of Twilight Wiki?
Intent: To provide a standard Light Repeating Blaster for the Galactic Alliance
Development Thread: If requested
Manufacturer: Merr-Sonn Munitions
Model: Merr-Sonn Power 11r
Affiliation: Galactic Alliance, Open Market
Modularity: Scope
Production: Production: Mass-Produced

Material: Durasteel/Blaster components
Classification: Repeating Blaster Pistol
Size: Hand-held
Length: 0.79 meters
Weight: 3.1 kg
Ammunition Type: Power Cell/Gas Cylinder
Ammunition Capacity: 50 shots per cell/350 per cylinder
Effective Range: 50 meters

Rate of Fire: Semi/Fully Automatic
Special Features:
  • Scope Mount
  • Flashlight
Description: The Merr-Sonn Power-11r is a light repeating blaster designed for soldiers in a special forces teams. Designed to have a quiet firing mechanism and provide heavy fire support from a small weapon, the Power-11r is a fan favorite of tactical teams. This blaster is light weight, quiet and easy to repair in the field.
Primary Source: N/A

Image Source: Wookieepedia Concept Carbine
Intent: To provide a standard Blaster Carbine for the Galactic Alliance
Development Thread: If requested
Manufacturer: Merr-Sonn Munitions
Model: Merr-Sonn Model 76
Affiliation: Galactic Alliance, Open Market
Modularity: Scope, under barrel attachments
Production: Production: Mass-Produced

Material: Durasteel/Blaster components
Classification: Repeating Blaster Carbine
Size: Hand-held
Length: 0.79 meters
Weight: 3.1 kg
Ammunition Type: Power Cell/Gas Cylinder
Ammunition Capacity: 50 shots per cell/350 per cylinder
Effective Range: 150 meters

Rate of Fire: Semi/Fully Automatic
Special Features:
  • Scope Mount
  • Flashlight
  • Under-Barrel rails for concussion grenade launcher, bayonette or flechette launcher
Merr-Sonn Munitions has been building combat weaponry for as long as BlasTech has. This weapon is to be one of the newest entries into the galactic market. Designed to be a lightweight blaster rifle, there is nothing that separates it from the rest of the game as Merr-Sonn is working to bring themselves back into the galactic playing field. The rifle offers a variety of under-barrel attachments to provide the user with the ability to apply some next-level-killing-style to their warfare.

Primary Source: N/A


Image Source: Mass Effect
Intent: To provide a light weight armor for the Starchaser clan
Development Thread: Cortosis -
Duel with Vrag, loss
Manufacturer: Dawn Treader Engineers
Model: Starhawk Armor
Affiliation: Starchaser Clan
Modularity: Minor, ammo packs, weapon hooks
Production: Production:
Semi-Unique - Starchasers

Material: Armorweave outer shell, Neoprene underlay, cortosis/armorplast plating
Classification: Multipurpose
Weight: 7kgs

  • 4 Against Shrapnel/Ballistics
  • 5 Against Radiation
  • 5 Against Lightsabers
  • 4 Against Melee
  • 4 Against Blasters
  • 5 Against Environment/Corrosives
Special Features:
  • Echani Energy Shield Mk2 Belt Unit
  • Forearm mounted holographic datapad (Explorer Datapad)
  • Suit can be sealed against the environment for 2 hours without exertion, 45 minutes combat time (using Nitrox air mixtures to reduce the risk of decompression sickness)
  • Magnetic Attachment on outer thighs for personal weapons (sidearm, knife, lightsaber hilt)
  • Magnetic Attachment on the back for larger ranged weapon
  • HUD Programming can work with datapad, or Lightbringer Sensor Node or combat HUD for coordination by Defense Force, as well as a variety of vision types (Standard, IR, UV, Heat)
  • Miniature survival kit with small first aid kit, water purification tablets and MREs (3 days)
  • Magnetic boots
  • Radiation Detection Dosimeter
Description: While his Vanguard armor, was more protective than this current load out, it was more useful for heavy fighting situations. The situation with that is Coren Starchaser is a highly dexterous character focusing on movement speed, and his limited Force potential, as well as vehicle operations. The Starhawk armor is a light weight, flexible armor that can be moved easily to assist the wearer with his abilities, as well as his need to hop into a vehicle like some sort of armored Spartan warrior to wreck havoc.

Primary Source: NA:

Corey's OOC

And where were the spiders

Image Source: Star Citizen
Affiliation: Galactic Alliance (Military), Open Market (Civilian)
Manufacturer: Silk Holdings
Model: QRC-47 Quick Response Craft
Modularity: Countermeasure
Production: Minor
Material: Alusteel alloy, Glassteel
Classification: Scout/Interceptor
Length: 11.1 meters
Height: 6.8 meters
Width: Body - 3 meters, Wings 6 meters

Armament (Military Version Only):
  • 2 Energy Torpedo Launchers
  • 1 Nose Mounted Triple Blaster
  • 1 Countermeasure Slot
Squadron Count: Launched in teams of 2 for scouting missions, can be a full 12 count squadron

Special Features:
  • Standard Navigation System
  • Standard Shield System
  • Advanced Sensors Suite
  • Advanced Targeting System (Military)
  • Encrypted Communications Array
  • SLAM Engines (Civilian)
  • Ejector Seat
  • Distress Beacon (Calibrated for owner at time of purchase)

Maneuverability Rating: 1
Speed Rating: 1
Hyperdrive Class: 2

  • Very fast
  • Advanced recording equipment, useful for scouting and extreme sports professionals alike.
  • Very light weight, armoring
  • Limited weapons array

The QRC-47 by Silk Holdings is one of the newest offerings on the galactic market. Designed initially as a civilian courier vessel for use with precious cargo and information, as well as a blockade runner, the QRC was designed with speed in mind. On top of this requirement, the use of advanced photometry, LIDAR and multispectral camera equipment was installed in the systems to provide the best in scouting assistance, for both geo-mapping and tracking of enemy ships and locations. Only recently, was the use of these pieces of equipment realized for a military application.

Under the guidance of Commander Coren Starchaser, the engineers at Silk Holdings began to modify the base QRC-47 into the QRF-47, the Quick Response Fighter. Designed to be used as a scout and interceptor, the primary focus of the vessel has not changed, but with the addition of weapons systems, at the sacrifice of the SLAM engines, the QRF-47 has become a standard interceptor and first response craft in Alliance military units

Development Thread: If required
Intent: To provide the Galactic Alliance with a scout/interceptor craft. Also, to create a starfighter sized craft for Silk Holdings customers to use in racing events.
Who Can Use This: People
Primary Source:

Image Source: Star Wars
Affiliation: Chevu Visz
Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corporation - Construction, Galactic Alliance engineers/Coren Starchaser - Modification
Model: Modified VCX-100 Freighter Mirage
Modularity: Yes
Production: Unique
Material: Durasteel, Transparisteel
Classification: Personal Starship
Length: 43.9 meters
Height: 14.5 meters
Width: 34.2 meters

  • Dorsal Quad Laser Cannon Turret (Can be slaved to ships computer
  • Under Cockpit dual heavy laser cannons
  • 2 FlexTube Warhead Launches (6 Warheads each)

Squadron Count: Single

Special Features:
  • Standard Shield System
  • Standard Sensors Array
  • Encrypted Communications Array
  • Advanced Targeting System
  • Computer controlled firing package for turret
  • Standard Life Support System
  • Standard Navigation System
  • Modified storage space to allow for companion starfighter
  • Experimental Radar Jammer
  • Data Thief System
  • Advanced Firewalls
Maneuverability Rating: 4
Speed Rating: 4

Hyperdrive Class: Primary - Class 1.0
Secondary Class 10

  • Computerized Targeting Ability - The turrets can be fired by a computer system, as opposed to pilot, but are also able to be manually fired
  • Experimental Radar Jammer - As this ship is designed for Coren's own apprentice, he is willing to take certain liberties to her vessel and has installed a system that will muck up enemy scanners around the Mirage
  • Additionally, the Mirage boasts a system that can be utilized to break firewalls of navigation buoys and enemy ship computer systems. This allows for a beginner slicer to work like an intermediate, and so on.
  • Advanced Systems - With advanced computing power used for the turrets and the radar jammer system, the Mirage is prey to power fluctuations which may knock out the ship's shields.
  • Not a forward combat vessel - With a light loadout for weaponry and armoring, the Mirage is designed to be a Jedi's home away from home, as opposed to a forward assault vessel, and the Mirage will not do well in long term combat.
  • When used for slicing, the ship needs to be directly interfaced with the enemy vessel, meaning it needs to be docked. Additionally, the ship's weapon systems will be powered down, and its own firewall needs to be turned off, resulting in leaving the ship open to a variety of cyber and physical attacks.

The Mirage is the latest modification of a starship from Coren Starchaser for people under his care. The vessel is pretty standard for a VCX-100 as he is still learning the needs and desires of his apprentice. However, as she is a Jedi Marshal within the new Jedi Order, the Mirage has had part of her cargo hold converted into a meditation/sparring chamber. Systems were personally replaced by preferred systems by Coren Starchaser, and the vessel had undergone a rigorous stress test before being gifted to his apprentice.

Among standard systems, the vessel has been given a system for automating turrets very similar to a vessel he had helped modify for a battlemaster within the New Jedi Order. Beyond this, a radar jamming system was also installed. This system, when active, will scramble the enemy scanners to a particular degree, at minimum changing the Mirage to display as a starfighter, but at maximum causing a serious fluctuation in the radar image at the location of the ship.

Development Thread: If required
Intent: To provide [member="Chevu Visz"] with a personal starship for use.
Who Can Use This: Visz and allies
Primary Source:
[SIZE=14.6667px]Image Source: [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Dark Jedi[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Affiliation[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]: Coren Starchaser, Starchaser clan, Galactic Alliance[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Manufacturer: [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Zonama Sekot Shipbuilders[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Model[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Modularity: [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]No[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Production: [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Unique[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Material:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] Durasteel frame, organic tissue hull, organoform circuits[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Classification:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] Personal Transport[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Length: [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]35 meters[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Width: [/SIZE]55 meters

[SIZE=14.6667px]Height: [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]25 meters[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Armament: [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Two Forward Facing Plasma Cannons[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Hangar: [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Companion Starfighter[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Special Features: [/SIZE]
  • Instinctive Astrogation System
  • Redundant Shield Generation
  • Hybrid Engine/Dovin Basal Propulsion system
  • Standard Sensors Suite
  • Standard Communications Array

[SIZE=14.6667px]Maneuverability Rating: [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]5[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Speed Rating: [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]5[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Hyperdrive Class: [/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Primary Class 1.0[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Secondary Class 10.0[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Strengths:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Force bonded - As the Crosscurrent is Force Bonded to Coren Starchaser, she will not respond as well to other pilots, if other Starchasers pilot her, she will respond, however.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Organic - Crosscurrent is a Sekot ship that was built with a mixture of organic and inorganic parts, as a result, she can resist, but is not immune, to ion and EMP weaponry[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Instinct Astrogation - As a result of the seed partners bonding with Coren, the Crosscurrent can instinctively astrogate.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Weaknesses:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] [/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Force Bonded - Crosscurrent is Force bonded to Coren Starchaser. She will not behave properly for an unrelated pilot, and may not respond at all to certain pilots.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Organocircuits - Crosscurrent is the result of Sekot ship building (similar to Vong Tech) and modern shipbuilding styles, as a result, her circuits and systems may not always work flawlessly, which will cause her to have what can only be described as moodswings.[/SIZE]
  • [SIZE=14.6667px]Living ship - While technically a hybrid, Crosscurrent is very much alive and self aware. She will have the last say in where she is flown and what she is used for.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Description:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] The initial trip to Zonama Sekot was for Coren to find an answer to the issue with his niece and flying. She had an issue with traditional vessels it seemed, so Coren was looking for a non-traditional vessel for her. And while she now has a similar vessel, there was a moment of interest in the pilot when he encountered the Sekot shipbuilders. As a result? Coren paid for two vessels.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]The latter of which was the Crosscurrent, Coren's new Sekot built vessel. [/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]She was formed from a durasteel frame and the standard circuits that made up a Sekot ship, however, made from five unique seed-partners that bonded with the pilot in a ceremony to find how his ship would be built. During the coming days as the seed-partners matured and grew, they bonded with him further, adapting his ability to instinctively astrogate, and his love for the depths of the void.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]A standard transport, Crosscurrent is a work horse. Bright green, as is an apparent norm with Zonama vessels, she has two large nacelles on her port and starboard that house a hybrid of engine and Sekot Dovin Basal. Armed lightly, she has two forward facing plasma cannons, relying on her own speed to protect her from harm.[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]When the weapons are not enough, she is known to carry one of Coren's starfighters, typically his Rassilon, and will pilot herself to safety while the Corellian engages enemies directly. Her interior is very minialist and not meant for prolonged time aboard, but to use as a short term courier vessel.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=14.6667px]Development Thread: [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px][/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Intent: [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] To satisfy a curiosity for Coren Starchaser in ship building[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Who Can Use This: [/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px]Starchasers and allies[/SIZE]
[SIZE=14.6667px]Primary Source:[/SIZE][SIZE=14.6667px] [/SIZE]
Image Source: Photobucket?
Affiliation: Audrey Starchaser, Starchaser family, Galactic Alliance
Manufacturer: Zonama Sekot Shipbuilders
Model: Sekoton Starship Pulsar
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Durasteel frame, organic tissue hull, organoform circuits
Classification: Personal Transport

Length: 13 meters

Width: 6 meters

Height: 3.75 meters

  • Two Plasma Cannons

Hangar: None

Special Features:
  • Able to upload with the program "Miri" from Audrey's Datapad
  • Instinctive Targeting System
  • Reaction Sensors Suite
  • Encrypted Communications Array
  • Dovin Basal "Shield" System
  • Navigation System

Maneuverability Rating: 5
Speed Rating: 5
Hyperdrive Class:
  • Class 1 (Primary)
  • Class 10 (Secondary)

  • Force bonded - Pulsar is bonded to Audrey Starchaser and will not perform well for other pilots.
  • Primarily organic - Even more so than her sister, Crosscurrent, Pulsar is mainly organic with internal electronic systems.
  • Bonding - As Audrey is growing attached to her simulated intellgence that is housed in her datapad known as Miri, Pulsar allows for the program to assist with ship systems.
Weaknesses: (
  • Organic - As a living creature, Pulsar needs special care and treatment. When it comes to housing and repairs, a special case is made to ensure the fighter's survival.
  • Organic - As a living creature, the fighter also has a self-preservation mentality and will supersede Audrey's abilities and demands if it puts the vessel in definite danger, so long as it will not cause harm to Audrey.

Description: Pulsar was born from the same Sekot shipyard as Coren Starchaser's Crosscurrent and in a way the two vessels are sisters, created from the seed pods that had matched to the niece and uncle, from the same common ancestor. While Audrey did match with an astonishing 8 seed-partners, the ship that was formed for her was much more a fighter, perhaps to echo Crosscurrent's ability to carry one fighter analog with it. Primarily, Pulsar is echoing Yuuzhan Vong Yorik-Ets, but is created from Zonama Sekot and has its own Force signature. As with other Sekotan ships, Pulsar has bonded with Audrey Starchaser and will not fly well for other pilots. Small, and using advanced Dovin Basals, she is able to get in and out of combat zones with ease, while surviving.

Pulsar understand's Audrey's weak piloting ability, and will work to compensate this on her own.

Development Thread:
Intent: To provide a starship that will work well with Audrey Starchaser
Who Can Use This: Starchasers
Primary Source:

Image Source: Star Wars
Intent: To flesh out a line of lightweight able to be fired from the hip, disruptor weapon.
Development Thread: If required
Manufacturer: Unknown Black Market Dealer
Model: DR-5 Disruptor
Affiliation: Black Market, The Tiburons
Modularity: No
Production: Semi-Unique (6)
Material: Armorplast housing, disruptor blast generating parts
Classification: Blaster
Size: Handheld
Length: 0.65 meters
Weight: 4.2 kg
Ammunition Type: Power Cell
Ammunition Capacity: 6
Effective Range: 20 meters
Rate of Fire: Single Action
Special Features:
  • Pump Action
  • Disruptor Rounds
  • Short Range
  • Light Weight for the pack it punches
Description: The DR5 Disruptor is a unique weapon that was created in some black market hellhole or another. Coren Starchaser had chased down a lead on a gunrunner who was specializing in a variety of weaponry, most of it illegal. As a Warden of the Sky, he was tasking himself with removing the gunman from the skyways, but as a soldier with a war to fight, he knew he needed a new trick up his sleeve. "Liberating" a crate of these weapons, he was impressed by their power. The gun needed to be charged up, which was done through the pump-action, typically three pumps would disintegrate flesh, five could handle the majority of mass produced armor. Even a single pump, however, has enough concussive force in its blast to knock an enemy onto their back.

The weapon is not expected to be a primary weapon, but a side arm replacement in the field. This weapon is typically paired with a more conventional weapon. With a limited range and a limited ammunition capacity, its cons may outweigh the pros of taking one into the battlefield, but for anyone who enjoys the chance of disintegrating their foes on the battlefield? This is the weapon for you.

Primary Source: NA
Image Source: (Please link to where you found the image, or to the original artist if possible. TinEye or Google Image Search can help.)
Intent: To provide a stun-collar to be used on prisoners of the Galactic Alliance
Development Thread: If required
Manufacturer: Galactic Alliance Security Engineers
Model: Stun Collar MkII.
Affiliation: Galactic Alliance
Modularity: No
Production: Production: Minor
Material: Phrik (To dev), electronics, stun burst tech
The Stun Collar MkII. is the second variation of a stun collar that was commisioned in private by Coren Starchaser before his exodus from the Galactic Alliance. Feeling that the Jedi were going to be dealing more with talking and discussion with Sith rather than prisoner execution, the then-Commander understood that maybe the Sith could be turned to work with the Alliance. That was the reason for the Stun Collar MkI. However, the charges (much to Coren's dismay) were deemed too powerful to be used on a sentient being and the Stun Collar Mk II. was born. Used to track and disable war assets that get out of hand, all beings under house arrest that may be useful in the field are assigned one of these, and they are locked with a very powerful electromagnet. One person is given the controls of the collar and is deemed the 'handler' for the 'asset.' Simply put, they can knock out an asset that gets out of hand, in order to properly restrain them for transport back to the brig.
Primary Source: NA
Corporation Name: Starchaser Enterprises

[SIZE=10.5pt]Headquarters:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] Laekia, Sullust[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Locations:[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt] The [/SIZE]]Dawn Treader, Sullust, Laekia

[SIZE=10.5pt]Operations[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: Starship Modification, Exploration/Charters[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Rationale[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: With start up money from working among Silk Holdings, and as an exploration pilot for both the Coalition's Frontiers Corps and for AEI, Coren Starchaser had started to funnel funds back into the Dawn Treader to allow for larger projects to be undertaken in both starship modification as well as space exploration and private military contracts that would be handled.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Tier[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: 2[/SIZE]
[SIZE=10.5pt]Description[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: Starchaser Enterprises is a small business that will focus very heavily on three main components. Starting out as a minor project for Coren Starchaser, the first angle is that of starship modification. This can range from completely rebuilding older models of ships, to fabrication of original vessels from constructed parts. The main use is to update older vessels and personalize ships. This isn't neon lights and carbon fiber wings, this is internal systems and hardware.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Additionally, as the Starchaser clan is infamous for being a family centered around starships and exploration. Coren himself was and still is a wanderer between the stars. Most of the family and other pilots they've existed around on the Dawn Treader, are of the same mind set and will take exploration jobs, to help map the galaxy as well as the planets that are uncovered. In conjunction with these trips, Starchaser Enterprises accept charters of a multitude of disciplines, taking them where they need to go and returning them home, as if they were precious cargo.[/SIZE]

[SIZE=10.5pt]Subsidiaries[/SIZE][SIZE=10.5pt]: None[/SIZE]

Primary Source: NA

Image Source: Star Wars, then Sean edited
Affiliation: Coren Starchaser
Manufacturer: Incom Corporation (Construction), Starchaser Enterprises (Modification), Shule's Workshop (Jaly Shey Enhancement)
Model: Snapper
Modularity: No
Production: Unique
Material: Reinforced Alusteel shell, Durasteel Alloy Hull and Frame
Length: 9.6 meters
Height: 3.11 meters
Width: 6.48 meters

  • Two Laser Cannons
  • Two Energy Torpedo Launchers

Squadron Count: 12

Special Features:
  • Standard Targeting System
  • Standard Navigation System
  • Standard Shield Generator
  • Standard Sensors Array
  • Encrypted Military Communications Suite
  • Standard Countermeasure Suit
  • TE-413 Fusial Engines
  • Jal Shey enhanced to allow for greater Focus
  • Jal Shey enhanced to allow for greater Serenity
  • Jal Shey enhanced to provide Coren resistance to enemy battle meditation
  • Lexi Simulated Intelligence capable (See ShortFin)
  • iBorg Liberation Module Ready

Maneuverability Rating: 2
Speed Rating: 2
Hyperdrive Class:
  • Primary: Class 2.0
  • Secondary: Class 10.0

  • Speedy
  • Alchemized to provide Coren with greater focus, serenity and resistance to enemy battle meditation
  • Is an A-Wing, very light of frame and hull
  • Light shields

Description: Always experimenting with starships, and after a trip to Zonama Sekot, Master Pilot Coren Starchaser had but one more thing to do. Meld the Force itself with a starfighter. And that is exactly what the this fighter is for. Known to Coren as the Snapper, this fighter is the pilots first attempt to have a ship alchemized. A rebuild and upgrade of an A-Wing was performed by Coren's team at Starchaser Enterprises, that is based on the Dawn Treader, Starchaser's home-ship. While systems were upgraded and armor was reinforced to the current era, Coren modified two TE-413 Fusial Engines, to mimic Event Horizon engines in thrust and capability, while holding onto the stealth of the ship.

Finally, the ship was taken, carried by Coren's main ship, with pieces and parts to Yavin IV, to meet with the Jal Shey on the Workshop.

Development Thread:

Intent: To do something that's never been done before
Who Can Use This: Coren Starchaser
Primary Source:

Image Source: Starmade Warhammer?
Affiliation: Galactic Alliance, Dreadguard
Manufacturer: The Galactic Alliance, Silk Holdings
Model: The Malleus Maleficarum
Modularity: Yes, through development
Production: Semi-Unique
Material: Desh-Terenthium Frame, Reinforced Alusteel hull, Glasteel Viewports
Classification: Assault Destroyer

Length: 1500m
Width: 350m
Height: 475m

  • 20 Heavy Turbolasers
  • 20 Heavy Mass-Accelerator Cannons
  • 20 Flextube Warhead Launchers
  • 20 Flak Cannons
  • 40 Quad Laser Turrets

  • One Interceptor Squadron (12 Alliance Interceptors)
  • One Superiority Squadron (12 X-Wings)
  • One Assault Squadron (12 B-Wings)
  • One Gunship Squadron (6 Gunships)
  • 12 Assorted Landing Craft

Special Features:
  • Standard Life Support
  • Reinforced Hull
  • Encrypted Military Communications Array
  • Advanced Sensors Suite
  • Standard Navigation System
  • Numerous training rooms
  • Standard Targeting System
  • Escape Pods
  • Dread Guard Only Communications Option
  • Dread Guard Deployment System (Drop Pod cannons)

Maneuverability: 7
Speed Rating: 7

Hyperdrive Class:
  • Class 2.5 Primary
  • Class 10 Secondary

  • Reinforced hull provides the Prelate the ability to withstand attacks even when shields are disabled
  • Contains The Dread Guard
  • This vessel is not strictly a military ship, while it can hold its own against similar vessels, it is a training vessel
  • Lower gun count than similar vessels to make room for a drop pod firing system

Description: (Describing your submission's history is optional. Please provide a detailed account or link of each special feature that is listed in this submission. All miscellaneous descriptive elements go here, such as Cargo Capacity, Passengers, Consumables, Crew, etc.. There is no requirement for amount of words here so long as you meet the minimum requirements for your special features.)

Development Thread: If required
Intent: To provide a mobile base of operations for the Dreadguard
Who Can Use This: Galactic Alliance, Dread Guard
Primary Source: NA
Bestine-Kinyen-Ord Vaug-Bomis Koori is my "Triangle Race"

Suarbi, Malastare, Omwat is my "Eastern Front"

Belsavis, Javin, Bespin, Anoath is my "Western Front"

Vassek and Annaj is my "Building on the Bones of the Fringe" campaign

Image Source: You get three guesses
Affiliation: Members of the Jedi
Manufacturer: Corellian Engineering Corp (Updating a Rendili Vehicle Corps vessel)
Model: Defender-Class Light Corvette
Modularity: Yes
Production: Minor - Jedi
Material: Durasteel, Transparisteel, Starship Components

Classification: Light Corvette/Personal Transport

Length: 100 m
Width: 73m
Height: 32 m
  • 2 Dual Turbolaser Turrets
  • 5 Quad Laser Turrets
  • 2 Flextube Warhead Launchers (10 warheads)

  • 1 Companion Starfighter (Interceptor or Light Starfighter)
  • 2 Speeder bikes

Special Features:
  • Standard Life Support
  • Standard Targeting System
  • Advanced Navigation System
  • Advanced Shielding
  • Encrypted Military Communications Array and Distress Beacon
  • Standard Sensors Suite

Maneuverability Rating: 5
Speed Rating: 5
Hyperdrive Class:
  • Class 1.5 (Primary)
  • Class 10.0 (Secondary)
  • Advanced Shields (Ray and Particle)
  • Powerful Engines
  • Limited Offensive Weapons Array
  • Bulky ship
Description: With Fondor being cleared from the pirates who were hoping to control the world, and being pulled into the Galactic Alliance, Corellian Engineering Corps had understood the need to provide certain beings with a strike vessel. As a result, CEC was going through their substantial backlog of the company's history, as well as the history of vessels created on Corellian. Selecting the one that most fit the idea they were looking for, the Defender-class light corvette was brought up. Used during some ancient war as a means to provide Jedi with a base of operations, it has been rebuilt, upgraded and buffed up to meet the standards of starships.

Created for the New Jedi Order, by way of the Galactic Alliance, it is granted to Jedi who have reached the rank of Knight and need a vessel capable of dealing with nearly anything that comes her way.

Development Thread: If required
Intent: To provide a capable vessel for Jedi Knights to use on missions across the galaxy.
Who Can Use This: Force Users sponsored by the Galactic Alliance, Knight Rank and Above
Primary Source:

Image Source: Fer De Lance - Elite Dangerous (Game)
Affiliation: Galactic Alliance
Manufacturer: Galactic Alliance with aid from Silk Holdings
Model: Defender-Class Light Corvette
Modularity: Yes
Production: Limited - Agents and VIPs
Material: Alusteel, Glasteel, Starship Components
Classification: Personal Transport

Length: 76m
Width: 24m
Height: 22m
  • Dorsal-mounted dual laser turret (carried internally)
  • Ventral-mounted dual laser turret (carried internally)
  • Two forward facing laser cannons (carried internally)
  • Two forward facing flextube warhead launchers (carried internally)
  • Two swoop bikes
  • One airspeeder

Special Features:

Maneuverability Rating: 4
Speed Rating: 4
Hyperdrive Class:
  • Class 0.75 (Primary)
  • Class 10.0 (Secondary)
  • Low Sensors Profile
  • Agile
  • Silk Module Array
  • Limited weaponry
  • Limited armoring
  • Slower subspace speeds to protect stealth systems
  • High power requirements
Description: The way the galaxy has been moving, it was clear to the high command of the Galactic Alliance that something needed to be done for the men and women who were putting their lives on the line every day. The Alliance, while hosting their own Jedi tradition in the New Jedi Order, and dealing with a variety of non-Jedi traditions in the government's ranks, did not forget who were the real heroes of this story, the non-Force users who were willing to go against the gods of the galaxy on a day to day basis. As a result, they had contacted several known ship designers, including Coren Starchaser.

Starchaser immediately went to the team he worked with at Silk Holdings, and the engineers from the Dawn Treader to take the systems they fine tuned with the ShortFin and produce it in a just-as-effective-but-cheaper method. The result was the Shadow-class transport. Armed with light weaponry to not overclock the ship's powerplant, the Shadow contains several Silk Holdings modules to protect the pilots and agents. Mix this in with the radar absorbent materials and strange angles, and the Shadow is a very useful transport for getting agents and other members of the Alliance where they need to go without attracting too much attention.

Development Thread: If required
Intent: To provide a capable vessel for non-Force using agents, dignitaries and representatives of the Galactic Alliance
Who Can Use This: Non Force Using members of the Alliance
Primary Source:

Image Source:,fl_progressive,q_80,w_800/1259471464864621892.jpg
Affiliation: Open Market, Galactic Alliance Privateers
Manufacturer: Silk Holdings
Model: Mynock Hunter - Corvette
Modularity: Yes
Production: Minor
Material: Heavy Durasteel Alloy, Transparisteel, Starship Components

Classification: Heavy Freighter/Balanced Corvette

Length: 156 m

Width: 79 m

Height: 35 m

  • 2 Heavy Ion Cannon Batteries
  • 2 Dual Turbolaser Batteries
  • 2 Forward Facing FlexTube Warhead Launcher (10 Warheads)
  • 1 Ventral Mounted FlexTube Warhead Launcher (6 Warheads)
  • 2 Flak Cannons
  • 3 Quad Laser Turrets

  • 2 Small shuttles

Special Features:
  • Standard Life Support System
  • Standard Navigation System
  • Standard Communications Array (Encrypted Array for Alliance Models)
  • Standard Targeting System
  • Advanced Sensors Suite
  • Heavy Armor
  • Angular Engines

Maneuverability Rating: 8
Speed Rating: 8
Hyperdrive Class:
  • Primary: Class 1.25
  • Backup: Class 10.0

  • Heavy Armor that can take a beating
  • Wide Array of Weapons
  • Large Cargo Hold
  • Modular Interior
  • Average Sublight Speed for its class
  • Not enough of one type of weapon to do much serious damage quickly
  • Not a primary attack vessel

Description: What we have here is the latest in a long line of ugly freighters from Silk Holdings. Technically a light corvette, the Mynock Hunter is a large break-bulk freighter that is capable of filling several roles. Slightly inspired by the historic Rebel Transport, the Mynock Hunter is capable of carrying whatever someone needs wherever they want it to go. One advancement it makes it a strange array of weaponry, perhaps the first modification a captain and their crew make to this vessel is the weapons loadout. Of course, the point and purpose to the vessel is to allow for modulation on all facets around its space frame and it is rare to see two identical Mynock Hunters in the same system.

Development Thread: If required
Intent: To create a new line of heavy freighters for use by privateers and pirates
Who Can Use This: Open Market Purchase/Alliance Privateers
Primary Source: NA
Image Source: Some Sci-Fi moivie. I think Star Wars
Intent: To Factory-Define Coren Starchaser's astromech
Development Thread: If required
Manufacturer: Industrial Automaton (Production) Porter (Modifications)
Model: R6 Series Astromech - R6-C5 - 'Porter'
Affiliation: Coren Starchaser
Modularity: Minor
Production:Production: Unique

Material: Durasteel, astromech parts
Classification: Second
Weight: Appropriate weight kilograms
Height: 0.96 meters
Movement: Bipedal/Three-leg wheels

  • Sawzall
  • Circular Saw
  • Arc Welder
  • Stun Shot
Misc. Equipment:
  • Scanning equipment including RADAR, SONAR and LIDAR capability
  • Able to port into a variety of ships, through Starchaser Enterprises modifications
  • Military Firewall Encrypter and Decrypter
Description: Porter is the simple retcon of Coren Starchaser's R6 series astromech droid. This unit had served him in a previous life, before he lost his memories and was left in carbonite. With its partner having been reawakened, Porter began following Coren around, providing additional support with modifications and repairs of a number of starships, and most importantly, being Coren's tech support when it came to breaking into secure mainframes, or even opening locked doors. As Starchaser is of the shoot-first school of thought, he did need the unit to help slow his roll, as it were. Providing a detached and mechanical way of looking at the world, Porter is known to give Coren advice to prolong the hero's existence, even if the Corellian doesn't always listen. The unit is known to break programming, having not undergone a memory wipe in nearly two decades, and complete modifications on itself, most notably, the addition of a very limited number (due to long recharge times) of stun shots in case the unit finds itself in a hostile environment. Further, Porter is capable of piloting a ship, especially if that ship is linked to the Lexi simulated intelligence used on Coren's gunship, the ShortFin.
Primary Source:
[member="Odelia Starchaser"]

Image Source: Andromeda Game
Affiliation: Odelia Starchaser
Manufacturer: Nubian Shipyards (Production), Starchaser Enterprises (Modifications
Model: Custom Shuttle Stellar Wind
Modularity: Minor
Production: Unique
Material: Polish Alusteel, Glasteel, Starship Component
Classification: Personal Shuttle
Length: 42 meters
Height: 28 meters
Width: 31 meters (body) 47 meters (outriggers)

  • Two Forward Facing Triple Laser Cannons
  • One Dual Cannon Heavy Laser Turret
  • Two Flextube missile launchers

Squadron Count: N/A

Special Features:
  • Advanced Sensors Array
  • Standard Navigation System
  • Standard Shield Array
  • Encrypted Communications Array
  • Standard Targeting System
  • Starchaser-enhanced Sound System
  • Cup Holders
  • SLAM Engines

Maneuverability Rating: 4
Speed Rating: 4
Hyperdrive Class:
  • Primary: Class 0.5
  • Secondary: Class 10.0

  • ​Agile
  • Fast
  • Weak armor
  • Easily recognized ship

Description: When the Starchaser clan began discussions with Odi to have her join Coren her one request was that she have a ship designed for her. She wanted a ship that she could pilot on her own if needed, but could also hold a small crew, co-pilot/navigator, and weapons officer. She also wanted to be able to carry refugees away, or a small team into a hot zone. She wanted it to be sleek and fast with a design that represented her and her family. The ship has living quarters for three, the Captains quarters, Co-pilot and weapons officer when needed.There is a small area with a medical droid for emergencies and fold out exam table. There is a meeting room that also has a galley where consumables can be stored, or fresh food stuffs can be prepared. There is also a closet used as an armory that holds 6 blasters, two blaster rifles, assortment of grenades, Odi’s staff and whip.

Cargo Capacity – 150 metric tons

Passengers – can carry 5 passengers or more if they squeeze into every space.

Consumables – 3 months.

Crew can have a compliment of 3 including the Pilot.
Development Thread:If Required
Intent: To provide Odelia Starchaser with her unique vessel
Who Can Use This: [member="Odelia Starchaser"] and allies
Primary Source:

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