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Character Corhaa Iredunn: Lady Magna of House Iredunn

Corhaa Iredunn

Age75 GSY
Force SensitiveCorhaa is indeed force sensitive


Corhaa stands tall, usually walks with a sort of grace and elegance with every step she takes. Corhaa normally had two long beautiful horns but one was chopped off due to an incident. The remaining horn is decorated red and golden jewelry. Corhaa has golden jewelry engraved into her body and cheeks as well, along with the glowing golden tattoos that many Xeranni Iredani have. Corhaa also has the Mark of Areanor that periodically appears above her forehead but unfortunately is dormant most of the time. Instead she also carries a hard copy of her Mark of Araenor, gifted to her by an Exarch to help provide proof of her nobility. Her hair is also long and white.


Physical Copy of Mark of Araenor
A Golden Argunnite Crystal Staff
A Crystal Holocommunicator
A small photo of her late wife


Corhaa believes in the mutual enrichment between cooperating species. There are many things that the Iredani can teach others and in return they could teach the Iredani. Yet despite this optimistic outlook on the galaxy, Corhaa is very protective of her family and kin. They are never far from her mind and always in the top of her priorities. Corhaa also firmly believes in the advancement of the crystal technologies her people, to which will then only improve the security and life of the Iredani.


Aristocratic Mannerisms- Corhaa is a refined individual, with an elegant demeanor. She has experience in hosting high society guests, and even the shrewd aristocratic politics that come with it. Thus she has knowledge to strike deals to help benefit her House, family, and people with various other entities in the galaxy.

Natural Leadership- Corhaa has an aura about her. She is a good public speaker and able to make her people believe they can achieve anything. She is a constant source of inspiration and strength for House Iredunn

Innovator- Corhaa is always pushing for new exotic technologies to be developed. To see what kind of things can be made with their Argunnite crystals.


Weak Force Powers- Even though Corhaa is Force Sensitive, the powers she wield are not as impressive as one might think. She will need more time and training to to focus her powers more.

Kin And Family- Directly threatening Corhaa's family, House, friends, or kin can make the woman sing a different tune. Her heart happens to be a bit too big for this cruel galaxy, which can easily be exploited.

Born on her home planet of Araenor, Corhaa was not amongst the nobility at all. She was the 3rd daughter of a farming family, who made their money by selling fruits that made in their orchards. For a short awhile, that was to be Corhaa's life. Until it was discovered she had gifts. These newfound gifts landed her into an academy where the Iredani cultivated people who had acquired these gifts. There wasn't a proper term for gifted Iredani. Instead they were instead treated as a special wing of the Iredani armed forces, focusing on more so offensive abilities. Yet these gifted Iredani were also taught engineering and many would go on to research further into Argunnite crystals. Corhaa would continue her training when her people started to reach more out to the galaxy.

They made contact with the Aetharians and trade relations were formed. However the highly xenophobic nature of the Aetharians, made such long last alliances or even agreements near impossible. Not to mention the Iredani were a proud race and they did not take kindly to the snobbish attitudes of the Aetharians. Corhaa however would fall in love with an Aetharian noble girl. Both of them envisioned their people working together rather than being coldly indifferent with each other. Corhaa would marry her love, joining House Iredunn.

Yet this honeymoon period won't last forever. Corhaa and her wife did alot of bridging between the Iredani and the Aetharians despite the backlash from both races. They would do this for years, even moving their House to a small tropical moon, orbiting a gas giant. From there they began to lay the foundations of a great city where Iredani and Aetharians lived together in harmony. Tragedy would strike when Corhaa's father in law would attempt to assassinate her, instead just taking a horn off of the woman. Her beloved took the killing blow, but also killed the assailant in the process.

It has been a couple years since that moment, but Corhaa continues her vision of a better galaxy.

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